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Monday, May 10, 2010

Americans Continually Exposed to Carcinogens: Report

Americans Continually Exposed to Carcinogens: Report

Americans Continually Exposed to Carcinogens: Report

SustainableBusiness.com News

In a landmark report issued Thursday, the President’s Cancer Panel asserts that public health officials have “grossly underestimated” the likelihood that environmental contaminants trigger a large proportion of the cancers diagnosed in 1.5 million Americans annually.

“The grievous harm from this group of carcinogens has not been addressed adequately by the National Cancer Program,” the panel told President Obama. “The American people—even before they are born—are bombarded continually with myriad combinations of these dangerous exposures.”

"The panel urges you most strongly to use the power of your office to remove the carcinogens and other toxins from our food

, water, and air that needlessly increase healthcare costs, cripple our nation's productivity, and devastate American lives." the panel said.

The panel’s findings are expected to intensify pressure on the chemical industry and its allies in Congress to endorse toxic chemicals policy reforms.

Last month, both the US House and Senate unveiled legislation to overhaul the nation’s outdated chemical law, the Toxic Substances Control Act. That law has been widely criticized for preventing EPA from regulating even the small group of known human carcinogens, while also failing to keep pace with more recent science. Though the bills differ, each would require chemicals to be assessed for safety as a condition of remaining on the market. Each would also enact a program for “hot spots”- communities in the country that are especially hard-hit by chemical pollution.

However, both pieces of legislation fall short of public health goals in three critical areas, according to the group Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families (SCHF): 1) New chemicals would be allowed on the market without having to be proven safe; 2) Action on the most dangerous chemicals, persistent, bioaccumulative toxic chemicals, is deferred; 3) Scientific best practices recommended by the National Academy of Sciences to modernize and improve the methods EPA uses to assess chemical safety, are not incorporated.

Many of the policy recommendations issued by the President’s Cancer Panel align with principles of the Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families coalition. The report criticized current federal policy for allowing cancer-causing chemicals to proliferate in the marketplace and called for strengthening the chemical regulatory system in the U.S. The report found that agencies responsible for promulgating and enforcing regulations related to environmental exposures are “failing to carry out their responsibilities,” and recommended upgrading the system of environmental regulations to be “driven by science and free of political or industry influence” to protect public health.

Cancer is the second most common cause of death in the U.S., exceeded only by heart disease. More than 1.5 million people were diagnosed with new cases of cancer in 2009. In 2008 the direct Medical costs of cancer were $93.2 billion and the overall costs were $228.1 billion. Medical costs for pediatric cancers alone in 1997 totaled an estimated $3.9 billion.

Over the past two decades, the rates of some cancers rose significantly, including:

  • Kidney, liver, thyroid, esophageal and testicular cancer, as well as melanoma in men.
  • Non-Hodgkin’s, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease, melanoma and cancers of the thyroid, liver, and kidney in women.
  • Childhood cancers overall, especially childhood leukemia and brain cancer
The panel's report is available at the link below.

Website: pcp.cancer.gov

Case Index, October Term 2010 - ScotusWiki

Case Index, October Term 2010 - ScotusWiki
Cases to be argued and/or decided during October Term 2010, by sitting.
Sitting Docket Title

(link to Wiki page)

Issue Argument

(link to transcript)


(link to opinion)

