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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Where Can I Find Real (Raw) Milk?

  • Tampa: Raw cow milk, raw cream, raw butter, and raw buttermilk for pets from all Jersey herds. Locally produced, organic produce, free range eggs, and completely unheated Amish cheeses also available. Two grass based Florida farms serve our local food club: One of the dairies is a jersey herd that is entirely grassfed (supplemented with hay silage and kelp only). The second dairy is a jersey herd where the cows are mostly pastured but get a commercial feed mix during milking only that is non-GMO and tested to be pesticide residue-free. The jersey cows have free and unlimited access to kelp supplement to ensure that they get all the minerals they need for high quality milk. The milk has an exceptional creamline and extremely long-lasting shelf life due to state-of-the-art milking technology in a sparkling clean milking parlor complete with de-stress mats and cow massage equipment used during milking. No antibiotics, no steroids, no hormones. Contact Sarah Pope at sarah.pope@austus.com for pickup information. No delivery. Blog: http://thehealthyhomeeconomist.blogspot.com/
  • Tampa Area: Florida Dept. of Agriculture Licensed distributor of fresh raw goat milk and goat milk products (kefir,cheese) for pet consumption only. Also fresh free range eggs - again, pet consumption only. Milk sold in new dairy approved gallon jugs only. Please do not ask to
    discuss the consumption of their milk by humans and jeopardize their license. TB/Brucellosis free herd. ADGA registered championship show goats which are family pets FIRST! They do not use vaccines, growth hormones or antibiotics. Just west of the Tampa International Airport.
    Also homemade goat milk soap in various scents. See website at www.myspace.com/thedancinggoat or contact pam@rodeorow.com (813) 818-0305. A member of the FCLDF. See their products under The Dancing Goat label in area health food stores.
  • Tampa Bay Area: BIG N FARM, (813) 299-4971, Dan and Rene Brinson, bignfarm@att.net . Fresh or frozen goat milk, raw or pasteurized from ADGA registered show goats. Gallons only. As per Florida law, for pet consumption only. Their goats are gently raised with love and given only fresh, natural grain and hay. No growth hormones or antibiotics.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

New Research Links Nutrasweet to Leukemia and Lymphoma

New Research Links Nutrasweet to Leukemia and Lymphoma

aspartame, NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, Equal-Measure, artificial sweeteners, sugar, sweetsThe European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) announced in April that, “there is no indication of any genotoxic or carcinogenic potential of aspartame.” But in fact, aspartame is an addictive, excitoneurotoxic, genetically engineered carcinogen.

In 2005, a rigorous three year study on 1,800 rats concluded that aspartame causes significant increases in lymphoma and leukemia and is a multi-potential carcinogen. EFSA invented “deficiencies” in the study. But a second study entirely verified the first one. Dr. Morando Soffritti, who led both projects, noted that so much formaldehyde developed in aspartame-exposed rats that their skin turned yellow.

The U.S. FDA approved aspartame as a synthetic sweetener in 1981. However, studies given to the FDA by the manufacturer hid the fact the poison caused tumors in lab rats.


Dr. Mercola's Comments:

Aspartame is the technical name for the brand names NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, and Equal-Measure. It is one of the first generations of artificial sweeteners and is 180 times sweeter than sugar. It is also one of the most dangerous chemicals that should never have been allowed in food.

At the end of 2008, aspartame was found in over 6,000 products; everything from soft drinks to frozen desserts, yoghurt and chewable vitamins. Products containing aspartame are sold in over 100 countries and are consumed by over 250 million people worldwide.

Slick marketing of products containing aspartame by giants in the food industry -- especially marketing that sends the message it’s healthy to consume these products – have been brainwashing and lulling consumers into a false sense of security for decades.

Making matters worse, the very agencies that are supposed to protect you are vested in maintaining this deception. Loads of money and political careers are at stake here.

The Fraudulent Approval of a Toxin

The tale of how aspartame got to market is a disturbing one. The approval process for aspartame was riddled with scandal, bribes and other shady dealings within the pharmaceutical industry, large American corporations, and the FDA.

Initially, the FDA actually denied the approval of aspartame due to:

  • Flawed data
  • Brain tumor findings in animal studies
  • Lack of studies on humans to determine longer-term effects

Unfortunately, despite these valid concerns, including evidence of its neurotoxicity, aspartame was successfully pushed through to the market by heavy financial investment and political clout.

