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Saturday, October 09, 2004



  1. EVOLUTION: Change in the genetic composition of a population during successive generations, as a result of natural selection acting on the genetic variation among individuals, and resulting in the development of new species.
  2. PHYLOGENY: a theory that the various types of animals and plants have their origin in other preexisting types and that the distinguishable differences are due to modifications in successive generations.
  3. DEVELOPMENT: The natural progression from a previous, simpler, or embryonic stage to a later, more complex, or adult stage ; gradual advancement or growth through a series of progressive changes; the doctrine that animals and plants possess the power of passing by slow and successive stages from a lower to a higher state of organization.

Several features of human consciousness persistently elude scientific explanation.

  • Consciousness represents the most advanced natural process of the Earth.
  • The DNA Spiral represents the evolution of consciousness. The single level of consciousness of this Earth is called evolution, and the growth of life.
  • The Helix of DNA is the record of the evolution cycle for the creation of man.
  • Consciousness is all connected.
  • We share this conscious form with creation.


  • As my consciousness evolves, this is represented in my DNA.
  • The DNA in my body can be controlled by my thoughts.
  • My thought can change my DNA.
  • Evolution I’ve created will appear in all the new babies born.
  • Creation has evolved to bring me to know this.
  • The Knowing this is Creating it.


The test is to take a picture of my DNA now, determine some neat fix for some disease not in there yet, and explain it to me!

  1. Take general sample, define existing DNA standards
  2. Identify a measurable change
  3. Create a graphic representation
  4. Learn the change
  5. Take new general sample.... verify changes.

Identify the changes done already and check the children who all have it and your own DNA that doesn’t have it.

  1. Take sample of DNA
  2. Compare to peers sample
  3. Compare the children’s samples.... current sample will more closely match children’s instead of peers


stars2man said...

Scientific method - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
"The scientific method
The essential elements of the scientific method are iterations and recursions of the following four steps:
1. Characterization
2. Hypothesis (a theoretical, hypothetical explanation)
3. Prediction (logical deduction from the hypothesis)
4. Experiment (test of all of the above)

This can be called the hypothetico-deductive method. These activities do not describe all that scientists do (see below). The 4-step method described above is often used in education. Teachers using inquiry as a teaching method sometimes teach a slightly modified version of the scientific method in which 'Question' is substituted for Observation.

Science is a social activity. The process is subject to evaluation by the scientists directly involved, or by the scientific community, at any or every stage. A scientist's theory or proposal is accepted only after it has become known to others (usually via publication, ideally peer reviewed publication) and criticised. See the list of unsolved problems in science, for example."

stars2man said...

The scientific method depends upon the careful characterization of the subject of the investigation.

Observation demands careful measurement and the use of operational definitions of relevant concepts. When the terms used are formally defining, they acquire exact meanings which do not necessarily correspond with their use in natural language: for example, mass and weight are quite distinct concepts, but the distinction is often ignored in everyday life.

New theories may arise when it is realised that words used have not previously been clearly defined.

Hypothesis development
A hypothesis includes a suggested explanation of the subject. It will generally provide a causal explanation or propose some correlation.

Observations have the general form of existential statements, stating that some particular instance of the phenomena has some characteristic. Causal explanations have the general form of universal statements, stating that every instance of the phenomena has a particular characteristic. It is not deductively valid to infer a universal statement from any series of particular observations. This is the problem of induction. Many solutions to this problem have been suggested, including falsifiability and Bayesian inference. Bayesian inference has been claimed as a suitable logical basis for discriminating between conflicting hypotheses. This method uses an estimate of the degree of belief in a hypothesis before the advent of some evidence to give a numerical value to the degree of belief in the hypothesis after the advent of the evidence. Because it relies on subjective degrees of belief, it is not able to provide a completely objective account of induction.

Scientists use whatever they can—their own creativity, ideas from other fields, induction, or even systematic guessing, or any other methods available—to come up with possible explanations for the phenomenon under study. There are no definitive guidelines for the production of new hypotheses. The history of science is filled with stories of scientists claiming a "flash of inspiration", or a hunch, which then motivated them to look for evidence to support or refute their idea. Michael Polanyi made such creativity the centrepiece of his discussion of methodology

Prediction from the hypothesis
A useful hypothesis will enable predictions to be made, by deductive reasoning, that can be experimentally assessed. If results contradictory to the predictions are found, the hypothesis under test is incorrect or incomplete, requiring either revision or abandonment. If results confirming the hypothesis are found, the hypothesis might be correct, but is always subject to further test.

Einstein's theory of General Relativity makes several specific predictions about the observable structure of space-time, such as a prediction that light bends in a gravitational field, and that the amount of bending depends in a precise way on the strength of the gravitational field. Observations made during a 1919 solar eclipse supported General Relativity rather than Newtonian gravitation.

Once a prediction is made, an experiment is designed to test it. The experiment may seek either confirmation or falsification of the hypothesis.

Scientists assume an attitude of openness and accountability on the part of those conducting an experiment. Detailed recordkeeping is essential, to aid in recording and reporting on the experimental results, and providing evidence of the effectiveness and integrity of the procedure. They will also assist in reproducing the experimental results.

Integrity may be augmented by the introduction of a control. Two virtually identical experiments are run, in only one of which the factor being tested is varied. This serves to further isolate any causal phenomena. For example in testing a drug it is important to carefully test that the supposed effect of the drug is produced only by the drug itself. Doctors may do this with a double-blind study: two virtually identical groups of patients are compared, one of which receives the drug and one of which receives a placebo. Neither the patients nor the doctor know who is getting the real drug, isolating its effects.

Once the experiment is complete, the researcher determines whether the results (or data) gathered are what was predicted. If the experimental conclusions fail to match the predictions/hypothesis, then one returns to the failed hypothesis and re-iterates the process. If the experiment(s) appears "successful" - i.e. fits the hypothesis - then the results are to be published in a way which allows others (in theory) to reproduce the same experiments and results.