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Showing posts with label Gods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gods. Show all posts

Saturday, November 08, 2008

November Forecast

November Forecast: "This Full Moon’s close alignment with Sedna at 20°40’ Taurus symbolizes a mass initiation into cosmic consciousness. Orbiting far beyond Pluto, Sedna functions as a spiritual gateway to higher dimensional realities. Sedna is a plutoid, first sighted in 2003 by the same team of astronomers that discovered Eris. Astronomical discoveries coincide with evolutionary leaps, reflecting the Hermetic truth “as above, so below.” Sedna takes 10,500 years to orbit the Sun and has a highly elliptical orbit, which varies from 76 to 975 AU (1 AU, or astronomical unit, equals the distance of the Earth to the Sun: 93 million miles). Sedna — discovered in the constellation of Cetus the Whale during a time of tremendous changes in the arctic and ocean regions — was named for an Inuit sea goddess who propagates and protects the creatures of the sea. Her command of a great sea dragon symbolizes the identification and transmutation of subconscious material. As a goddess, Sedna supports the development of the divine feminine and provides a link with the womb of our generative energies.

Neptune at 21° Aquarius very closely squares the Sun and Moon. Neptune represents spirituality and illusion, intuition and imagination. The mythic God of the Sea dissolves our existing concepts in order for us to experience a far greater reality that transcends death and the physical world. Neptune’s square to this Full Moon forces us to square our ideals with our current creations. What would we do differently if we realized that nothing is separate, that we are all part of the web of life? How would we live if we knew we were immortal and infinite spirits?"

Thursday, May 31, 2007

EXPERIMENT: Activate the Temple 2MyGOD:

Journal2MyGOD: tzippiyah: to dissolve past and future into only Now!
you have found this Challenge ONLINE that's about your life. This page might take 6 minutes to read while the video link above could take 6 hours and this next link might be 6 days, 6 weeks or 6 months as you read this story about Love!!

"it's a matter of Love, love love, here and NOW," is on the Radio now as I write this for you . . . when you FEEL these words with me here you are creating and adding energy to them. . . Taht the next reader will feel as well. You connect your energy to this energy that I share and it creates something new. Like adding energy to energy creates more energy. We choose what we Are NOW when we focus our energy. Like the song says:

NOW, there is peace.
NOW, there is truth.
NOW, there is Love!

I can share this truth with you transparently NOW!
How much can you handle?

The symbols and science expressed here go on forever,
yet they are all connected and all are ONE NOW
Reading One word at a time, it can change everything you know or thought you knew!!!

"A Matter of Love" by James Twymen & Jim Wilson, plays on the radio as I write this for you, NOW see all the symbols, how many do you consciously understand:

an experience,
a thought,
a vibration;
they are moving ENERGY

The science of Biochemistry goes on forever as we all know!
You have read the biology books, all the science of our chemistry and biology is about energy. Plants convert the Son's energy into Sugars and Carbohydrates that we eat to create the energy for our muscles, nerves, and brains, to live life ... we are all this Biochemistry that goes on forever!

This moment that I NOW share with you began a "forever ago" . . . and evolves with us to a level never before felt on Earth, this Galaxy, or this Universe, ONE! The Energy we are sharing in the NOW moment of these words is evolving beyond anything we've ever seen before. This NOW has never been before!!! As One!

And NOW all Creation has waited from the beginning of time for this moment that this IS LIFE. This IS LIFE NOW your Life this moment with me!

That is what we can share. It has been Forever in the Making. It requires us all to decide that NOW
"we do not need lies,"
"we do not need deceptions,"
"we do not need others to decide what we need . . . "
"we are old enough to take care of ourselves, and do it all NOW"

There is ONE Truth and We Can KNOW IT together!

By deciding this becomes OUR TRUTH, Together in this moment NOW!

Since this ONE energy we share in this moment is

goosebumps down your arms... timeless oneness in experience = FLOW
that is real energy worth sharing, the silver strings of light between us grow stronger.... we are sharing our understandings together, so the energy between us is increasing ... this makes our connection and energy transfer stronger and higher too.

This is the ONE TRUTH we CAN all email to others... by Sending this NOW CLICK HERE

as you feel this vibration run down into your hands into this keyboard sending this post, to inter-network YOUR friends and community listen to this song a you choose to change OUR WORLD NOW! NOW right NOW

I get it, I get it, I watched it all, every bit of it, read each word twice THANKS! Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. This is my testimony to YOU!! Amen"

PLEASE SUPPORT OUR EFFORTS, Change takes time and costs, read this FREE BOOK online and then give to cover the expenses, what's only 10%??