G.D. Searle spent tens of millions of dollars to conduct the necessary approval tests on aspartame. Not surprisingly, studies funded by Searle and other groups with a financial interest in aspartame found no adverse health effects. However, independent studies showed that the converse was true.

Test subjects in studies that were not tainted by conflict of interest did indeed suffer health problems.

Aspartame – Embalming the Living

As described in the article above, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) announced on April 20, 2009:

“… on the basis of all the evidence currently available including the [second] published ERF study there is no indication of any genotoxic or carcinogenic potential of aspartame and that there is no reason to revise the previously established ADI (allowable daily intake) for aspartame of 40mg/kg bw/day.”

It boggles my mind to try to understand how anyone could come to this conclusion in the face of available evidence spanning more than 25 years.

EFSA claims that the 2005 study by the Ramazzini Foundation (which concluded that aspartame causes significant increases in lymphomas/leukemias and is a multi-potential carcinogen) was “deficient.”

They even dismissed the second study, performed by the same team in 2007, which showed that the aspartame-exposed rats developed so much formaldehyde in their bodies that their skin turned yellow.

It is this formation of formaldehyde that is the link between aspartame and lymphoma and leukemia. It is well known aspartame turns into wood alcohol when it is consumed, however, few people realize this wood alcohol morphs into formaldehyde – the same stuff used for embalming – in the cells of your body.

Formaldehyde is a Class 1 cancer-causing agent, responsible for everything from sick house syndrome to birth defects, and research shows it causes lymphoma and leukemia in both lab rats and humans.

The U.S. Environmental Protection agency (EPA) listed formaldehyde as a “probable human carcinogen” as far back as 1987. And in 2004 the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified it as a “known human carcinogen” based partly on available research linking it to leukemia.

Aspartame intake has also been shown to increase your risk of breast or prostate cancer. Incidents of both types of cancer have been on the rise at a pace closely associated with the expanding use of aspartame throughout the world.

There are over 900 published studies on the health hazards of aspartame. (You can find a list in the National Library Medicine Index.) So to still insist that aspartame is safe today is a staggering example of coming to the wrong conclusion in the face of a mountain of evidence.

Formaldehyde Created by Aspartame Accumulates in Your Body

As recently as May of this year, the Journal of the National Cancer Institute published yet another study confirming the link between formaldehyde exposure and a significantly increased risk of dying from cancers of the blood and lymphatic system.

Industry mouthpieces claim that the formaldehyde formed can be quickly eliminated by your body, but previous research again claims otherwise.

According to a 1998 study in Life Sciences, formaldehyde derived from dietary aspartame does bind to tissues and accumulates in various organs such as your liver, brown and white adipose tissues, muscle, brain, cornea and retina.

The researchers stated:

“… regular intake of aspartame may result in the progressive accumulation of formaldehyde adducts. It may be further speculated that the formation of adducts can help to explain the chronic effects aspartame consumption may induce on sensitive tissues such as the brain.

In any case, the possible negative effects that the accumulation of formaldehyde adducts can induce is, obviously, long-term.

The alteration of protein integrity and function may need some time to induce substantial effects. The damage to nucleic acids, mainly to DNA may eventually induce dell death and/or mutations.

… It is concluded that aspartame consumption may constitute a hazard because of its contribution to the formation of formaldehyde adducts.”

Aspartame has Generated Unprecedented Numbers of FDA Complaints

There have been more reports to the FDA for aspartame reactions than for all other food additives combined.

Less than a year after aspartame was granted approval for use in soft drinks in 1983, the FDA had recorded 600 consumer complaints of headaches, dizziness and other health-related reactions from aspartame consumption.

The unprecedented number of complaints caused the FDA to call in the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), who concluded that adverse reactions to aspartame were occurring in “unusually sensitive” individuals, but that there was insufficient evidence to prove existence of wide-spread health problems attributable to its consumption.

Health problems initially reported included:

  • Neurological/behavioral symptoms (67 percent), including headaches, dizziness, and mood changes such as depression
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms (24 percent)
  • Allergic type and/or dermatologic symptoms (15 percent)
  • Alterations in menstrual patterns (6 percent)
  • Other symptoms of various types (9 percent)

Today, there are some 10,000 documented reports of adverse reactions to aspartame, including death. But since it is estimated only about one percent of people who experience a reaction report it, it is safe to assume at least a million people have had a reaction to this chemical.