Unscheduled 09-479 and 09-7073 Abbott v. United States; Gould v. United States Application of mandatory minimum sentences to multiples charges Unscheduled Undecided
Unscheduled 09-350 Los Angeles County v. Humphries Conditions for declaratory relief against a local public entity Unscheduled Undecided
Unscheduled 09-587 Harrington v. Richter Right to the effective assistance of counsel Unscheduled Undecided
Unscheduled 09-150 Michigan v. Bryant Use of witness statement to the police as testimony at trial Unscheduled Undecided
Unscheduled 09-152 Bruesewitz v. Wyeth National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 Unscheduled Undecided
Unscheduled 09-751 Snyder v. Phelps Damages for infliction of emotional distress; balancing freedom of speech and freedom of religion; what constitutes a "captive audience"? Unscheduled Undecided
Unscheduled 09-530 National Aeronautics and Space Administration v. Nelson Federal contract employee’s constitutional right to informational privacy Unscheduled Undecided
Unscheduled 09-571 Connick v. Thompson Local government liability for prosecutor's failure to share evidence favorable to the defense Unscheduled Undecided
Unscheduled 09-658 Belleque v. Moore Standard for federal habeas courts in reviewing failure of defense lawyer to challenge client's confession to crime Unscheduled Undecided
Unscheduled 09-834 Kasten v. Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Corp. Protection of worker against retaliation over complaints about illegal workplace actions, if complaints were not in writing Unscheduled Undecided
Unscheduled 09-5801 Flores-Villar v. United States Constitutionality of treating fathers different from mothers in transferring their U.S. citizenship to a child born overseas Unscheduled Undecided
Unscheduled 09-846 United States v. Tohono O'odham Nation Jurisdiction of the Court of Federal Claims Unscheduled Undecided
Unscheduled 09-907 Ransom v. MBNA, America Bank Vehicle ownership deductions in a debtor's "projected disposable income" Unscheduled Undecided
Unscheduled 08-1423 Costco v. Omega Application of copyright law to foreign-made and imported goods Unscheduled Undecided
Unscheduled 09-400 Staub v. Proctor Hospital Liability of an employer for discriminatory intent of a person who merely influenced an employment decision Unscheduled Undecided
Unscheduled 08-1448 Schwarzenegger v. Entertainment Merchants Association Constitutionality of limits on content of violent video games Unscheduled Undecided
Unscheduled 09-737 Ortiz v. Jordan Timing of appeals of orders denying summary judgment Unscheduled Undecided

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Hundred Year Lie, Organic Food, Alternative Medicine, Natural Products

Hundred Year Lie, Organic Food, Alternative Medicine, Natural Products:

"I began learning how chemically toxic we each have become, and how, as a result of the body burden of chemicals we are constantly absorbing, the reproductive future of our entire species is now imperiled.

* Why are studies showing that 12% of American couples are unable to conceive?
* Why are studies showing that the number of children being born with both male and female sex organs tripled in the last decade?
* Why is the incidence of testicular cancer in 2000 four times higher than 1950?
* Why are more and more men seeking breast-reduction surgery as a result of drinking tap water?
* Why is the U.S. spending more than twice as much on health care than any other industrialized nation?"

The truth? People are reversing chronic disease by quitting the Synthetics Belief System!

Battling terminal brain tumors and the breakdown of her body due to chronic disease, Bonnie Lovett stunned the National Institute of Health and experienced complete disease regression that left her with no physical deformities. Her secret? Acting on the knowledge that the Synthetics belief System was ruining her life.

The Assault on Autistic Children and their Parents...

The Assault on Autistic Children and their Parents...:

Parents with Autistic children in the US have come to a rude awakening. They have found that, not only would the US drug industry lie to them, but so will the government agencies “We the People” put in place to protect us from harm. More, they find, there is an apparatus in place to keep those parents from finding real solutions and changing the paradigm in the way Americans usually act when something goes wrong.

There is no question in any thinking person’s mind that Autism has its roots in environmental issues, the first and foremost of which, of course, is the US Vaccine program. Anyone who says different is simply lying and deserves to finish out their rotten life in a prison – in a third world country.

The US drug industry completely controls every federal agency that is supposed to regulate them, and they pour money into Congress to keep their own coffers full. They completely control our TV news. No question about that. So far, they’ve had their way, in the information wars. They even have information systems in place to mislead the public on the internet about health care. Look, for instance, at how much time and effort is put into controlling the health articles on Wikipedia.

There are more than a couple problems that have developed for them - and frankly, the drug industry is running in panic mode. That’s why you are seeing now, and have been seeing, desperate moves to generate money – so they can keep the system running. Without money, and I mean LOTS of money, coming in constantly, the drug companies’ control system begins to look like a house of cards, with someone about to open a window on a windy day.

And there are plenty of people heading over to open those windows. Even more since the drug industry started making desperate money grab moves – like creating the fake H1N1 pandemic. They telegraphed, with that, their weakness. In short, vaccine manufacturers, I believe, are on their ass, and that sort of “fake pandemic” move was a last ditch effort to make some bucks. I suspect that wise investors in those companies rode the high up to a point and then sold their interests quickly, knowing that “fake pandemic” won’t happen again.

