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Saturday, February 23, 2002


E x e r c i s e
(Use it! or Lose it!)

You know, I’ve actually found some people that consider “Exercise” a dirty word. There are a few who will find this article to be about as popular as a fox in a hen house. ;o)

And yet, this one subject when introduced into a health building program can mean all the difference in the world when it comes to being physically healthy, or not. It may be hard to understand this one fact, but whether you live or die, might hinge on whether or not you’re exercising. It’s that important.

There are a million reasons for not starting on an exercise program. “Too Tired”, “Too Old”, “Too Fat”, “Too Lazy errrrrrr I mean Busy ;o)”, “Too Sick, etc. etc”. Welllllll, the bottom line is: “Move it! or Lose it!” I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but if you want to have some kind of quality in your life, it has to include some form of exercise. It’s that, or turning your life over to the medicos who will end up drugging you, and carving you up for the rest of your life.

Every “Natural” Health Building program has to included ALL the following factors.
1. Nutrition: Wholesome organic foods. Much of it should be raw.
2. Clean Air to breathe.
3. Pure Water to drink.
4. Some daily Sunlight.
5. Biochemistry: Vitamins and minerals, Enzymes, Essential Fats and Proteins.
6. Exercise.
7. Mental Development.
8. Spiritual Growth.

A person who is extremely healthy is addressing all of the above on a daily basis. Probably the most neglected by the general public is #8. However this “Spiritual” part of health, I leave up to the individual to follow where his or her heart leads. The only comment I’ll make on it is this. I’ve observed that those individuals who embrace the spiritual in their daily regimen are usually very happy people. Those who don’t include this facet of life seem to be very miserable indeed.

The second most neglected of these points is Exercise, and I believe I can speak with some authority here. Without question, the absolute best exercise a person can be involved with is “RUNNING”! The human body was designed to RUN! Period! The American Indian of just a century ago, thought nothing of running for a whole day to get to where he needed to go. It was common for him and his friends to be running down a deer or an elk in order to put some food on the table. This was his daily regimen.

However, nowadays, the major problem with Running is that too many Americans are already grossly over weight, and have been for years. They are too sick, too injured, and too unhealthy to even run a block or two let alone 5 or 6 miles. There needs to be a gradient here so that everyone can work themselves back up to what they should be able to do naturally. Believe it or not, this is what should be considered to be “normal”.

And what is this gradient???

Back in the early days of the Roman Empire, a common Roman Soldier would march 25 to 35 miles in one day, and could do this for a week or two at a time. “WALKING” is the second best exercise, and is that gradient step before “running”. I know many senior citizens who walk a couple of miles every day as their sole exercise, and these folks are in excellent physical condition.

“But”, you say. “What about those people who are badly injured and can’t even walk due to broken bones or damaged body parts. Welllllllll, this leads us to the third and last form of exercise in this gradient scale, and this is “REBOUNDING”. Rebounding on a mini trampoline is the third best exercise I know of and is a step that anyone can do. Even a person with broken bones that have been set into a cast can do a few minutes of rebounding a day with no further damage done to the body. You can even put a person in a chair on a rebounder and have someone else do the jumping in order to get the exercise the person needs. This is the lowest gradient there is, and anyone can do this. Some rebounders actually come with hand holds and a chair-like system attached to them.

And what do all these gradients have in common?

Each one of these exercises compresses and decompresses every cell in the body. Even your fingernails get exercised with each of the above regimens. Every time you hit the lower part of your step when running or walking, or the bottom of your bounce when rebounding, you are compressing every cell in your body. And when you are at the top of your bounce or step, your body’s cells are fully decompressed. Every single cell gets exercised this way.

I know that this is not going to be popular with many of you, but this is an area that needs to be looked at. There is no getting around it, and if you do face up to it, I can guarantee you that after a month or two of doing one of the above exercises, you’ll be feeling better than you have in years. I’ve never seen a fat runner. Never! Have you?

How do I know all this???

Well, on a personal note, I began running the summer I turned 50 years old. I’d never been a runner in my entire life before that age. The first day I started running, I was 35 pounds over weight, generally unhealthy, and I covered about 200 yards before I fell over completely exhausted.

Seven years later, I now run in 5K (3.1 miles), 10K (6.2 miles), and even 15K / 9.3 mile races and my times are not that bad for my age. I also look about 20 years younger, am as strong as a horse, and haven’t been sick even once since that time.

If I can do it. So can you. You really can.

Even though some of you don’t want to hear this in your current state of health, I can honestly say from experience, that I am so glad I made this permanent lifestyle change and added running to my health regimen. Now, I love it, and wouldn’t dream of living my life any other way.

You can be healthy!!!

Exercise plays a very important role in the overall health plan of getting you into a state of excellent health, and there is no way it can be ignored. It’s just one of those things that’s gotta be done!!!

Yours in health and love,

Ian “Doc” Shillington N.D.

D!st!lled Water

Distilled Water
(Distilled Water)

The Importance of Distilled Water

"Only oxygen is more essential than water in sustaining the life of all living organisms. Human beings can live for several weeks without proteins, carbohydrates, and fats but just a few days without water. The quality of your tissues, their performance, and their resistance to disease and injury are absolutely linked to the quality and quantity of water you drink. Experts agree that in order to maintain optimum health one needs to drink 8-10 glasses of water per day. The daily cleansing of wastes from each cell, the flushing of the alimentary canal and the purifying of the blood are all dependent on our drinking water.

Most people get their water from the household tap. This water originates from lakes, rivers, streams, and underground sources. The majority of water goes through a system of cleaning at the local water treatment plant. However, because of a lack of funds to provide the necessary technology, many harmful pollutants and water borne diseases are present in the finished treated water.

Our tap water is treated only to minimum standards, by sedimentation, filtration, chemical conditioning and disinfection with chlorine. The toxic metals, pesticides, industrial chemical,... the 50 or so chemicals used in the water treatment are present in the already treated water, along with the dead bacteria killed by the chlorine, as are the carcinogenic Trihalomethanes from the chlorine itself, that are known to cause major liver problems.