Migraines are by far the most frequently reported reaction. Other commonly reported symptoms of an aspartame reaction include:

change in vision convulsions and seizures
sleep problems/insomnia change in heart rate
hallucination abdominal cramps/pain
memory loss rash
nausea and vomiting fatigue and weakness
dizziness/poor equilibrium diarrhea
hives joint pain

Are Your Health Problems Related to Aspartame Consumption?

You might not realize you’re having a reaction to aspartame. In fact, most people don’t make the connection, and a tremendous amount of time and money is spent by aspartame “reactors” (people sensitive to the chemical), trying to find out why they are sick.

To determine if you’re having an adverse reaction to aspartame, take the following steps:

  1. Eliminate all artificial sweeteners from your diet for one to two weeks.

    (Note: If you typically consume aspartame in caffeinated drinks, you’ll want to gradually reduce your intake in order to avoid caffeine withdrawal symptoms.)
  2. After one to two weeks of being artificial sweetener-free, reintroduce aspartame or other artificial sweetener in a significant quantity (at least three servings daily) and avoid other artificial sweeteners during this period.
  3. Do this for one to three days and notice how you feel, especially as compared to when you were consuming no artificial sweeteners.
  4. If you don’t notice a difference in how you feel after re-introducing aspartame, it’s a safe bet you’re able to tolerate aspartame acutely, meaning your body doesn’t have an immediate, adverse response. However, this doesn’t mean your health won’t be damaged in the long run by this chemical and its breakdown products.

Do Your Health a Favor, Opt for Natural Flavors

I can’t overstate the importance of avoiding aspartame to your short- and long-term health, the quality of your life, and the lives of your loved ones. I hope you’ll take this information to heart and eliminate aspartame and other artificial sweeteners from your diet.

You can read more about aspartame and other artificial sweeteners in my comprehensive book, Sweet Deception, as well as in the outstanding book by H.J. Roberts, Aspartame Disease – An Ignored Epidemic.

I also highly recommend watching the excellent documentary Sweet Misery.

Related Links:
Aspartame: What You Don't Know Can Hurt You

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Obama’s Cap and Trade Carbon Emissions Bill – A Stealth Scheme to License Pollution and Fraud « Dprogram.net

On May 15, HR 2454: American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (ACESA) was introduced in the House purportedly “To create clean energy jobs, achieve energy independence, reduce global warming pollution and transition to a clean energy economy.”

by Stephen Lendman
July 8, 2009

In fact, it’s to let corporate polluters reap huge windfall profits by charging consumers more for energy and fuel as well as create a new bubble through carbon trading derivatives speculation. It does nothing to address environmental issues, yet on June 26 the House narrowly passed (229 – 212) and sent it to the Senate to be debated and voted on. More on that below.

On March 31, Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman and Energy and Environment Subcommittee Chairman Edward Markey released a “discussion draft” of the proposed legislation and falsely claimed:

– it’s “a comprehensive approach to America’s energy policy that charts a new course towards a clean energy economy;” it will

– create millions of clean energy jobs….that can’t be shipped overseas;

– put America on the path to energy independence;

– reduce our dependence on foreign oil;

– save money by the billions;

– unleash energy investment by the trillions;

– cut global warming pollution;

– strengthen our economy;” and

– make “America the world leader in new clean energy and energy efficiency technologies.”

Strong-arm pressure, threats and bribes got the bill through the House. Forty-four Democrats opposed it. Eight Republicans backed it. Over 1200 pages long, few if any lawmakers read it.

After passage, Chairman Markey said:

“It’s been an incredible six months to go from a point where no one believed we could pass this legislation to a point now where we can begin to say that we are going to send President Obama to Copenhagen in December as the leader of the world on climate change.”

Speaker Pelosi praised the bill as “transformational legislation which takes us into the future” and added that after passage she took congratulatory calls from Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Al Gore. The former vice-president has long-standing ties to Goldman Sachs (GS), and in 2004 he and David Blood, CEO of GS’s asset management division until 2003, co-founded Generation Investment Management LLC, a firm likely to profit greatly from cap and trade schemes.

In a prepared June 25 statement ahead of the House vote, Obama said:

“Right now, the House of Representatives is moving toward a vote of historic proportions on a piece of legislation that will open the door to a new, clean energy economy.”

After citing the same false claims as Waxman and Markey, he called the legislation “balanced and sensible” and “urge(d) every member of Congress – Democrats and Republicans – to come together and support” it.

Polluters love it. So does Wall Street and corporate-friendly environmental groups like the Environmental Defense Fund. The opposition, however, includes Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and Public Citizen.

In a joint May 13 press release, they were “extremely troubled (about) compromises to the already flawed American Clean Energy & Security Act.”

