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Showing posts with label Gods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gods. Show all posts

Sunday, March 12, 2006

peter senge and the theory and practice of the learning organization

when there is a will there is a way!!! lol...
peter senge and the theory and practice of the learning organization: "The dimension that distinguishes learning from more traditional organizations is the mastery of certain basic disciplines or component technologies. The five that Peter Senge identifies are said to be converging to innovate learning organizations. They are:
Systems thinking
Personal mastery
Mental models
Building shared vision
Team learning
He adds to this recognition that people are agents, able to act upon the structures and systems of which they are a part. All the disciplines are, in this way, concerned with a shift of mind from seeing parts to seeing wholes, from seeing people as helpless reactors to seeing them as active participants in shaping their reality, from reacting to the present to creating the future (Senge 1990: 69). It is to the disciplines that we will now turn."

Building shared vision. Peter Senge starts from the position that if any one idea about leadership has inspired organizations for thousands of years, ‘it’s the capacity to hold a share picture of the future we seek to create’ (1990: 9). Such a vision has the power to be uplifting – and to encourage experimentation and innovation. Crucially, it is argued, it can also foster a sense of the long-term, something that is fundamental to the ‘fifth discipline’.
When there is a genuine vision (as opposed to the all-to-familiar ‘vision statement’), people excel and learn, not because they are told to, but because they want to. But many leaders have personal visions that never get translated into shared visions that galvanize an organization… What has been lacking is a discipline for translating vision into shared vision - not a ‘cookbook’ but a set of principles and guiding practices.
The practice of shared vision involves the skills of unearthing shared ‘pictures of the future’ that foster genuine commitment and enrolment rather than compliance. In mastering this discipline, leaders learn the counter-productiveness of trying to dictate a vision, no matter how heartfelt. (Senge 1990: 9)
Visions spread because of a reinforcing process. Increased clarity, enthusiasm and commitment rub off on others in the organization. ‘As people talk, the vision grows clearer. As it gets clearer, enthusiasm for its benefits grow’ (ibid.: 227). There are ‘limits to growth’ in this respect, but developing the sorts of mental models outlined above can significantly improve matters. Where organizations can transcend linear and grasp system thinking, there is the possibility of bringing vision to fruition

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Plants Eavesdrop for Defense Purposes - Yahoo! News

So talking to plants is all about smell... lol.... science is getting closer and closer... lol...

Plants Eavesdrop for Defense Purposes - Yahoo! News:
LiveScience Staff
Mon Mar 6, 2:00 PM ET
When sagebrush is damaged by insects, it broadcasts the predator's presence by releasing odors into the air. Other sagebrush pick up on the smells from their wounded brethren and get their defenses going. Turns out wild tobacco plants eavesdrop on these signals.

The tobacco uses the knowledge to fortify its own defenses. Then it waits to deploy the arsenal if and only if the insect attacks. By holding off on deployment, the tobacco retains vital energy for other important tasks.
The proteins and chemicals used for defense contain nitrogen and carbon, which also are needed to produce seeds. It's a classic guns vs. butter tradeoff.

'By priming its defense response the plant is not investing resources before it is actually attacked,' said Andre Kessler, an assistant professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at Cornell University. 'This could be a crucial mechanism of plant-plant communication.'"

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Spirituality eBooks Offer Answers.

Downloaded this free e-book and I felt like DEE talking. Wow have I said that a million times, course then I also LIVE like Dougie going along where everything I need to do just opens up to me... lol... or CLOSES when necessary! I'm sending this to Indoma, Laura and Joyce, they might be able to publish there too... lol...

Spirituality eBooks Offer Answers.: " 'Message of Spirit' eBook Free
A manual for your mind! In this ebook, ten authors and mind power experts share their secrets to experiencing real, true freedom, health and happiness using spiritual tools. You'll want to share this free ebook with others as you discover different methods of healing all aspects of your life!
Read more and download the ebook here. "

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Institute for the Study of Latin America and the Caribbean