Bacteria, viruses, synthetic compounds, metals, and radionuclides are the contaminants that become incorporated into our drinking water, and have the potential to cause health effects ranging from low grade sub-clinical illnesses such as colds and flue to death from cancer." (from the Canadian Nutrition Guide)

"There are more than 60,000 chemical contaminants in water. Any municipal water supply is likely to have at least a thousand of these. Water authorities do what they can, but it is too great an expense to ensure our tap water is healthy enough for us to drink.

Fifty percent of the US population uses water that in part is made up of recently discharged wastewater. And like the treatments for drinking water, wastewater treatments do not remove many of the toxic substances." (Prevention Magazine)

"The contamination is beyond help. More than 55,000 of the regulated chemical dumps across the nation are leaking into the ground water. Science News, 1993. With all this in mind, you need to know that distilled water is an excellent source of water.

Distilled water is water which has been heated to the boiling point so that impurities are separated from the water which itself becomes vapor or steam. It is then condensed back into pure liquid form. The impurities remain in the residue which is simply thrown away. Distilled water contains no solids, minerals or trace elements, and has no taste. Distillation removes the debris, bacteria, and other contaminants.

Distilled water has been a water purity standard in analytical labs, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and many other industries for many years and more recently a gold standard for drinking. Distillation duplicates nature’s hydrologic cycle. The sun’s heat vaporizes the water and draws it from the earth’s surface into the atmosphere. The impurities remain. As the vapor cools, it falls back to the earth as rain, snow, and other precipitation. As it leaves the clouds, the precipitation is pure but as it makes is descent to the earth it picks up the various forms of pollution found in the air. Then, as it reaches the ground, the water continues to pick-up contaminants on its way back to the various bodies of water on the earth. In mechanized distillation, water is boiled in a distiller, which creates steam that rises and leaves virtually all contaminants behind in the boiling chamber. Steam is then collected and condensed into pure, clean distilled water leaving the impurities behind to eventually flush down the drain. Because of the heat involved in the process of creating steam, all forms of bacteria and all water borne diseases are destroyed. Distilled water is the only form of water, which is free from all contaminants and impurities. Distilled water is the only clean water. Virtually everything is removed from the water by steam distillation. Seven brands we tested run from 2 - 12 PPM contaminants. That’s about as clean as you can get". (Dr. Michael Colgan, Optimum Sports Nutrition)

"Do I need to tell you why drinking plenty of good quality water is as essential to health as eating properly? In a nutshell: one of the main activities of the body’s self-healing system is filtration of the blood, a job performed mostly by the kidneys which a little help from the mechanism of perspiration. Kidneys are such efficient, compact and miraculous filters that they put to shame the dialysis machines used the maintain the patients with renal failure. The heart, blood, and kidneys are a single functional unit the constantly cleanses and purifies itself, removing all the toxic wastes of metabolism and the breakdown products of harmful substances that get onto our bodies one way or another. This purification system can operate efficiently only if the volume of water flowing through it is sufficient to carry away the waste. Further, as good quality steam distilled water enters the body, it has the ability to pick-up mineral deposits accumulated in cells, joints, artery walls, or wherever such deposits occur and begin to carry them out. Gallstones and kidney stones then decrease, and it also lessens arthritic pain as joints become more supple and movable.” (Dr. Andrew Weil, Natural Health, Natural Medicine) I don't normally quote this guy as he has a psych orientation, but he's spot on here.

"There are two forms of minerals, organic and inorganic. Inorganic minerals refers to non-vegetable or non-animal matter, i.e. not living. This included carbonate and lime compounds, calcium, iron and magnesium. Because these components are non-living, our bodies can no make use of these minerals and our cells reject them. The result of ingesting these minerals is an accumulation of debris in our bodies. Organic minerals on the other hand are living, and are found in vegetables, fruit, seeds, grains, meats, and nuts which form our daily diet. These are easily assimilated by our cells and are essential for good health. If you rely on water a source of your required minerals,you are sadly lacking. The minerals in water are inorganic, and the body cannot make use of them. The body continually assimilates the much needed minerals from the food we eat.

No, this is physiologically impossible. Some have been lead to believe that because distilled water is so pure, it will leach healthy minerals and trace elements from the body. Distilled water will do this with pipes. In our bodies distilled water cleans out our impurities and replenishes the essential nutrient required for human life; pure, clean, healthy water. Our cells use the organic minerals for body growth and maintenance; however, the impurities that the body cannot make us of are flushed out with distilled water. Distilled water flushes out all the inorganic minerals and pollutants which would otherwise be retained in the body and accumulate in vital organs such as liver, kidneys, intestines and fatty tissue. These minerals and pollutants are gradually increased by drinking impure water. A continuous or prolonged exposure to these minerals and pollutants may cause carcinogens to form within tissues. The cancer may only manifest itself months, years or even decades after such contacts have ceased. And often the causative agents may have totally disappeared from the tissues.

It has become apparent that pollution and contamination exist within our drinking water. With the amount of sewage dumped into drinking water sources, many water borne diseases are present in the so-called “treated” drinking water. This leaves our bodies wide open to diseases.

The viruses of major concern in relation to drinking water are those of intestinal origin, excreted by infected animals or humans, which reach water resources by way of the soils unlimited potential for serious disease and contamination of the human body." (Canadian Nutrition Guide)

Don’t take unnecessary risks, Drink Healthy, Drink Distilled. To be Sure, several drinks of local tap water will not kill you, but common sense will tell you that your body cannot function and survive with daily ingestion of poison.



Copyright © 2004 by Ian “Doc” Shillington N.D.  All rights reserved.

Meat 0f the Pr0blem

Dead Meat
(The Meat of the Problem)

Think about it.

The natural diet for a cow is grass. Grass is alive, full of live enzymes which all help to produce a healthy cow. Old time country farmers used water and natural manure from their chickens, cows and rabbits as fertilizer. The grass did not have chemical fertilizers sprayed on it.

You hear the words “Natural Grain Fed Beef”. Well, what does this mean? It means that the cow was fed a dry, dead grain with enzyme inhibitors rather than a fresh, live grass. Then what happens to the animal? Right! It gets sick!