It contains enough loopholes to make its claimed performance standards worthless, one of which prohibits the EPA from using the Clean Air Act to regulate future greenhouse gas emissions. That alone means they’ll proliferate beyond what new technology reduces on its own, and only then if it’s profitable to do it.

On June 23, Friends of the Earth president Brent Blackwelder said:

“Corporate polluters including Shell and Duke Energy helped write this bill, and the result is that we’re left with legislation that fails to come anywhere close to solving the climate crisis. Worse, the bill eliminates preexisting EPA authority to address global warming – that means it’s actually a step backward.”

A June 25 Greenpeace press release stated:

“As it comes to the floor, the Waxman-Markey bill sets emission reduction targets far lower than science demands, then undermines even those targets with massive offsets. The giveaways and preferences in the bill will actually spur a new generation of nuclear and coal-fired power plants to the detriment of real energy solutions.”

On June 27, Public Citizen (PC) called the bill “a new legal right to pollute (that) gives away 85 percent of (its) credits to polluters. (It) will not solve our climate crisis but will enrich already powerful oil, coal and nuclear power companies.” PC wants polluters to cut their emissions 80% below 1990 levels by 2050 and pay for credits, not get them free. It also cited the American Wind Energy Association saying that the renewable standard will deliver “effectively zero” new ones.

PC wants consumers protected, not charged a “carbon tax….The bill doesn’t, but should, provide money to help homeowners pay for such things as weatherization or to receive rebates for rooftop solar.” Its main “consumer protection provision distributes free pollution allowances to electric and natural gas utilities (on the assumption) that the 50 different state utility commissions will redirect all that money back to consumers.” In fact, HR 2454 is a thinly-veiled scheme to let companies profit from polluted air, in part financed by a consumer “carbon tax.”

Big Coal gets a waiver until 2025. Agribusiness is exempt altogether even though it’s responsible for up to one-fourth of greenhouse gas emissions. The nuclear industry will benefit hugely from the free allowances provision. A leaked memo had Exelon, the nation’s largest nuclear power company, bragging that it will reap a $1 – $1.5 billion annual windfall.

Overall, carbon trading is a scam, first promoted in the 1980s under Reagan. Clinton made it a key provision of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. He signed it in 1998, but it was never ratified. As of February 2009, 183 nations did both, but independent scientists call it “miserable failure” needing to be scrapped and replaced by a meaningful alternative.

ACESA is about profits, not environmental remediation. Its emissions reduction targets are so weak, they effectively license pollution by creating a new profit center to do it.

The Next Bubble

Wall Street also will reap a huge bonanza through carbon trading derivatives speculation exploiting what Commodity Futures Trading commissioner Bart Chilton believes will be a $2 trillion market – “the biggest of any (commodities) derivatives product in the next five years.” Others see a future annual market potential of up to $10 trillion based on these schemes:

– government-issued cap and trading carbon allowance permits to let polluters emit a designated amount of greenhouse gases; those exceeding the limit can buy rights for more from companies below their limit;

– carbon offsets that let companies emit excess greenhouse gases provided they invest in projects purportedly cutting them elsewhere, either domestically or abroad; they can also fulfill their obligation by stretching out investments for up to 40 years – far enough ahead to avoid them altogether; and

– besides trading allowances and offsets, polluters and Wall Street can play the derivatives game, including with futures contracts for a designated number of allowances at an agreed on price for a specified date.

According to Robert Shapiro, former Undersecretary of Commerce in the Clinton administration: “We are on the verge of creating a new trillion dollar market (through) financial assets that will be securitized, derivatized, and speculated by Wall Street like the mortgage-backed securities market” and all others that inflated bubbles that burst. If cap and trade becomes law, this market will explode so Wall Street is pressuring senators to pass it.

According to the Center of Public Integrity (CPI), around “880 total businesses and groups….reported they were seeking to influence climate change policy” as addressed in HR 2454. Representing 770 of them are “an estimated 2340 lobbyists,” a 300% increase in the past five years, or more than “four climate lobbyists for every member of Congress.”

In 2003, Wall Street employed none on climate issues. CPI says it now has 130 representing the usual players like Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and others, and why so is simple – to create a huge new revenue stream to make up for ones lost with perhaps others in the wings, thus far not revealed. Waxman – Markey delivered splendidly, setting the stage for another bubble if HR 2454 becomes law with huge pressure now on senators to assure it.

