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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Healing & Preventing Cancer Nutritionally (XVIII): Acid-Forming & Alkaline-Forming Foods Table

Healing & Preventing Cancer Nutritionally (XVIII): Acid-Forming & Alkaline-Forming Foods Table: "Another factor is pH. Acid-forming foods, such as ... [carbohydrates like donuts, beer, candy, ice cream, Pepsi, bread, pastries, etc.], make the blood more acidic. To sustain life, human blood pH must be in the range of 7.3 - 7.45 (Guyton). Outside that range, we're dead. Remember, the lower the number, the more acidity. The more acid the blood is, the less oxygen it contains... There's a major difference in oxygen even within the narrow range of 'normal' blood pH: blood that is pH 7.3 actually has 69.4% less oxygen than 7.45 blood, according to Whang's book, Reverse Aging. On a practical level, this means we should do everything to keep the pH on the high side of the range, as close as possible to 7.45, by eating as many alkaline foods as possible. That would be, you guessed it - live, raw foods, especially green foods."


It has been proven that Cancer needs an acidic environment to grow and also that alkalinity will kill Cancer. Some experts believe that Cancer is a fungus, in fact Dr Otto Warburg proved that Acidity is the root cause of most if not all disease and especially Cancer. He found the cause of Cancer in the 1920s and won the Nobel Prize yet when I asked oncologists if they were familiar with his findings, all to date say they have never heard of him. This begs the question, do they really want to find the cure to Cancer or would they rather continue making billions on drug "cures" that don't work? We could all radically reduce our chances of Cancer and other diseases by avoiding these poisons.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Healthy Home Tips | Environmental Working Group

Most people use around 10 personal care products every day with an average of 126 unique ingredients. We'd like to believe that the government is policing the safety of all of these mixtures we're putting on our bodies, but they're not.

Healthy Home Tips | Environmental Working Group:

Choose better body care products

Better products meet their claims and are free of ingredients that could harm our health or the environment. Labels might claim that a product is “gentle” or “natural,” but with no required safety testing, companies that make personal care products can use almost any chemical they want, regardless of risks. So, always read product labels – especially the ingredient list - before you buy.

How to read a label
Every personal care product on the market must list the ingredients on the label. Label reading can be confusing - here are some tips to help you wade through the chemical names. You can approach ingredient lists in 3 parts:

  1. Start at the end where preservatives are listed. Try to avoid:
    • Words ending in “paraben”
    • DMDM hydantoin
    • Imidsazolidinyl urea
    • Methylchloroisothiazolinone
    • Methylisothiazolinone
    • Triclosan
    • Triclocarban
    • Triethanolamine (or “TEA”)
  2. Next, check the beginning of the ingredients list. Here you’ll find the soap, surfactant, or lubricant that has been added to make the product work. Try to avoid ingredients that start with “PEG” or have an “-eth” in the middle (e.g., sodium laureth sulfate).
  3. Finally, read the middle ingredients. Here you’ll look for some common – but not essential - additives that may bring excess hazard: fragrance and dyes. On the label look for “FRAGRANCE,” “FD&C,” or “D&C.”

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Natural Triad - Holistic Health Magazine Greensboro - High Point - Winston-Salem - North Carolina - NC - Natural Health - Cultural Creatives

Natural Triad - Holistic Health Magazine Greensboro - High Point - Winston-Salem - North Carolina - NC - Natural Health - Cultural Creatives: "Article dated January 31, 2006

Scientific Studies Shed New Light on Fibromyalgia Cause and Treatment

A new study out of the Department of Internal Medicine, Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena, shows that Fibromyalgia patients have much higher levels of advanced glycation end products (AGE), in their muscle tissue and serum than due 'normal patients'. AGE represents highly oxidized amino acids & other proteins that then become electrophillic (electron-loving), and damage normal body functioning.

When the AGE level builds up to a certain point, it triggers an Inflammatory Pathway called NF-kappaB. This protein, which activates the inflammation, was also elevated in Fibromyalgia patients.

We are now working with new therapies that inhibit the Inflammatory Pathway NF-kappaB as well as being able to reduce AGE in muscle tissue. These are having good success with Fibromyalgia patients. We now have a good understanding of the disease from a biochemical viewpoint. For more information on Fibromyalgia contact The National Library of Congress Scientific Studies from around the world, on the web at www.ncbi.nih.gov/

Neil Cooper, DOM is a Nationally Certified Practitioner of Oriental Medicine. He may be reached at the East West Health Clinic in Kernersville, NC"

Facts About Fluoridation You Did Not Know

Facts About Fluoridation You Did Not Know: "Fluoride Is Not An Essential Nutrient, which means that no human disease (including dental decay) has ever been linked to a fluoride deficiency. (1)

The fluoride used to fluoridate water is an industrial waste product from the phosphate fertilizer industry. It is an unprocessed hazardous waste, contaminated with a number of toxins, particularly arsenic.

