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Monday, June 01, 2009

Happiness Boosters

Joe Vitale, PhD
Hypnotic Marketing, Inc.

M ost people say they want to be happier, but how can they get there when they’re focused on what’s wrong instead of what’s right? Here’s terrific advice from Joe Vitale, PhD, president of Hypnotic Marketing, Inc. (www.mrfire.com), and author of Life’s Missing Instruction Manual (Wiley)...

Don’t listen to negative self-talk. You can’t stop your thoughts, but you don’t have to listen to them. When a troubling thought intrudes, remind yourself that "it’s just a thought, and I can let it go." You may need to enlist a friend or coworker to keep an ear open for negative comments. Ask him/her to ask you, "Do you really believe that?"

Focus on the positive. There is no rule that says you must be depressed when life hits a rough stretch. Being unhappy won’t help fix your problems, but it will make your life less pleasant while you endure them.

Don’t look to blame. Blaming others won’t improve your life. Rather than ask, "Whose fault is this?" ask, "What can I do to make the best of this situation?"

Change your ways. Your "nature" is just the role you’re currently playing. If you don’t like being considered argumentative, for example, pick another role. To change your nature, change the way you act. The new behavior might feel phony at first, but keep at it and it can become your nature.

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Bottom Line/Personal interviewed Joe Vitale, PhD, president of Hypnotic Marketing, Inc. (www.mrfire.com), and author of Life’s Missing Instruction Manual (Wiley).

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