Warning: Cap and Trade Bubble Ahead

On July 1, Catherine Austin Fitts’ Solari.com blog headlined “The Next Really Scary Bubble” in stating:

“If you think the housing and credit bubble diminished your financial security and your community, or the bailouts, or the rising gas prices did as well, hold on to your hat” for what’s coming. “Carbon trading is gearing up to make the housing and derivative bubbles look like target practice.”

She quoted Rep. Geoff Davis calling it “a scam,” Rep. Devin Nunes saying it’s a “massive transfer of wealth” from the public to polluters and Wall Street, Rep. James Sensenbrenner stating “Carbon markets can and will be manipulated using the same Wall Street sleights of hand that brought us the financial crisis,” and Dennis Kuchinich citing “The best description to date (to) be found in Matt Taibbi’s….’The Great American Bubble Machine: From tech stocks to high gas prices, Goldman Sachs (GS) has engineered every major market manipulation since the Great Depression – and they are about to do it again.’ “

Taibbi calls GS the “world’s most powerful investment bank….a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.” It operates by positioning itself “in the middle of (every) speculative bubble, selling investments they know are crap.”

They control Washington and profit by extracting “vast sums from the middle and lower floors of society with the aid of a crippled and corrupt state that (lets it) rewrite the rules in exchange for the relative pennies (it)throws (back as) political patronage.”

When inflated bubbles burst “leaving millions of ordinary (people) broke and starving, they begin the entire process over again (inflating new bubbles and) lending us back our own money at interest….” They’ve been at this since the 1920s and are “preparing to do it again (with) what may be the biggest and most audacious bubble yet” – a new cap and trade derivatives scam written into HR 2454 with GS positioned to profit most from it. Taibbi calls its market edge a position of “supreme privilege (and) explicit advantage” ahead of all others on the Street.

Contributing $4,452,585 to Democrats in 2008 (around $1 million to Obama) was mere pocket change for what it can reap from scams like cap and trade disguised as an environmental plan. The scheme was devised. GS helped write it. The House passed it and sent it to the Senate. Unless stopped, it will transfer more of our wealth to corporate polluters and Wall Street on top of all they’ve stolen so far from derivatives fraud and the imploded housing and other bubbles. And Goldman will lead the way finding new ways to do it until there’s nothing left to extract.

Source: ObamBoozled

Pandemic Flu for Depopulation

Video: Jane Burgermeister interview on Swine Flu Depopulation « Dprogram.net:

I have made contact with Jane Burgermeister and she sent me the files. I have created a scribd account:


Actual files for viewing and downloading:

Evidence of the Use of Pandemic Flu to Depopulate USA


Criminal Charges – Swine Flu Edits v2[1]


These are the ones that have not been hacked/changed etc.

The Michael Jackson connection is total disinfo to turn it into a conspiracy.

I will be adding documents to this scribd account as I get them.


Original radio interview is here: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Drew-Mal…

Part 1 of 4

Part 2 of 4

Part 3 of 4

Part 4 of 4

MJ death and Jane Burgermeister connection

“Jane Burgermeister has recently filed criminal charges with the FBI against the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and several of the highest ranking government and corporate officials concerning bioterrorism and attempts to commit mass murder. She has also prepared an injunction against forced vaccination which is being filed in America. These actions follow her charges filed in April against Baxter AG and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology of Austria for producing contaminated bird flu vaccine, alleging this was a deliberate act to cause and profit from a pandemic.

In her charges, Burgermeister presents evidence of acts of bioterrorism that is in violation of U.S. law by a group operating within the U.S. under the direction of international bankers who control the Federal Reserve, as well as WHO, UN and NATO. This bioterrorism is for the purpose of carrying out a mass genocide against the U.S. population by use of a genetically engineered flu pandemic virus with the intent of causing death. This group has annexed high government offices in the U.S.

Specifically, evidence is presented that the defendants, Barack Obama, President of the U.S, David Nabarro, UN System Coordinator for Influenza, Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO, Kathleen Sibelius, Secretary of Department of Health and Human Services,"

Green Tea Squeeze Play: Alternative Health Newsletter

Green tea health benefits

green tea fieldsAs I mentioned earlier, the reported benefits of green tea are multitudinous…and well studied. For example, green tea inhibits tumor growth in a variety of cancers, including: breast, lung, and prostate cancers. Specifically, the EGCG in green tea works to suppress angiogenesis, the growth of blood vessels that tumors need to survive. And if that's not enough -- stopping the growth of cancer at the front end -- green tea polyphenols have been shown to inhibit metastasis, the spread of cancer at the back end. And finally, EGCG is the first known natural telomerase inhibitor. That is to say, it eliminates the "immortality" of cancer cells which is their trademark and which makes them so deadly. The bottom line is that green tea is particularly effective in destroying the causes of leukemia, prostate cancer, breast cancer, and seems to provide the best protection known in terms of preventing lung cancer. And green tea seems to be able to almost totally prevent cancer causing DNA damage in smokers -- a possible explanation as to why the Japanese, who are among the world's heaviest smokers, have such a low incidence of lung cancer.