And then what does the meat industry do to solve this problem? You got it! They give an anti-biotic which leaves residues in the meat of the animal.

Why not just feed the animal its natural diet? Well then you won’t have an animal that weights as much and brings as much profit at the time of slaughter. To increase the weight further, the animals are given steroids and hormones which means you are not only eating antibiotics, but now you are also consuming steroids and hormones when you have a meal of beef, chicken, pork, farm raised fish or dairy products. So, many people are on a “money motivated, health destroying, merry-go-round”.

For the last 30+ years the amount of Hormones, Antibiotics, and Steroids which have been used to produce bigger and fatter animals has been on the increase every year, so that today, these meat products are not only ineffective for our nutritional needs, but are actually creating many physical diseases.

Perverted meat is THE “Reason WHY” most American children are starting to go through puberty at the ages of 7, 8, and 9 instead of the normal 12 through 15. It is the cause of many “teenage” difficulties and is the origin of PMS, and the problems women are having with Menopause. Altered meat is the reason why so many men are coming down with prostate problems. It answers the question why an increasing number of men and women are unable to have children. The weight and obesity problems of Americans are a direct result of the hormones used in the meat industry.

If you want to get off this “money motivated, health destroying, merry-go- round” you need to do a few things you may not have yet done. First of all pull up the website for eatwild.com and get even more educated. This site will explain how the natural omega 3 and omega 6 in beef changes to the opposite of what the human body needs when an animal is fed grain. Very interesting data! Look for other sites and get educated on the subject.

About 35 years ago, the FDA passed rules and regulations for what did, or did not qualify as CERTIFIED ORGANIC. At that time, they actually created these Rules to suppress a young growing organic foods movement. But to our great good fortune, their intention backfired and nowadays, the only saving grace in the entire American food chain are those two words. Certified Organic! All else is suspect and should be investigated before purchased.

So the next thing I can recommend to you in starting back on the road to physical health is to research where you can obtain CERTIFIED ORGANIC meat and eat and feed your family only meats that do not have hormones, steroids and antibiotics. Watch out for labels such as “All Natural” or “Range Free” as these names can be a cover up and the meat may still contain antibiotics, hormones and steroids. Did you know that you can take beef, irradiate it, and still call it “All Natural”??? Do you know that you can feed a chicken antibiotics, steroids, and hormones, but because it lives in a barnyard outside, it can be called “Range Free”??? This is ridiculous!

I recently heard an interesting statistic that in the year 1900 20% of the people over the age of 40 had degenerative diseases. Today that figure has risen to over 70%. What has changed since the 1900’s?

This suppressive treatment of our meats is causing an incredible number of troubles in children, so that Psychiatrists are having a hay day inventing all kinds of new mental diseases every year, justifying the drugging of our kids with Ritalin®, Concerta®, Adderall®, Prozac®, and a multitude of other extremely destructive, mind altering drugs. Some of these outrageous drugs are being given to our 4 and 5 year olds for Gawds sake. The youth of America are well on the way to being destroyed, and yet a media controlled by these vested interest groups directs our attention on terrorism and violence only.

This is beyond criminal, and I actually compare the size of this evil act to the holocaust in Germany in the 1930’s and 40’s. Why? Because over a million people a year are dying with heart problems and a thousand other wasting diseases. Because one isn’t killed instantly with these practices, they are actually allowed to continue and even encouraged by such as the pharmaceutical companies, medical doctors and especially the psychiatrists. After all, this does create more business and money for them, doesn’t it?

Here are some places you can get data to do your own research on this. I strongly suggest you check these things out for yourself.


Buy only ocean caught fish. Eat less meat and consider other protein sources, such as sprouted almonds, and my Total Nutrition Formula. Support only those meat industries that go the extra mile to produce CERTIFIED ORGANIC products, and this includes eggs, milk, cheese, yogurt, as well as the pork, chicken and beef you eat. The time to make this change is NOW, before you and your family end up as – dead meat.

Yours in health and love,


Copyright © 2001 by Ian “Doc” Shillington N.D. All rights reserved.



DMSO is Dimethylsulfoxide and is processed from pine trees. Commercial grade is used as a solvent and works wonderfully that way. The pharmaceutical grade has been used very successfully with Down Syndrome children, Cancer patients, glaucoma, cataracts, and just about any other ill we humans have mocked up. It is a catalyst second to none as it has the ability to permeate any cell wall existing, including bone and external eye tissue. You can put a drop on your big toe and taste it in your mouth in anywhere from 8 to 12 seconds. Amazing stuff. One of its greatest characteristics is the ability to take herbal biochemicals with it when it passes through these cell walls. This gets the 'goodies' where they are needed fast. It also happens to be a free radical fighter without peer and bonds to free radical hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon atoms and neutralizes them instantly. Most exciting to me is that it also happens to help realign DNA back to the original blueprint.

The above are the main reasons it is in my anti-plague formulation. There are over 75 different sulfur compounds in Garlic which is a main ingredient in the Total Tonic Formula. Garlic is "Nature's antibiotic" and used with the DMSO will get in there and knock off bacteria, viruses, and fungi at a tremendous rate.

You should be able to get the USP Pharmaceutical Grade at your local drug store or possibly at your local Heathfood store. If you can't, give me a call or e- mail me privately. A lot of "healthfood stores" carry a very inferior brand in plastic. Do not buy this type. DMSO will eventually dissolve plastic over a long period of time. The USP Pharmaceutical grade is stored in brown glass with either a teflon or wax top. This is the variety that is used by the Sierra Clinic to inject into Down Syndrome children to correct that condition.

Hope this helps.

Much love,


Copyright © 2001 by Ian “Doc” Shillington N.D. All rights reserved.

C0ld and Flu Seas0n

Cold and Flu Season
(A Fairy Story)

C’mon Guys. Let’s get real! Let’s face it! There is NO such thing as "The Cold and Flu Season"!!! No way Jose! It just doesn’t exist!!! It is NOT natural. It is a created phenomenon!

What really happens at this time of year? Why does everyone and their grandmother "all of a sudden" come down with the cold or flu? Well - can we look at "Cause" and "Effect" and own up to a few things maybe? All we have to do is take a little responsibility here, OK?