In short, the world public knows, at this point, that you simply cannot believe a word the vaccine industry says. Not one word. If an executive for a vaccine manufacturer say that it is a bright sunny day outside – take your raincoat.

More, our public agencies have been usurped. It has become almost impossible to find anyone who regulates any aspect of health care at the national level that is not corrupt. The US FDA is beyond reality. The CDC is a propaganda machine for the drug industry.

Then too, there is that well-funded misdirection agency that operates out of New York City. The ones who have Stephen Barrett on a leash.

So, wait a minute. If the drug industry controls our Congress, our TV networks, our regulatory agencies, and affects information flow in the media and on the internet, why would they be afraid of anything?

Easy answer – for despite all that, it’s not working. Things are coming to a head – fast.


The juggernaut is in trouble for several little known reasons:

(1) Most drug company patents run out in 2011 or 2012. The generic manufacturers are breathing down their financial necks. Why bother to advertise on TV when the generic is selling for eight cents on the dollar. The gravy train of protected price is about over.

(2) Attempts to register old drugs as “orphan” drugs, to maintain price level are having limited success – not enough to protect the industry.

(3) Shifting investments from chemical drugs to Embryonic Stem Cell applications is not proceeding. Universities and Foundations involved in Embryonic Stem Cell research have grabbed most of the important patents ahead of time, and the material reality isn’t coming to the fore. Americans value their children and are appalled at the “throw-a-baby-in-a-blender” medical concept. “Adult” Stem Cell applications are being studied, and they show far more potential then Embryonic, and there is very little to patent.

(4) The idea of redesigning old drugs by changing one molecule, and claiming a new version, is not doing well.

(5) Designing new drugs to increase penis size and endurance has been done. It was about as successful as the Edsel. They’ve run out of novelty ideas.

(6) It is costing more, and more, to maintain the system; bribing Congress, hiring people to target doctors, trips to exotic place for doctors, TV advertising, etc. There is no end to the cash outflow. All this is costing them a fortune. They are beginning to look like the Soviet Union before they locked the front doors and turned out the lights.

(7) Scientists are finding that the big, scary, viruses (H1N1, Avian Flu, SARS) coming down the pike have all the earmarks, under a microscope, of having been designed, and manufactured, in a laboratory – and that raises new questions like ”Is someone making dangerous viruses and turning them loose to force us to buy a vaccine?”

(8) Keeping really useful drugs off the market - like HgH, intentionally., because if you use HgH you won't need any other drugs. Separate article coming.

But none of this compares to their biggest mistake – they pissed off the smarter people of middle America, treating them as though they were totally stupid and of no consequence. They woke up the sleeping giants who found, upon that awakening, that the sleazy drug industry had poisoned their children. The drug industry, through their incessant greed, gave Autism to the children of those that hold the positions of power in America. More they gave us learning disabilities (1 in 6 children), asthma (1 in 9 children, and diabetes (1 in 450 children).


There is no question that the US health care system is trash. It is. But most Americans, as long as they and their offspring are healthy, ignore issues that are not part of their immediate day. Why? We live in a busy world, and we need to focus on what is important at hand. So, we do.

So, what woke up the sleeping giant? Autism - and all of the denials, and cover-ups, about what’s causing it.

Of course Autism is caused by environmental issues. I’ve never met Barbara Loe-Fisher, the originator of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC.org), but what she says strikes right to the heart of the issues. It is this:

“Why are so many of our highly vaccinated children so sick?

Vaccination rates with multiple vaccines in America are at an all-time high and, with 1 in 6 vaccinated child in America now learning disabled \; 1 in 9 suffering with asthma; 1 in 150 developing autism, and 1 in 450 becoming diabetic, this is a legitimate question. America spends more than 75 percent of the $2 trillion price tag for health care to treat the chronically ill and disabled, and it is estimated that, by 2025, 1 in 2 Americans will be chronically ill or disabled.

You can read the rest of this interesting article by clicking here.

So, let's open some more windows...

If anything, the situation is getting worse for the drug industry. More people are taking a hard look at vaccinations - and they should. You simply cannot trust these people at all. Not at all.