And the benefits of green tea don't stop there. It has also been shown to be effective in regulating blood sugar, reducing cholesterol and triglycerides, and in reversing the ravages of heart disease. (Incidentally, the Japanese, who drink large amounts of green tea, have some of the lowest rates of cardiovascular disease in the world.)

And finally, green tea has great benefits for the brain as well. It serves as an effective MAO inhibitor. It also protects against brain-cell death from glucose oxidase, over-production of nitric oxide, and it lowers the amount of free iron reaching the brain (a bad thing). The net result is that there are strong indications that green tea extract may play a major role in protecting against both Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.

Strengthen the Immune System with Jon Barron's Strong Immunity Program


Since the purpose of the body’s immune system is to defend against attack and help initiate repair, the better it does it, the healthier we are. Surprisingly, not only are the natural immune boosters and pathogen destroyers safer than the drug approach (having far fewer side effects); they are also far more powerful than their pharmaceutical counterparts:

  • Improve Overall Immune Function—to allow the body to better defend itself. Building Your Immune System and Destroying Pathogens.
  • Kill And Destroy Unfriendly Invaders—We need to specifically target (kill/destroy) invading bacteria, viruses, microorganisms and other related pathogens—to help out the immune system, as it were. Antibiotics and antivirals are not necessarily as effective as you might think. Why Antibiotics and Antivirals Fail.
  • Clean Up Environmental Issues—Air pollution, water pollution, and heavy metal exposure all work to compromise the effectiveness of your immune system. You need to filter your water, clean up the air in your house, and remove heavy metals form your body on a regular basis to keep your immune system optimized.
  • Correct Diet and Lifestyle Choices-- As with any anti-aging program, a strong immunity program relies heavily on a healthy diet loaded with fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, which we will cover down below. A poor diet, on the other hand, can cause our entire system to turn upside down starting from an unbalanced digestive system to a troubled elimination system—all of which affect your immune system’s ability to do its job. Some simple dietary rules to follow:
    1. Stop Smoking—if you smoke, stop. But you already knew that.
    2. Avoid Sugar—research shows that white blood cells have a decreased ability to engulf bacteria when exposed to high levels of sugar, thus suppressing your immune system and your ability to fight infection. A 1976 study, for example, published in Dental Survey found that drinking 24 ounces of sugared cola depressed the activity of bacteria eating neutrophils for a minimum of five hours. Stick to natural sweeteners that are low on the glycemic index. And, if you are wondering what artifical sweetners can do to your immune system, read this report.
    3. Limit coffee—research suggests that even though coffee may have some antioxidants, the high acid levels can impeded the villi of the small intenstine, affecting your body’s ability to assimilate nutrients, especially calcium, magnesium, and potassium. It also dehydrates the body. Green tea is a healthier alternative. If you drink coffee, drink 2 glasses of additional water for every cup of coffee, and take a mineral supplement to offset the loss caused by the coffee.
    4. Reduce alcohol—alcohol abuse is associated with immune deficiencies and an increased incidence of infectious diseases.
    5. Eat healthy fats— Omega 3’s & 6’s help the immune system recognize what is self/non-self—key for controlling cancer, and they are needed by the immune system to manufacture prostaglandins, which kill germs and invaders. And be sure to keep you consumption of Omega 3’s and 6’s in balance.
    6. Eliminate Toxic Food from Your Diet—as much as possible, avoid unnatural substances frequently found in commercial food that impact your health such as pesticides, insecticides, genetically modified foods, irradiated foods, food additives, artificial colors and flavors, preservatives, etc. There are over 3000 different chemicals added to our food, and nobody knows the effects of the various additives when used together in the thousands of combinations inside our bodies over time.
    7. Raise you pH—as much as possible, eat foods (primarily vegetables and some fruit) that raise your body’s pH. Beneficial supplements include the minerals calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Avoid excesses of meat, dairy, sugars, and cooked grain—all of which make your body more acidic.