Now - let’s get somewhat smart here and ask ourselves a couple of very pertinent questions. "When does "Cold and Flu Season" start? Answer: Right after the Christmas / New Year’s holiday season! And what’s so significant about that? Answer: It’s that one time of year when we pig-out more than any other. We eat more greasy foods and junk, drink more booze, and take in more chocolate, sweets, and other "White Sugar" products than at any other time of the year. Statistically, it is also the highest emotionally stressed period of the entire year when we have to "tolerate" some family members who are not normally around.

Helloooo! This does not take a college course in Logic to figure this out. Most of us know that white sugar and alcohol suppress the immune system quite dramatically. And with the increased familial stress level, isn’t it then logical, that following such a physical and emotional debauchery, we will then be at our most receptive susceptibility to these "diseases"? Do you think that the Psychs, Medicos and Pharmaceuticals don’t know this? Is it possible that the Medicos might even promote this (covertly) for their own financial gain?

OK, OK, OK. Now that we’ve admitted ourselves as being "Cause" over this phenomenon, and we’ve now realized that this cold or flu that we’re now experiencing is a self inflicted wound. What are we going to do about it? And what can we do to "causatively" get rid of it? Welllllll, you’re in luck, because there’s an answer to that one too ;o)

You can manufacture an Echinacea Tincture which is second to none. Period. I have our Echinacea Angustifolia roots wildcrafted early in the morning and shipped to us the same day, overnight UPS, packed in wet burlap and ice. We then fill our gallon jars ¾ full with this freshly diced root and then add a distilled water/alcohol combination 50 - 50, to start drawing the essential oils and vital biochemicals out of the root. The brew is ready to press two weeks later, however most of our jars brew for six months or more as it does get better with age. We then press it on the Full Moon just as the Farmers and Master Herbalists of olden days used to do, thus drawing out the maximum amount of goodness. After this pressing, a small amount of Organic Garlic and Organic Habanero juices are added to increase absorption into the body for faster and more potent results. You can do this too. It is very easy and I'd love to see everyone of you making this and the following remedies.

The second great formula in this Cold & Flu Remedy is my Total Tonic Formula, a concoction which is also an integral part of my Anti-Plague handling. This tincture taken with Echinacea and DMSO can successfully wipe out any cold, flu or plague bug going around. And it does it FAST. By themselves they are awesome enough, but taken together they are unbeatable in handling viruses, bacteria, and fungi with no negative effects or damage to intestinal flora in your system whatsoever.

A Research Story

by Ian "Doc" Shillington N.D.

I’ve been researching and working for over 12 years to find an herbal formula that could do it all, and I finally found it in Total Tonic. In an emergency situation, if I could have only one herb, it would be CAYENNE. In a non- emergency or every day circumstance, that one essential herb would be GARLIC. One of the most controversial items on the market for the last forty years has been DMSO (Dimethylsulfoxide: a chemical Sulfur compound) derived from Pine trees. I have met dozens people over the years who have sworn their cancer, their heart disease, etc. had been cured by the use of DMSO. The latest kid on the block (the Holistic market) is MSM (a purified chemical Sulfur compound) that is also manufactured from Pine trees. Similar healing claims have been made about MSM. Even a century ago, many cures were effected by using Sulfa drugs and the use of Sulfur was recognized world-wide as an accepted medical tool. Well guess what? Garlic has more sulfur per cubic inch than any other herb (food), and is naturally composed of over 77 different sulfur compounds. Garlic is one of the few places to find DMSO and MSM in higher quantities, and in a natural state, with all essential nutrients and enzymes necessary to process the sulfur into your system. Many of you are aware of the fact that, Organic Raw Unfiltered Apple cider Vinegar is one of the most effective catalysts used to help the body absorb herbs, vitamins and minerals. Total Tonic has it all and gives you all the above compounds naturally. There is no better formula available. Add to it the Echinacea which jump-starts and fires up your immune system faster and better than any other ingredient, the pure DMSO which is a free radical fighter without peer, and any Cold, Flu or Plague is history. Period.

As an added note: The correct gradient approach for using the above would be. At the first sign of a sniffle or sore throat, use the Total Tonic by itself. If that didn’t handle it immediately (which it usually does), then add the Echinacea to the regimen. For a very heavy attack on your immune system or an outbreak of plague, add the DMSO.

Yours in health and love,


Copyright © 2001 by Ian “Doc” Shillington N.D. All rights reserved.

Breast Pr0blems

Breast Problems and Their Remedies

Over the last several years, I’ve collected some very interesting solutions for handling many adverse conditions with the breast, including but not limited to Cancer, unidentified lumps, bumps, and lesions.

Many MDs caution their patients to the point of "fear" to get regular Mammograms and checkups for these lumps and bumps, but never do these MDs educate their patients on how to prevent these in the first place nor how to get rid of them naturally. I’m going to rectify that now.

The breasts, especially towards the armpits, contain a very large quantity of lymph glands which the body uses as a garbage disposal unit to get rid of wastes and toxins within the body. Most breast cancer in women starts near the underarms where these lymph nodes are abundant. The following are the 3 major physical causes for breast problems in their order of the most difficulties created.

#1 Bras. #2 Heavy antiperspirant deodorants. #3 Lack of exercise.

Does this mean we have to revert back to the 60s when "not wearing a bra" was the "in" thing? Does this mean we have to walk around and stink, offending our friends and coworkers alike?

Absolutely not! There are solutions!

One can get bras made of either silk or cotton that contain, but do not bind. One can buy or even make their own herbal preparations which will beat any store-bought deodorant hands down. And lastly, one can get a little more exercise even if it means buying a Rebounder and jumping up and down for 5 minutes a day. There are simple solutions that work, and they will keep the lumps and bumps away.

But what about someone who already has a breast problem or even has Cancer? The following solutions can work wonders, and best of all, they are FREE! (Don’t let your Medical Doctor see this unless you want to see him go berserk) These 3 solutions are also in their relative order of importance.