Institute for the Study of Latin America and the Caribbean: "UPCOMING EVENTS
February 15:
'A Death Foretold in the Times of Cholera' (Lecture)
February 16:
'4 Ahaw Dates and Maya Creation Mythology: A View from Postclassic and Colonial Yucatec Maya Literature' (Lecture)
February 20 :
'The Maya Living Dead: Emerging from the White-Bone Snake ' (Lecture)
February 21 :
'Maya Caves and Cosmological Conceptions of Health & Illness: Not 'What' but 'Who'' (Lecture)
February 22 :
'State Power against Social Power in Bahia, Brazil' (Lecture)
The Institute for the Study of Latin America and the Caribbean (ISLAC) forms part of International Affairs at USF. Our faculty and staff provide for an integrated and multi and interdisciplinary approach of current and historical environmental, economic, social, political and cultural traits and trends in the region, in the larger context of the Americas. The latter is seen as a complex geopolitical configuration, where its constituent populations (Indigenous, Euro-American, and African-American) interact in real and imaginary time and space.
Numerous units and programs on campus cover discrete parts of this selective interest pertaining to Latin American and Caribbean Studies: History, Anthropology, Government and International Affairs, Humanities, World Language Education, Economics, Arts, and many others. However, none of these study the area, or its populations, as an integrated ontological whole. Our mission is to provide for a common ground and intellectual/conceptual and epistemological meeting place to study the abovementioned phenomena."

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Central Doctrines of Tibetan Buddhism

Auxilary to this?? Maybe it is that the emptiness mearly implies existance is based on the cooperation of all things. The only definition and separtion of one thing to the next is caused simply by all these things Being here. Mab has chosen to be separate. The nothingness of the mind, where we hold onto no particular reality creates the "space" for allowing other things to be, and subject their beingness onto the mind.... whereby we can know all things. So the nothingness brings the beingness of everything into us.... So "what we do an think in our own lives becomes of extreme importance as it affects everything we are connected to."*

Central Doctrines of Tibetan Buddhism: "The philosophical outlook of all four Schools of Tibetan Buddhism is the Mahayana doctrine of emptiness. On this view, all things and events are said to be devoid of any intrinsic and absolute existence. They come into being due to the aggregation of multiple causes and conditions. Not only is their material existence dependent upon other factors, even their very identity as they are is contingent upon other factors, such as language, thought and concepts that together make up worldly convention. This absence of intrinsic existence and intrinsic identity is what is referred to as 'emptiness' and is considered to be the ultimate truth of all things and events. One of the most profound implications of this theory of emptiness is that it suggests that all things and events come into being only by means of a process of dependent origination. They are dependent upon other factors, and this fundamental truth about the nature of reality is understood best through a language of interdependence and interrelationship of things."

*Lama, D., H.H. (2005). The Universe in a Single Atom: The Convergence of Science and Spirituality (1 ed.). New York: Morgan Road Books.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Rational Spirituality

Rational Spirituality: "The Natural Systems Thinking Process (NSTP) is a methodology in applied ecopsychology. Webstring Science is a hypothesis of the attraction relationships that underlie the interconnected structure of reality. Webstring Science provides a framework for how the natural universe communicates its multi-sensory intelligence through the Web of Life. The scientific underpinnings are drawn from both current and ancient thought in the physical, natural and social sciences, and held together with current thinking in systems science.

When one examines the results of evidence from the above fields, the inescapable conclusion is that attraction relationships hold everything from sub-atomic particles to ecosystems to economic systems together.

The basis of the concept of Love on a Universal scale is that love starts as allurement, which is a form of attraction. This basic binding energy is found everywhere in reality. It is, for example, the beginning of the attraction sense of love of community. The activity of attraction is both the creation of being and the enhancement of life.

Attraction relationships can be seen as the manifestations of a 5th Force within quantum mechanics, what Ervin Lazslo refers to as the subtle field. This subtle energy field that guides the cosmological evolutionary lifeforce is a Nameless, Intelligent, Attraction Love known by its acronym NIAL within the NSTP. Webstrings, taken from the experiential Web of Life model used by environmental educators, are the attraction relationships that bond quarks and biosystems. NIAL is the underlying field itself.

As a method of psychologically therapeutic healing NSTP can have an extremely consciously profound effect and may even become a life altering experience for an individual. Some people express their experiences with Nature as a mental well-being with increased measures of self worth and esteem, others as a spiritual awakening or appreciation of Nature, of finding or sensing their Higher Power. Some people talk about experiencing a personal wholeness or a meaningful fulfillment in honoring the integrity and the unity of Nature. Others say they've learned that the greatest good can be simply to enjoy life and cause no undue harm, and then perhaps to take the next step: to constructively contribute to the community of all life in a harmonious actualization of balanced co-creative evolution."