The Autism Community isn't the same group of people as the North American Health Freedom activists. The Autism Community, for the most part, is made up of victims - parents of children whose lives have been damaged by the vaccine industry, and other environmental issues.

But, I see a merger coming, beneficial to both groups. It is already happening. The www.4dconference.com in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin May 8th and 9th, 2010 is a primary example of a blend of science and activism. It is this sort of scientific conference that will be the destruction of the vaccine industry. The organizers actually invited vaccine promoters to attend and debate the issues - and of course, they all seem to be busy that weekend..

Teenscreen, A Front Group for the Psycho-Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex

Teenscreen, A Front Group for the Psycho-Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex:

A Front Group for the Psycho-Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex

Updated: January 11, 2007 6:11 PM EST TeenScreen is a very controversial so-called "diagnostic psychiatric service", aka suicide survey; done on children who are then referred to psychiatric treatment. The evidence suggests that the objective of the psychiatrists who designed TeenScreen is to place children so selected on psychotropic drugs.

"It's just a way to put more people on prescription drugs," said Marcia Angell, a medical ethics lecturer at Harvard Medical School and author of "The Truth About Drug Companies." She said such programs will boost the sale of antidepressants even after the FDA in September ordered a "black box" label warning that the pills might spur suicidal thoughts or actions in minors. (The New York Post, December 5, 2004)

TeenScreen is based on the thoroughly discredited "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders".

Procedure on Young Children

Step One

TeenScreen lures kids as young as 9 years old into doing the suicide survey by offering them free movie passes, food coupons, "I completed TeenScreen" stress balls, pizza parties and candy bars - if they consent to the procedure.

One tactic TeenScreen officials use is to sell the child on the suicide survey first and after they have the child's agreement, they later contact parents.

TeenScreen Project Coordinator, Kathleen Cigich, was quoted as saying: "We found early on, though, that sending out letters directly to parents is prohibitively time consuming and gets a low response rate. We thought, why not go to students themselves and offer a $5 video store coupon to anyone who brings back a parental consent form within a two-day turnaround period. It works. Our response rate is extremely high."

TeenScreen also utilizes a "passive consent" form which requires no written parental approval. The passive consent form is sent home to parents and if they don't return it TeenScreen considers that the parents approve. TeenScreen officials favor passive consent because they say it boosts their chances of screening kids to 95% as opposed to the written parental consent technique. What if the child forgets to bring the consent form home? What happens if the parent is too busy to refuse in writing? They've consented in the eyes of TeenScreen personnel.

Step Two

The youngster is sat down and asked introverting questions such as:

  • Has there been a time when nothing was fun for you and you just weren't interested in anything?
  • Has there been a time when you felt you couldn't do anything well or that you weren't as good-looking or as smart as other people?
  • How often did your parents get annoyed or upset with you because of the way you were feeling or acting?
  • Have you often felt very nervous when you've had to do things in front of people?
  • Have you often worried a lot before you were going to play a sport or game or do some other activity?
  • Have you tried to kill yourself in the last year?
  • Are you still thinking of killing yourself?
  • Have you thought seriously about killing yourself?
  • Have you often thought about killing yourself??
  • Have you ever tried to kill yourself?

Step Three

Based on the answers the child gives to the above questions he is then shuffled off to a "clinician", who ponders the bogus label to use.

Social Phobia?

Panic Disorder?


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

Active Suicide Ideation?

Passive Suicide Ideation?

You can find the checklist used to label the child here: labeling checklist


Parents are being mislead by a multi billion-dollar a year child drugging industry that a diagnoses of "mental disorder" (ADHD, Bi-Polar, Social Anxiety Disorder) are medical diseases or illnesses. This is a fraud. No child has a brain scan, blood test, X-Ray or any evidence of physical abnormality to verify they are "ill" or "diseased."

Yet psychiatrists continue to pound the public with misleading and fraudulent statements that these so called mental disorders are biochemical or neurological conditions. That is false. They are simply a list of behaviors that psychiatrists vote into existence and insert into their billing bible, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

This has led to over 8 million children in the U.S. taking mind-altering psychiatric drugs.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders, 4th Edition (DSM-IV), published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA), is psychiatry's billing bible of "disorders" from which psychiatric screening, diagnoses and their treatment are derived. The current edition lists 374 psychiatric conditions that have been identified as mental disorders.