#1. Hot and Cold Hydrotherapy. Using a shower wand or just standing in the shower and having the stream of water focused on the underarm and breast can dramatically lessen or even get rid of lumps and Cancers. One starts with "hot" (as hot as you can stand it) and lets the water stream hit the area for a minimum of two minutes. You then turn the "hot" all the way off and do two minutes with only the "cold" on (the colder the better). Alternate back and forth doing hot then cold and end on hot for a total of 22 minutes. That’s 6 "hots" and 5 "colds". For serious cases of Cancer do this whole sequence 3 times a day. By itself, this procedure has wiped out major Breast Tumors and if I only had one therapy to use, this is it.

#2. The second and a very important action you can take to get rid of breast problems is "exercise". No other exercise beats "running". Running will thoroughly exercise every cell in your body. "But", you say "It’s winter time and too cold to go running", or "I haven’t exercised in years and I’m too busy (lazy) and just don’t have the time". Well - I’ve heard all the excuses and even though running is the best, and it doesn’t cost a thing, there are alternatives. You could buy an inexpensive Rebounder and jump up and down for 5 to 10 minutes a day. Rebounding for 5 minutes is equal to running a mile, it’s that good.

Unlike veins which have valves that keep the blood flowing in one direction and a heart to keep it moving, the only way the lymph system can move fluid is through exercise. The #3 solution is a form of exercise which is isolated to that one area. Running and Rebounding exercises the entire lymph system throughout the body and will also tone it. A very secondary #2 solution to the exercise would be inversion therapy where one hangs upside down on a slant board or other such apparatus. For a person who was extremely overweight or who was injured and couldn’t run or jump, inversion therapy would be a temporary solution while implementing solutions #1 and #3.

#3. A friend of mine, gave me this next little gem that she picked up from a Naturopath by the name of Dr. Dana Myat - author of "A Physician’s Diary".

"There is a Chinese form of Breast Massage - and this is another treatment I give to all my women, both with benign lumps and with Breast Cancer. You put your hand over the breast and move the entire mass of breast tissue so you are really lifting the breast in a circle and the circle is toward the arm pits - so whatever direction it will be, it’s different on each breast. You put your hands over both breasts and do the massage, the rotations - you can work on both breasts at the same time… You are moving the entire breast. This is moving the breast in the direction that the lymph channels flow around the breast. This is an ANCIENT Chinese technique for removing lumps and bumps from the breast… It helps. In fact, any woman who has fibrocystic disease that has painful breasts, it works really well. You can just do the treatment right there in the doctor’s office and it will very often take the discomfort out of the fibrocystic disease. I teach patients to-do it at home because if they have a malignancy or a serious case of cystic breast disease that they are inspired to get rid of, the Chinese say that you do three hundred circles a day. I can tell you if you try to do three hundred rotations the very first time, it is like going into the gym and working out for an hour when you haven’t been weight lifting because your arm muscles will be sore and the chest wall muscles may feel a little sore. That’s OK - you won’t hurt anything but I will often tell my women to start with 150 rotations and work their way up until they can do 300 and they may even want to break it up into two sessions - 150 in the morning and 150 in the evening…"

For the best results, I’d recommend to a client that they utilize all three solutions, especially if they had a serious Breast Tumor. As is the case with anyone who is now taking full responsibility for their own health, the more you can do, the better. And this would include a full herbal and nutritional program as well.

Yours in health and love,


Copyright © 2001 by Ian “Doc” Shillington N.D. All rights reserved.

Friday, February 22, 2002

Herbal Remed!es

Ailments and Herbal Remedies
(by Doc Shillington)

All remedies are listed in my order of priority so start with the first formula listed. You may use all of the formulae listed at once also if you wish. If you start with just one and after a reasonable period of time you do not get the desired results, try the second and third formula recommendations by adding them to the regimen. Continue to use the first formula when adding the second and third formula suggestions.

Please Note: I've been very reluctant in regards writing an index of this type. The fear is that you will take it out of context and try to cure diseases ONLY with herbal remedies. Herbal Doctoring rarely works by itself alone, and even when it does, it is only a temporary fix. True healing comes from creating a lifestyle that is spiritually, mentally and physically healthy and by stopping the things you did that made you sick and beginning spritual, mental and physical programs of health and wellness.

The Intestinal Cleanses, the Liver/Gallbladder/Pancreatic Cleanses, and the Kidney Cleanse should be done as a foundation to almost every program. It is definitely the most thorough and effective way to go.


Total Nutrition, Intestinal Cleanse #1 and #2, Echinacea Plus and TotalTonic, the Liver/Gallbladder/Pancreatic & Kidney Cleanses, Cayenne Tincture, Vit E & CoQ10, Enzymes, and organic foods are the basics. This would also include exercise.

Total Nutrition adds power to all of these herbal remedies and makes them more effective plus gives your body the correct building blocks to help your body correct imbalances found. Cleansing the bowel allows the body to rid itself of toxins and poison. Echinacea and TotalTonic stimulate the Immune system and helps your body heal itself while knocking off low grade infections.

Using the basic program along with Your specific herbal treatments will give you the healing you desire.

This list of ailments is far from complete, but it is a good start. There may not be certain remedies or formulae in the files, in which case, I'd appreciate it if you'd bring it to my attention for correction. I'd be grateful for any help in this area.

Yours in health and love,

Ian "Doc" Shillington

1. Abdominal Bleeding: Intestinal Cleanse #1 and #2; Cayenne Tincture; Cayenne Pepper Powder; Slippery Elm Bark Powder.

2. Abrasions: Anti-infection Formula; Jojoba and 9% Tea Tree Oil Formula; Enzymes.

3. Acne: Intestinal Cleanse #1 and #2; Liver/Gallbladder Tea.

4. Adenoids, inflamed: Panther Piss; Echinacea Plus Formula; Garlic; TotalTonic; DMSO; Enzymes.

5. Adenoids, swollen: Add the Intestinal Cleanse #1 & #2

6. Allergy: Panther Piss; Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; DMSO; The Total Body Cleanse Program

7. Alzheimer's Disease: Brain Formula; The Complete Incurables Program (to be published in the near future).

8. Anemic: Total Nutrition; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

9. Angina Pectoris: Heart Formula; Enzymes; Cayenne Pepper Powder; Cayenne Tincture; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