Fluoridation adds between 0.1 and 1.6 parts per billion (ppb) Arsenic to drinking water, and therefore violates the EPA's Maximum Contaminant Level Goal for arsenic - which is 0 ppb. (2)

Hydrofluosilicic acid & sodium silicofluoride, which are the chemicals used to fluoridate 91% of fluoridated water in the US, have Never Been Tested for safety and effectiveness."

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


THE BODY CODE: "Upon the surface of the physical body exists distinct points, that when used aloe or in unique combinations, form a code that has the potential to promote all forms of healing in the body. This code unlocks the quantum healing potential of our body, energetically corresponding to all that we experience and feel within our physical universe. The body always is attempting to move towards balance….this is the imperative of all systems in the body. What gets in the way of healing? Most of the time, we do. We are not trained in how to take care of our body to maximize its longevity and capacity to perform. We are also not taught how to heal our body when it becomes sick or out of balance.

Many healing technologies now exist that are based in ancient knowledge, allowing us to not only care for our body but to also miraculously accelerate healing. By understanding the interconnectedness of body, emotions and thoughts and how we create ourselves in this reality, we can then influence where energy flows in our body and thus influence its ability to heal."

TakePart Social Action Network: Controversial Issues, Activism, Environmental, Human Rights, Political News |

TakePart Social Action Network: Controversial Issues, Activism, Environmental, Human Rights, Political News |: "Your part in changing the world starts here"
  • A Flap Over Foie Gras
    Submitted 2 months ago By Kylee Liegl
    From Newsweek -- Foie gras has been a delicacy for centuries, but its production method now has some surprising critics. Production and sale in the U.S. ...
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    A Flap Over Foie Gras
    A Flap Over Foie Gras

    From Newsweek --Foie gras has been a delicacy for centuries, but its production method now has some surprising critics. Production and sale in the U.S. may soon be illegal.

    “Seared and doused with a port-wine reduction, or baked with truffles into a terrine, it is the key to the restaurant industry's holy grail: the $20 appetizer. But to animal-rights activists, it's fur on a plate, an outrageous flaunting of humanity's dominion over other species, and at the same time a wedge issue that can usefully be wielded against the entire meat industry ”Full Article
  • The Prison Overcrowding Fix
    Submitted 1 month ago By Toby Shuster
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    The Prison Overcrowding Fix

    From New York Times -- In February, 2009, it was decided by a federal court in San Francisco that the California prison system will reduce the number of its prisoners by one-third. This decision will bring the state's prisoner level down to approximately 101,000 inmates, improving the health care in California prisons.

    “ Federal judges tentatively ruled Monday that packed facilities were the chief impediment to adequate health care in prisons — a system so flawed it was tantamount to a violation of the Eighth Amendment. ”Full Article
  • Secrets in Your Food
    Submitted 1 month ago By ungkyn
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    Secrets in Your Food

    From ABC News --Although there is little agreement over the safety of geneticaly modified foods, chances are it's already in your meal.

    “ Here are the facts: The majority of corn and soy products we eat are genetically modified. There is also some biotech papaya. ”Full Article
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    Encountering Peace: The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow - or Maybe Not

    From The Jerusalem Post --Israel has no systematic long-term strategy for dealing with Palestine, seeming to operate only in crisis mode. Equally as important as cultivating an exit strategy is the need to have a plan for Gaza after the conflict is over. As it stands, there is no leading school of thought for either.

    “ This may have really been a "war of no choice," however I am completely convinced that the policies implemented over the past years have led us directly to the point where we perhaps had no choice. ”Full Article

  • Egg Farm Video Egg Farm Video
    Submitted 1 month ago By Kylee Liegl
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    Egg Farm Video

    Wegmans Egg farm proudly marks its egg cartons with the Animal Care Certified logo. Yet undercover footage at a Wegman's egg farm reveals extreme overcrowding, trampled birds, overly trimmed beaks, and excrement falling on birds from the cages above them.