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Doctrine of Two Spirits

Doctrine of Two Spirits: "The Spirit of Good (Life) – Seven Spirits (Inspirations) of God – Positive Motivations

The Path of Truth and Justice - (Righteousness and Perfection)
Symbolized as: Seven Seals, Eyes, Pillars, Candlesticks, and the Temple of God

1. Truth, Knowledge, Enlightenment, Discernment, Perfection
2. Wisdom, Insight, Understanding, Intelligence, Ability
3. Humility, Modesty, Patience, Empathy, Piety
4. Self-sacrifice, Courage, Righteousness, Integrity, Virtue
5. Compassion, Helpfulness, Generosity, Charity, Love
6. Freewill, Optimism, Cooperation, Harmony, Joy
7. Justice, Fairness, Equity, Safety, Peace"

Mind Reality Secrets!

Outer World is Partial Reflection of Inner World: "We may think that everything we are experiencing in our external reality is a reflection of our inner consciousness, therefore when we see negative events that we feel we aren’t presently creating, we become confused and frustrated. We start doubting the law of attraction and our reality creation powers. The truth is that although the outer world is a reflection of the inner world, it is only a partial reflection. What we see in the visible world is not all there is.

Like the tip of an iceberg, there is a whole portion that remains submerged under the surface of the water. The outer world is the exposed portion while the inner world is the hidden portion. When we create reality by setting an intention, there is an entire process of events that appears in the inner world. Each event is connected to another until finally the full manifestation of the intention is realized. What we see in the outer world is only part of the process as it unfolds over time."

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Florida Community Groups | Shift In Action

Florida Community Groups | Shift In Action: "Hillsborough County IONS Group
Coordinator: Carol Roberts
Phone: 813.661.3662
Group type: Geographic

Description: Our group is responsive to member's stated interests, including eclectic topics such as paranormal experiences, examples of extraordinary functioning, exceptional healing and the interaction of consciousness with matter. We review and discuss videos and books, have pot luck dinners and have discussions online as well. We practice shared leadership and try out small, scientific experiments like Dr. Emoto's work with water. We would also like to try group lucid dreaming.
Meeting Information: We meet at Wellness Works in Brandon, Florida. Please call for dates and times."

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Wayne Dyer on Starting an Inspiration Practice -- Beliefnet.com

Wayne Dyer on Starting an Inspiration Practice -- Beliefnet.com: "
Starting an Inspiration Practice
Five ways to live each day 'in Spirit.'
By Wayne Dyer

Excerpted from "Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling," with permission of Hay House, Inc. These daily practices will help you move toward Spirit in your thoughts and actions.

1. Commit to at least one daily experience where you share something of yourself with no expectation of being acknowledged or thanked. For example, before I begin my daily routine of exercise, meditation, or writing, I go to my desk and choose my gift for that day. Sometimes it’s just a phone call to a stranger who’s written to me, or perhaps I order flowers or send a book or present to someone who has helped me in a local store. On one occasion I wrote to the president of the university I graduated from to start a scholarship fund, on another day I took a calendar to the yard man, on another I sent a check to Habitat for Humanity, and on another I sent three rolls of postage stamps to my son who’d just started his own business. It doesn’t matter if this activity is big or small—it’s a way to begin the day in-Spirit.

2. Become conscious of all thoughts that aren’t aligned with your Source. The moment you catch yourself excluding someone or having a judgmental thought, say the words “in-Spirit” to yourself. Then make a silent effort to shift that thought to match up with Source energy.

3. In the morning before you’re fully awake, and again as you’re going to sleep, take one or two minutes of what I call “quiet time with God.” Be in a state of appreciation and say aloud, “I want to feel good.”

4. Remind yourself of this statement: My life is bigger than I am. Print it out and post it strategically in your home, car, or workplace. The “I” is your ego identification. Your life is Spirit flowing through you unhindered by ego—it’s what you showed up here to actualize—and is infinite. The “I” that identifies you is a fleeting snippet.

5. Dedicate your life to something that reflects an awareness of your Divinity. You are greatness personified, a resident genius, and a creative master—regardless of anyone’s opinion. Make a silent dedication to encourage and express your Divine nature.