10. Animal Bites: Anti Infection Formula; Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; DMSO.

11. Antioxidants: Total Nutrition; Vit E; CoQ10; DMSO.

12. Antiseptic: Echinacea Plus Formula, Garlic; Anti-infection Formula ; Jojoba and 9% Tea Tree Oil Formula.

13. Anxiety: Total Nutrition; Lobelia Tincture ; Nerve Formula.

14. Arrhythmia: (see cardiac)

15. Atherosclerosis: Heart Formula; Cayenne Tincture; DMSO; Enzymes; The Complete Incurables Program.

16. Arthritis: Panther Piss; Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula; Lemon Egg; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

17. Asthma: Lobelia Tincture ; Panther Piss; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

18. Athletes foot: Jojoba and 9% Tea Tree Oil Formula; Enzymes; Panther Piss; Anti-infection Formula ; Herbal First Aid Salve; Echinacea Plus Formula.

19. Aphrodisiac: Female Formula, or Male Formula; Damiana or Total Ginseng Tinctures; Garlic.

20. Bad Breath: Tooth and Gum Formula; Enzymes; Intestinal Corrective Formula #1 & #2.

21. Bladder: (see kidney)

22. Bleeding: Cayenne Pepper Powder; Cayenne Tincture. On an open wound, Cayenne Powder will stop bleeding.

23. Blindness: Eyebright Formula; DMSO; Panther Piss; Brain Formula; Total Nutrition; Enzymes; Vit E & CoQ10; and the Total Body Cleanse Program; For total blindness from Glaucoma and / or Cataracts, add 1 to 9 drops of extra DMSO into the Eyebright Formula to bring about healing.

24. Blunt trauma: Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula; Trauma Oil; Enzymes; Nerve Sedative to help whole body relax; Lobelia.

25. Boils: Anti-infection Formula; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

26. Bone fractures: Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula; Hot and Cold Hydrotherapy; Panther Piss; Lemon Egg; CoQ10; Vitamin E.

27. Bowels inflamed with runny stool: ; Nerve Formula; Intestinal Cleanse #2.

28. Breast, cancer: The Complete Incurables Program.

29. Breathing: Mullein Tincture & Tea; Lobelia Tincture and tea.

30. Brain circulation: Brain Formula; Enzymes; DMSO; Total Nutrition; Cayenne Pepper; Cayenne Tincture.

31. Bronchial, dilate: Lobelia Tincture.

32. Bronchitis: Lobelia Tincture; Total Body Cleanse Program.

33. Bruises: Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula; Enzymes; Total Nutrition, CoQ10 & Vitamin E; Panther Piss; Lemon Egg.

34. Bursitis: Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula; Hot and Cold Hydrotherapy; Enzymes; Panther Piss; Lemon Egg.

35. Cancer: The Complete Incurables Program.

36. Candida albicans: Intestinal Cleanse #1; Total Body Cleanse Program.

37. Cardiac, arrhythmia: Heart Formula; DMSO; Cayenne Tincture; Enzymes; Vit E & CoQ10; Complete Incurables Program.

38. Cataracts: Eyebright Formula with 1 to 10 extra drops of DMSO in the eyecup mixture; Panther Piss; Brain Formula; Enzymes; Cayenne Pepper; Cayenne Tincture; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

39. Cerebral hemorrhage: Cayenne Pepper Blend; Cayenne Tincture; DMSO; Enzymes; Panther Piss; The Complete Incurables Program.

40. Cervix infections: Garlic; Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; Female Formula; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

41. Chest cold: Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; DMSO; Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula rubbed on chest.

42. Chicken Pox: Echinacea Plus Formula, Jojoba and 9% Tea Tree Oil Formula; Panther Piss; Total Nutrition.

43. Childbirth & Pregnancy: Lobelia Tincture for cramps and stress; Total Nutrition should be taken throughout pregnancy.

44. Cholesterol: Heart Formula; TotalTonic; Lots of Garlic; Enzymes; Panther Piss; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

45. Crohn's Disease: Intestinal Corrective Formula #2; Nerve Formula; The Total Body Cleanse Program (do NOT do the Intestinal Cleanse #1 part of this program).

46. Chronic Fatigue: Echinacea Plus Formula, Total Nutrition; Enzymes; Vit E & CoQ10; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

47. Circulation, to enhance: Cayenne Tincture; Exercise.

48. Colds / Flu & Plague: Echinacea Plus Formula, TotalTonic; DMSO; Intestinal Cleanse #1; Panther Piss; Enzymes; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

49. Colic: Nerve Formula; Lobelia Tincture.

50. Colitis, ulcerated: Intestinal Corrective Formula #2; Total Nutrition; Slippery Elm Bark Gruel.

51. Congestive Heart Disease: Heart Formula; Cayenne Tincture; Enzymes; Vit E & CoQ10; The Total Body Clense Program; The Complete Incurables Program.

52. Conjunctivitis: TotalTonic; Chop up some onions; Eyebright Formula; DMSO.

53. Constipation: Intestinal Cleanse #1; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

54. Convulsions: Nerve Formula; Lobelia Tincture; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

55. Cuts: Cayenne Powder on the Bleeding; Cayenne Tincture; Echinacea Plus Formula; Anti-infection Formula.

56. Cystitis: Kidney/Bladder Formula; Kidney Bladder Tea; Enzymes; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

57. Depression: Nerve Formula; Total Nutrition; Intestinal Cleanse #1& #2; Brain Formula.

58. Dermatitis: Jojoba and 9% Tea Tree Oil Formula; Kidney Bladder Tea & Tincture; Enzymes.

59. Detoxification: The Total Body Cleanse Program.

60. Diabetes: The Complete Incurables Program.

61. Diaper Rash: Jojoba and 9% Tea Tree Oil Formula.

62. Diarrhea: Intestinal Cleanse #2; Echinacea Plus Formula, The Total Body Cleanse Program.

63. Diverticulitis: Intestinal Cleanse #1& #2; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

64. Diverticulosis: Intestinal Cleanse #1& #2; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

65. Dizziness: Cayenne Tincture; Brain Formula; DMSO.

66. Drug Withdrawal: Nerve Formula; Lobelia Tincture; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

67. Dysentery: Intestinal Cleanse #2; Echinacea Plus Formula, Total Tonic; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