Yet, the disorders contained in the DSM-IV are arrived at by consensus, not by scientific criteria. There are no blood tests, brain scans, X-Rays, MRIs or "chemical imbalance" tests that can scientifically validate any mental "disorder" as a disease or illness. Canadian psychologist Tana Dineen reports, "Unlike medical diagnoses that convey a probable cause, appropriate treatment and likely prognosis, the disorders listed in DSM-IV are terms arrived at through peer consensus"- literally, a vote by APA committee members.

Step Four

The "clinician" summarizes his report and comes up with an "impairment score".

Step Five

Based on how the child answered the "suicide survey", and which label the clinician conjured up and how the child did on his "impairment score" the child is then sent off for "treatment".

What treatment?
Drugs. A survey of recently trained child psychiatrists found the treatment for 9 out of 10 children consisted of drugging. (Journal of the American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry 2002)

The "treatment" used on children with these bogus labels can be found here: Medication Guidelines

"Treatment" is the long term goal for TeenScreen according to their director, Laurie Flynn.

What does the Food and Drug Administration say about these drugs? See here: Black Box Warning

TeenScreen — no evidence of workability
TeenScreen officials admit that there have been no studies that show that their program reduces suicide. That is not surprising, because the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force report of May of 2004 states:

A. There is no evidence that screening for suicide risk reduces suicide attempts or mortality.

B. There is limited evidence on the accuracy of screening tools to identify suicide risk.

C. There is insufficient evidence that treatment of those at high risk reduces suicide attempts or mortality.

D. No studies were found that directly address the harms of screening and treatment for suicide risk.

TeenScreen has no proof that their survey reduces suicide rates. The co-director of TeenScreen Rob Caruano, says that suicides are so rare that you'd have to screen the whole country to see a difference in mortality between screened and unscreened students.

TeenScreen was established in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1997 . According to a 2003 Tulsa World newspaper article, Mike Brose, executive director of the Mental Health Association in Tulsa, stated: "To the best of my knowledge, this is the highest number of youth suicides we've ever had during the school year -- a number we find very frightening."

Psychiatrists are even coming forth saying TeenScreen is unworkable. Nathaniel Lehrman says: "The claim by the director of the TeenScreen Program that her program would significantly reduce suicides is unsupported by the data. Indeed, such screenings would probably cause more harm than good. It is impossible, on cursory examination, or on the basis of the Program's brief written screening test, to detect suicidality or "mental illness," however we define it. "

So much for the workability of TeenScreen.

ADD and ADHD Fraud. Find out the truth about ADD and ADHD. Exposing the Fraud of ADD and ADHD.

ADD and ADHD Fraud. Find out the truth about ADD and ADHD. Exposing the Fraud of ADD and ADHD.: "'They made a list of the most common symptoms of emotional discomfiture of children; those which bother teachers and parents most, and in a stroke that could not be more devoid of science or Hippocratic motive--termed them a 'disease.' Twenty five years of research, not deserving of the term 'research.,' has failed to validate ADD/ADHD as a disease. Tragically--the 'epidemic' having grown from 500 thousand in 1985 to between 5 and 7 million today--this remains the state of the 'science' of ADHD.'

In addition to scientific articles that have appeared in leading national and international medical journals, Dr. Baughman has testified for victimized parents and children in ADHD/Ritalin legal cases, writes for the print media and appears on talk radio shows, always making the point that ADHD is fraudulent--a creation of the psychiatric-pharmaceutical cartel, without which they would have nothing to prescribe their dangerous, addictive, Schedule II, stimulants for--namely, Ritalin (methylphenindate), Dexedrine (dextro-amphetamine), Adderall (mixed dextro- and levo-amphetamine) and, Gradumet, and Desoxyn (both of which are methamphetamine, 'speed,' 'ice').

The entire country, including all 5-7 million with the ADHD diagnosis today, have been deceived and victimized; deprived of their informed consent rights and drugged--for profit! It must be stopped. Now!"