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    California Sues Navy Over Sonar, Whale Deaths

    From MSNBC -- The U.S. Navy was sued in 2007 because of its decision to continue sonar training exercises off the coast of California, despite regulations and protests from environmental groups. The Navy broke an agreement with the California Coastal Commission to perform the exercises while avoiding coastal waters with a large whale and dolphin population and reducing sonar levels when it's difficult for ship personnel to spot sea life.

    “ Critics contend sonar has harmful effects on whales, possibly by damaging their hearing, and other marine mammals worldwide. A congressional report last year found the Navy's sonar exercises have been blamed for at least six cases of mass death and stranding among whales in the past decade. ”Full Article
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    Putting Meat on the Table: Industrial Farm Animal Production in America
    Putting Meat on the Table: Industrial Farm Animal Production in America

    From the Pew National Commission on Industrial Farm Production-- Though it has reduced costs and increased the speed of production, the industrialization of food animal production has created a number of problems that must be addressed for the sake of public health, animal welfare, the environment, and the social structure and economy of rural communities.

    “ Despite the dramatic decline in family farms over the past 50 years, many Americans, until very recently, continued to think that their food still came from these small farms. ”Full Article

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    Prescription for Trouble: Using Antibiotics to Fatten Livestock

    From the Union of Concerned Scientists-- The use of antibiotics and other antimicrobials to promote weight gain in chickens, cows, and pigs is a standard practice at most large factory farms. Health experts now link this practice to drug-resistant strains of bacteria and a recent rise in the reported incidence of foodborne illness.

    “ If you get food poisoning, will the antibiotic prescribed by your doctor be able to fight the infection? This seems like an age of miracle drugs. Few weeks go by without a news story heralding a promising new drug or drug therapy. Ironically, concealed in the din of information about new drugs looms a health crisis growing out of the loss of old drugs. ”Full Article
  • Facts: Factory Farming
    Submitted 1 months ago By Kylee Liegl
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    Facts: Factory Farming
    Sponsored Content

    From the In Defense of Animals website-- A brief history of factory farming, and little-known facts about the living conditions and common practices in the overcrowded livestock facilities that give factory farming its name.

    “ Our society is showered with images of happy animals living on farms where the cows graze in lush green fields and the chickens have the run of the barnyard. This vision of free-roaming animals living out their days in sunny fields is very far from the reality. A majority of the animals that are raised for food live miserable lives in intensive confinement in dark, overcrowded facilities, commonly called 'factory farms.' ”Full Article
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    Mabale Growers' Tea Factory Ltd.

    From Fairtrade Foundation -- Here is profile of a fair trade producer working with the FairTrade Foundation. Located in the Western hilly slopes of the Kyenjojo District of Western Uganda, exist the Mabale Grower's Tea Factory. The factory was initially abandoned during the Amin regime.

    “ ‘Thanks to Fairtrade, we have changed our agricultural techniques which have improved the quality and quantity of our teas. We have opened new access roads to benefit all in the community, assisted in providing primary health care through construction of health units and added a new block to a local secondary school. Fairtrade is significantly contributing towards the social improvement of our community and providing a better future for our youngsters.’ ”

Bi Pharma Scams

How Drug Companies Fooled Me and Most Doctors

As little as ten years ago, conventional medicine touted HRT as THE answer to women’s post-menopausal health.

Interestingly, shortly after I completed my residency training program in 1985, I was actually a paid lecturer for the drug company that sold Premarin, the horse-based estrogen that was sold to women in menopause.

I promoted it because after carefully reviewing the “scientific” literature for over a year, it certainly seemed that it had far more benefits than downsides. However, this was my introduction in the mind-bending manipulation that the drug companies had been using for many decades.

They had meticulously bought off the leading physicians in this area of research with huge speaking engagements and grants, and were able to facilitate their articles being published in the most respected medical journals.

By using this strategy, they were able to completely pervert the scientific process and as a result, convince nearly the entire medical community, generating billions of dollars in profits from the sale of these unnatural hormones for humans.

It took me several years to recognize how these companies manipulated the system but eventually I learned the truth and stopped prescribing and recommending HRT as conventionally recommended.

In fact the leading proponent of using estrogen in the 1960’s, Dr. Robert A. Wilson, established a sham research foundation and wrote his seminal book, “Feminine Forever”, all with secret pharmaceutical company funds. His research institute and treatment recommendations were later found to be fraudulent, but by the time this was discovered the theory of using estrogen had been well established and carried on with it’s own momentum even in the face of research to the contrary. Every medical doctor in the United States fell into this trap of misinformation and mistruth and these dangerous prescribing practices continued for almost forty years