68. Edema: Kidney/Bladder Formula; Kidney Bladder Tea; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

69. Emetic: Lobelia Tincture.

70. Emphysema: Lobelia Tincture; The Complete Incurables Program.

71. Energy: Total Nutrition; Cayenne Tincture; Panther Piss; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

72. Epilepsy (Petit and Grand): Nerve Formula; Lobelia Tincture; The Complete Incurables Program.

73. Epstein Barr Virus: Echinacea Plus Formula, Total Tonic; DMSO; The Total Body Cleanse Program;

74. Eczema: Jojoba and 9% Tea Tree Oil Formula; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

75. Eyes, rebuild from injury & infections: Total Nutrition; Eyebright Formula; Brain Formula; DMSO.

76. Eyesight, loss: Eyebright Formula with 1 to 10 drops of extra DMSO in the eye cup; Enzymes; Vit E & CoQ10; Total Nutrition; Brain Formula; Cayenne Tincture.

77. Fainting: Cayenne Tincture; Brain Formula; Total Nutrition.

78. Fatigue: Total Nutrition; Panther Piss; Echinacea Plus Formula.

79. Fertility, Men: Male Energy Formula; Super Ginseng Formula; Prostate Formula; Total Body Cleanse Program.

80. Fertility, Women: Female Formula; Total Body Cleanse Program.

81. Fever: Echinacea Plus Formula, Garlic; Total Tonic; Lots of Hot Baths; Total Body Cleanse Program.

82. Fits: (see epilepsy)

83. Food Poisoning: Intestinal Cleanse #2; Total Tonic; Echinacea Plus Formula; Slippery Elm Bark Gruel.

84. Frostbite: Cayenne Pepper Powder; Cayenne Tincture; Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula; DMSO.

85. Fungus: (see athletes foot)

86. Gall Stones: The Total Body Cleanse Program.

87. Gangrene: Cayenne Pepper Powder; Cayenne Tincture; DMSO; Enzymes; The Complete Incurables Program.

88. Gas: Intestinal Cleanse #1 & #2; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

89. Glands, swollen: Echinacea Plus Formula, Total Tonic; Enzymes; DMSO; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

90. Glaucoma: Cayenne Tincture; Brain Formula; Eyebright Formula with 1 to 10 drops of extra DMSO added to eyecup.

91. Gingivitis: Tooth and Gum Formula; Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic.

92. Gout, pain: The Total Body Cleanse Program; Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula.

93. Gums, bleeding: Tooth and Gum Formula; Cayenne Tincture; Total Tonic.

94. Hay Fever: Echinacea Plus Formula, TotalTonic; DMSO; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

95. Headache: Intestinal Cleanse #1 & #2; Cayenne Tincture; Brain Formula.

96. Heart, Protective: Heart Formula; Cayenne Pepper Powder; Cayenne Tincture; Enzymes.

97. Heart Attack: Cayenne Tincture; Heart Formula; DMSO; Enzymes.

98. Heartburn: Intestinal Cleanse #2

99. Heavy Metal Poisoning: The Total Body Cleanse Program.

100. Hemorrhage: Cayenne Pepper Powder; Cayenne Tincture.

101. Hemorrhoids: Jojoba and 9% Tea Tree Oil Formula; Intestinal Cleanse#1; Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula.

102. Hemoglobin Low: Total Nutrition; Panther Piss; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

103. Hepatitis (X): The Complete Incurables Program.

104. Herpes, zoster: Nerve Formula; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

105. Herpes, simplex: Garlic; Anti-infection Formula.

106. Hiatal hernia: Nerve Formula; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

107. Hiccups: Cayenne Tincture followed by Lobelia Tincture.

108. High Blood Pressure: TotalTonic w/ extra Garlic; Heart Formula; DMSO; Vit E & CoQ10; Enzymes; Panther Piss; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

109. Hives: Echinacea Plus Formula; Nerve Formula; Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

110. Hot Flashes: Female Formula; Total Nutrition.

111. Hypertension: TotalTonic w/ extra Garlic; Heart Formula; Enzymes; Vit E & CoQ10; Total Body Cleanse Program.

112. Hypoglycemia: Total Nutrition; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

113. Immune Stimulation: Total Nutrition; Echinacea Plus Formula; TotalTonic.

114. Impotency, Male: Male Energy Formula; Super Ginseng Formula; Prostate Formula; The Total Body Cleanse Program. Female: Female Energy Formula; Super Ginseng Formula; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

115. Incontinence, Women: Kidney/Bladder Formula; Kidney Bladder Tea.

116. Incontinence, Men: Kidney/Bladder Formula; Kidney Bladder Tea; Prostate Formula.

117. Indigestion: Intestinal Cleanse #1 & #2; Enzymes; Acidophilus.

118. Infection, internal: Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; DMSO.

119. Infection, external: Anti-infection Formula; Herbal First Aid Salve; Cayenne Powder.

120. Infertility in Women: Female Formula; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

121. Influenza: Echinacea Plus Formula, TotalTonic; DMSO; Total Nutrition; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

122. Insect Bites: Prickly Pear Cactus Pulp; Echinacea Plus Formula; Anti- infection Formula; Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula; Enzymes; DMSO.

123. Insomnia: Nerve Formula; Lobelia.

124. Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Intestinal Cleanse #2; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

125. Itching: Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula; Jojoba and 9% Tea Tree Oil Formula; Echinacea Plus Formula.