Official Site of Dr. Bruce Lipton, cellular biologist and acclaimed speaker

Official Site of Dr. Bruce Lipton, cellular biologist and acclaimed speaker: "Author Dr. Bruce Lipton is a former medical school professor (University of Wisconsin) and research scientist (Stanford University School of Medicine).His experiments, examining in great detail the molecular mechanisms by which cells process information, have revealed that genes do not in fact control our behavior, instead, genes are turned on and off by influences outside the cell.
These influences include our perceptions and beliefs. He shows that our beliefs, true or false, positive or negative, affect genetic activity and actually alter our genetic code. Dr. Lipton's profoundly hopeful work, being hailed as one of the major breakthroughs in the New Sciences, shows how we can retrain our consciousness to create healthy beliefs, and by doing so create a profoundly positive effect on our bodies and our lives."

Saturday, August 13, 2005

7 Power Centers

Guided Tour - Part 2: "The concept of an invisible network linking us all together was once considered 'new agey' or 'way out.' In fact, for the first ten years I was sharing the concept with others, there was absolutely no scientific evidence documenting it -- just anecdotal and experiential evidence.

Now, however, scientists from all over the world, including Harvard University, Stanford Research Institute, and various other private institutions have recently documented its existence. The technical term most often used to describe it is 'The Zero Point Field.'
In my earlier work, I called it 'the invisible network,' but in the new 7 Power Centers of Life work, I also refer to it as 'The Field.'

Haven't there been times when you knew something was going to happen before it happened? There have been times when you knew who was calling before you picked up the phone, haven't there?

Maybe you've had the experience of knowing what someone else was thinking or what they were going to say before they said it. You've had "hunches" or insights you labeled as coming from intuition, sixth-sense, instinct, gut, etc. -- that proved to be accurate, haven't you?
Where do you think the knowledge in those situations came from?

Stare at anyone, even through a car window at a stoplight, and they'll turn to look directly at you. They'll "feel" you staring at them, and know exactly which way to turn their head to lock eyes with you. How do you think they know you're looking at them, which direction to turn their head, and where to focus their eyes?

7 Power Centers of Life Guided Tour - Part 5: "every course, interaction and 'touch point' with The Ultimate Lifestyle Academy: Humility and a true desire to serve. In other words, The Ultimate Lifestyle Academy is an 'ego free zone'

No fluff, nonsense, or hype -- just grounded and proven Truth that works and truly helps you transform your life

I want to change lives and empower people on a massive scale throughout the world. I want to have maximum impact on those whose lives I'm able to touch. "

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Go for it Dalai Lama They all need your help!!

“Davidson is a respectable scientist,” he says, “but he has put his respectability on the line with this.” Davidson defends his work as the first step in a new field. “Meditation research is in its infancy,” he says. He helped to arrange the Dalai Lama’s talk at the SfN meeting, to be held on 12–16 November. He says that criticism of the lecture on scientific grounds is misplaced, because the Dalai Lama is not claiming to be a scientist. “He merely wants to increase scientific attention on the topics that he thinks are important for human welfare,” Davidson says. The lecture is the first in a new series organized by the SfN, billed as “dialogues between neuroscience and society”.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

All misdeeds great and small

I wonder who paid for this study...
Article 1: "Public trust in the integrity and ethical behavior of scholars must be maintained if research is to continue to play its proper role in our university and society.'

Item 2: The US Office of Research Integrity recently made changes to its ethics rules, including "reviewing" as part of its definition of misconduct--meaning a reviewer who plagiarizes an application for federal funding can be charged with misconduct. The change is apparently inspired by allegations of plagiarism in peer reviewers of applications for NIH funds.

Crisis? Again, no; again, vigilance is required and the occasional miscreants should be "named and shamed."

Item 3: A commentary with the tantalizing title 'Scientists behaving badly.' (3) This turns out not to be lewd tabloid revelations but a survey of the professional conduct of several thousand researchers. "US scientists engage in a range of behaviors extending far beyond falsification, fabrication and plagiarism (FFP)" the authors conclude. Actually the series of misdemeanors are less serious, than, not far beyond, FFP. But the collective admission of guilt is shockingly high. One-third of scientists admitted to at least one transgression from a list of 16 that range from questionable to intolerable. These included 15% who changed the design, methods, or results of their research under pressure from a sponsor, 12.5% who overlooked other scientists' use of flawed data or questionable interpretations, 7% who ignored "minor rules" involving research subjects, and, 6% who withheld data that contradicted their previous conclusions.

Crisis? It possibly is. The full extent of these questionable practices is unknown, their growth over time is unexplored, their impact is undiscovered and the proper response to them is unclear. Clearly more study is needed.

"The level of competition in science has absolutely skyrocketed," lead author Brian Martinson was quoted saying in one paper. "There is often a level of desperation that may lead people to behave badly." (4) But with no historical data, we can't blindly accept this as a recent and growing problem.

Re-education in ethics--especially for more senior scientists, who are more likely to offend--must be another priority. We may need a precise code of practice, along with enforceable penalties.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

All this have consciousness

The begining of the mind research...
INDIGENOUS WEATHER MODIFICATION: "All Things Have Some Consciousness
The world view of Ifa differs from the world view of mainstream Western metaphysics in two ways; Ifa teaches that everything in nature has some form of consciousness called ori, and it teaches that the world is a multi-dimensional reality. Most forms of shamanism teach the idea that the visible world is influenced by invisible worlds that co-exist in the same dimensional space as the physical world. The invisible realms are usually called 'Spirit Worlds'. The word 'spirit' means 'essential nature' or 'essence'. From a shamanistic point of view Spirits are fundamental Forces in Nature that help shape the physical reality perceived by the senses in a non-altered state of consciousness.
Ifa teaches that all things in the world have some form of consciousness. The first step in developing the shamanistic skills of an Ifa initiate is to learn how to empathize with the consciousness of non human Forces in Nature"

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Clinical Trial: Yoga: Effect on Attention in Aging & Multiple Sclerosis

Interesting, Clinical Trials with Yoga to help with MS..... and where would you think they are doing this, lol... where else:
Dr. Barry S. Oken, Principal Investigator, Oregon Health and Science University Oregon Health Sciences University/Neurology, Portland, Oregon, 97201, United States

Clinical Trial: Yoga: Effect on Attention in Aging & Multiple Sclerosis: " Purpose
Changes in visual attention are common among elders and people with multiple sclerosis. The visual attention changes contribute to difficulty with day to day functioning including falls, driving and even finding one's keys on the kitchen counter as well as contributing to deficits in other cognitive domains. Yoga emphasizes the ability to focus attention and there is some evidence that the practice of yoga may improve one's cognitive abilities. Additionally, yoga practice may improve cognitive function through other non-specific means such as improved mood, decreased stress or declines in oxidative injury. We propose a randomized, controlled 6 month phase II trial of yoga in two separate cohorts: healthy elders and subjects with mild multiple sclerosis. We will determine if yoga intervention produces improvements on a broad attentional battery that especially emphasizes attentional control. To further understand the reported beneficial effect of yoga on its practitioners, we will also determine if there is a positive impact on measures directly related to yoga practice (flexibility and balance) as well as mood, quality of life and oxidative injury markers. The yoga intervention consists of a Hatha yoga class meeting twice per week. The class is taught by experienced yoga teachers who are supervised by a nationally known yoga instructor. There are two control groups. An exercise group will have a structured walking program prescribed by a certified Health and Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer. The program will attempt to match the Hatha yoga class for metabolic demand. The second control group will be assigned to a 6 month waiting list. The outcome measures are assessed at baseline and after the 6 month period. The primary outcome measures are alertness (quantitative EEG and self-rated scale), ability to focus attention (Stroop) and ability to shift attention (extradimensional set shifting task). Secondary attention outcome measures include the ability to sustain attention (decrement in reaction time) and ability to divide attention (Useful Field of View). Other secondary outcome measures include flexibility, balance, mood, quality of life, fatigue (in MS cohort) and decreased markers of lipid, protein, and DNA oxidative injury. "