126. Jaundice: The Total Body Cleanse Program.

127. Kidney, stones: Kidney/Bladder Formula; Kidney Bladder Tea; Kidney Stone Dissolve Tea and Tincture; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

128. Kidney, infection: Kidney/Bladder Formula; Kidney Bladder Tea; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

129. Laryngitis: Echinacea Plus Formula; TotalTonic; DMSO.

130. Leg ulcers: Intestinal Cleanse #1 & #2; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

131. Ligament, sprains: Total Nutrition; Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula; Enzymes; DMSO.

132. Liver, all problems: The Total Body Cleanse Program.

133. Low Energy: Total Nutrition; Enzymes; Cayenne Tincture.

134. Lumbago: Deep Tissue Repair Oil; Hot and Cold Hydrotherapy.

135. Lung, infection: Echinacea Plus Formula; TotalTonic; Lobelia Tincture; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

136. Lung, congestion: Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; Lobelia Tincture; DMSO.

137. Lupus: Echinacea Plus Formula, Total Tonic; DMSO; The Complete Incurables Program.

138. Malaria: Echinacea Plus Formula, Total Tonic; DMSO; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

139. Malnutrition: Total Nutrition; All raw organic foods; Raw Organic Eggs.

140. Mastitis: Echinacea Plus Formula; Hot and Cold Hydrotherapy.

141. Measles: Echinacea Plus Formula, Total Tonic; Total Nutrition.

142. Memory: Brain Formula; Cayenne Tincture; Total Nutrition; DMSO.

143. Meningitis: Echinacea Plus Formula, Total Tonic; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

144. Menopause: Female Formula; Nerve Formula; Total Nutrition.

145. Menstrual cramps: Nerve Formula; Lobelia; Female Formula.

146. Menstruation, irregular: Female Formula.

147. Mental fatigue: Cayenne Tincture; Brain Formula; Total Nutrition.

148. Mercury Poisoning: The Total Body Cleanse Program.

149. Migraine: Cayenne Tincture; Brain Formula; Nerve Formula; Intestinal Cleanse #1 & #2.

150. Mumps: Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; Panther Piss; DMSO.

151. Muscle, torn, sprains: Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula.

152. Cramps, Spasms: Total Nutrition; Enzymes; Nerve Formula; Lobelia Tincture.

153. Nerve repair, damage: Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula; Total Nutrition; Nerve Regeneration Formula.

154. Pain: Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula; Nerve Formula.

155. Palpitations: Heart Formula; Cayenne Tincture; Enzymes; Vit E & CoQ10; Total Nutrition.

156. PAP Smear, abnormal: Female Formula; Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; DMSO; Enzymes; The Total Body Cleanse Formula.

157. Parasites (general external): Jojoba 9% Tea Tree Oil; Herbal First Aid Salve.

158. Parasites (general internal): Intestinal Cleanse #1; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

159. Pink eye: Eyebright Formula; Total Nutrition.

160. Pneumonia: Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; DMSO; Lobelia Tincture; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

161. Poison Ivy or Poison Oak: Echinacea Plus Formula; Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula; DMSO; Herbal First Aid Salve.

162. Prostate (all problems): Prostate Formula; Male Energy Formula; Kidney/Bladder Tonic Formula ; Kidney Bladder Tea; Intestinal Cleanse #1; The Total Body Cleanse Program; The Complete Incurables Program.

163. Psoriasis: Jojoba and 9% Tea Tree Oil Formula; Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

164. Radiation poison: Vit B3 (Niacin, NOT Niacinamide); Intestinal Cleanse #2; The Total Body Cleanse Program.

165. Ringworm: Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; Jojoba and 9% Tea Tree Oil Formula.

166. Sciatica: Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula; Hot and Cold Hydrotherapy; Intestinal Cleanse #1 & 2.

167. Seizures: Nerve Formula; Lobelia Tincture; The Complete Incurables Program.

168. Sexual desire, Male: Prostate Formula; Male Energy Formula; Total Nutrition; Total Ginseng Tonic Formula.

169. Sexual desire, Female: Female Formula; Total Nutrition.

170. Shingles: (See Herpes Zoster)

171. Sinus congestion: Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; Herbal Snuff; Eucalyptus Oil in a humidifier.

172. Sinus, infection: Herbal Snuff.

173. Skin, elimination of material: Intestinal Cleanse #1 & #2; Kidney Cleanse.

174. Skin, dry, chapped, sore: Jojoba and 9% Tea Tree Oil Formula; UDO's Oil.

175. Smoking, to stop: Nerve Formula; Lobelia Tincture; Total Nutrition.

176. Sprains: Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula.

177. Stings: Prickly Pear Cactus Pulp; Echinacea Plus Formula; Anti-infection Formula; Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula.

178. Stress: Total Nutrition; Nerve Formula; Lobelia Tincture.

179. Stomach ulcers: Intestinal Corrective Formula #2; The Total Body Cleanse.

180. Stomach cramps: Nerve Formula; Lobelia Tincture.

181. Stroke: Cayenne Tincture; Brain Formula; DMSO; Enzymes; The Complete Incurables Program.

182. Sty: Eye Bright Formula; Total Nutrition; Brain Formula.

183. Tachycardia: Cayenne Tincture Concentrate; Heart Formula; Enzymes; Vit E & CoQ10; The Complete Incurables Program.

184. Teething: Tooth & Gum Formula; Lobelia.

185. Tendons: Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula.

186. Throat, sore: Gargle and then swallow Echinacea Plus Formula mixed with Total Tonic.

187. Tinnitus: Cayenne Tincture; Total Nutrition; Brain Formula; DMSO.

188. Tonsillitis: Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; DMSO; Intestinal Cleanse #1.

189. Tooth, infection: Tooth and Gum Formula.

190. Toothache: Tooth and Gum Formula.

191. Tooth bone loss: Tooth and Gum Formula; Total Nutrition.

192. Tremors: Lobelia Tincture; Total Nutrition.

193. Tumors: The Complete Incurables Program.

194. Vaginal, infection: Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; DMSO; Vaginal Suppository; Total Body Cleanse Program.

195. Vaginal, dryness: UDO's Oil; Total Nutrition; Female Formula.

196. Virus: Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; DMSO.

197. Vomiting, to induce: Lobelia Tincture.

198. Warts: Garlic; Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; DMSO.

199. Water Retention: Kidney/Bladder Tea and Tincture; Enzymes; DMSO.

200. Wheezing: Total Tonic; Lobelia Tincture.

201. Wounds, cleansing: Anti-infection Formula.

Copyright © 2004 by Ian “Doc” Shillington N.D.  All rights reserved.