Monday, October 11, 2004

Intelligent design - Wikipedia

Intelligent design - Wikipedia: "Intelligent design (ID) is the phrase coined for the argument that life and living things show signs of having been designed by an intelligent agent, and that therefore abiogenesis must be a false hypothesis. Specifically, the conjecture focuses on the 'what' of the origin of life on Earth, i.e. saying that it is not possible for 'non-living' matter to become 'living' matter (with the level of organization that is observed today) without intervention, and that life itself shows signs of design. The 'Who, why, when, where and how' are theoretically excluded from the debate, although the idea is more often than not identified with religious arguments, with inevitable extension into those other domains. Religious proponents of ID use the argument from design to argue for the existence of a god, usually � in the context of Christianity � God.
Opponents of ID, who include the overwhelming majority of the scientific community, claim that this argument is deceptive and has no standing as a scientific hypothesis, i.e. it is considered pseudoscience. They say that ID does not present falsifiable hypotheses, and violates the principle of naturalism within scientific philosophy. They also point to examples of seemingly poor design within biology."

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Society of Mind - Wikipedia

Society of Mind - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "What magical trick makes us intelligent? The trick is that there is no trick. The power of intelligence stems from our vast diversity, not from any single, perfect principle."

Symbiosis - Wikipedia

"The biologist Lynn Margulis, contends that symbiosis is a major driving force behind evolution. She considers Darwin's notion of evolution, driven by competition, as incomplete, and claims evolution is strongly based on co-operation, interaction, and mutual dependence among organisms. According to Margulis and Sagan (1986), 'Life did not take over the globe by combat, but by networking'. As in humans, organisms that cooperate with others of their own or different species can sometimes outcompete those that don't."
Symbiosis - Wikipedia:

Editing Talk:Quantum consciousness - Edit this page - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

BUT of course no one has a CLUE about this yet... lol... they do and use it all the time but still have NO CLUE!! Like a nasty trick God did... Just waiting for me to see and recognize that He has given me everything I could ever need to make this shift... but course He never tells me... Just wants me to find and figure it out myself

Editing Talk:Quantum consciousness - Edit this page - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

About Wikimedia - Wikimedia Foundation

of course Wiki or Blog... And WIKI was founded here in TAMPA... the owner/CEO lives in St. Pete down the road from here... Course i want to publish this stuff that all came through here in Tampa... ugh... coincidence you think... BLA to that...

About Wikimedia - Wikimedia Foundation

Saturday, October 09, 2004

2000 Physics Nobel Prize: BEC Homepage

BEC Homepage



  1. EVOLUTION: Change in the genetic composition of a population during successive generations, as a result of natural selection acting on the genetic variation among individuals, and resulting in the development of new species.
  2. PHYLOGENY: a theory that the various types of animals and plants have their origin in other preexisting types and that the distinguishable differences are due to modifications in successive generations.
  3. DEVELOPMENT: The natural progression from a previous, simpler, or embryonic stage to a later, more complex, or adult stage ; gradual advancement or growth through a series of progressive changes; the doctrine that animals and plants possess the power of passing by slow and successive stages from a lower to a higher state of organization.

Several features of human consciousness persistently elude scientific explanation.

  • Consciousness represents the most advanced natural process of the Earth.
  • The DNA Spiral represents the evolution of consciousness. The single level of consciousness of this Earth is called evolution, and the growth of life.
  • The Helix of DNA is the record of the evolution cycle for the creation of man.
  • Consciousness is all connected.
  • We share this conscious form with creation.


  • As my consciousness evolves, this is represented in my DNA.
  • The DNA in my body can be controlled by my thoughts.
  • My thought can change my DNA.
  • Evolution I’ve created will appear in all the new babies born.
  • Creation has evolved to bring me to know this.
  • The Knowing this is Creating it.


The test is to take a picture of my DNA now, determine some neat fix for some disease not in there yet, and explain it to me!

  1. Take general sample, define existing DNA standards
  2. Identify a measurable change
  3. Create a graphic representation
  4. Learn the change
  5. Take new general sample.... verify changes.

Identify the changes done already and check the children who all have it and your own DNA that doesn’t have it.

  1. Take sample of DNA
  2. Compare to peers sample
  3. Compare the children’s samples.... current sample will more closely match children’s instead of peers