Related Features
Listen to Wayne Dyer: The Mysterious Butterfly Inspiration: Your Energy Source Listen to Wayne Dyer: The Mysterious Butterfly Inspiration: Your Energy Source

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Assemblage Point

Assemblage Point: "I have found my life runs more smoothly when I turn the tables, when I assume that life is constantly providing me with a mirror, a reflected image of my own mind and heart, in everything I encounter. The basic premise is that I attract things in my outer world that are a match to my inner world at the moment. It's a sort of homeopathic spiritual principle, rather than my previous approach which I could compare to an allopathic approach.

In allopathic (traditional western) medicine, the idea is that we must use substances (usually drugs) to suppress the symptoms of the illness, and that is what makes us better. In contrast, homeopathic medicine believes that the symptoms of 'illness' are actually the body's strategy for re-establishing health. In homeopathic wisdom, you take a histimine (rather than an anti-histimine) to support the body's strategy of flooding the sinus cavities with mucus, and take things that induce a fever to support the fever started by your body to maintain stasis. Again, its a reversing of cause and effect, and what we assume about the relationship about correlated events in our experience. "

Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Theosophical Society

The Theosophical Society: "A primary idea is the essential oneness of all beings. Life is everywhere throughout the cosmos because all originates from the same unknowable divine source. Consequently, everything from the subatomic to plants, animals, humans, planets, stars, and galaxies is alive and evolving. Each is divine at its root and expresses itself through spiritual, intellectual, psychological, ethereal, and material ranges of consciousness and substance. Evolution reflects this emerging self-expression of faculties which differentiates into material forms; develops spiritual and conscious aspects; and, over cosmic time-periods, returns to the divine source. The life of the individual, of humanity, and of the entire earth is part of this cosmic process.

Exhibiting this fundamental oneness, altruism and compassion are human expressions of cosmic and planetary realities. Humanity is more closely joined inwardly than physically, and our thoughts and feelings have a potent impact on others. By following our highest inner promptings as best we can, we benefit our immediate surroundings and humanity as a whole. The ideal is to put the welfare of humanity and all that lives ahead of one's own progress."

Sunday, April 15, 2007

What is New Thought?....Reprinted

What is New Thought?
Reprinted from International New Thought Alliance Bulletin # 4,
December 15, 1916

Many inquiries are received at the headquarters asking the question, "What is New Thought?" New Thought believes in the good. The motto of the old Crusaders was "God with us." The motto of the New Thought is "God in us." The consciousness of the divinity at the heart of things gives life a new meaning. If man is made in the image of God, he partakes of the divine nature. God is love, God is health, God is abundance, God is Joy, God is peace, God is illuminated intelligence, God is from everlasting to everlasting, in the eternal here and now; and man, who is the child of God, made in His image, partakes of all these things. This is the New Thought - the New Thought of God. God is not alien; He is the one life and we are in that one life. All the good belongs to us. It is our divine inheritance.

"New Thought" is not a name or expression used to designate any fixed system of thought, philosophy, or religion, but the term itself conveys the idea of a growing or developing thought. When New Thought is molded and formed into a system, it ceases to be NEW Thought. Truth is not susceptible of monopoly or being made into a system. It can not be encompassed by institution, but its living Spirit is present in every manifested form and object of nature.

The New Thought practices in the twentieth century what Jesus taught and practiced in the first century. He taught healing - it practices healing. He said "Judge not that ye not be judged" - it discourages condemnation and sees the good in others. He admonishes us to take no anxious thought for the morrow - it practices the divine supply. He taught faith - it makes faith the central principle of its theory and practice. He taught love and brotherhood - it is demonstrating unity and cooperation. The New Thought is the Christ thought made new by being applied and proved in every-day affairs.

The New Thought is positive. It would overcome sickness by health, error by truth, anger by love, evil by good. The things of God are all positive, for any negation is lack of God.

The New Thought is constructive. It is a philosophy of optimism. Jesus said, "I come not to destroy, but to fulfill," - not to tear down, but to build up. New Thought is the recognition, realization, and manifestation of God in man.

Life is organic. The life principle is always manifested thru harmonious cooperation of different cells and organs. A movement that is vital must have the same harmonious cooperation between individuals that compose it. True organization is the very opposite of crystallization, for crystallization means death, while organization of the right kind means life and life more abundant.

Organization in no wise limits individuality, but rather supplements and completes it. There are certain things that many, working together, can do better than the same individuals can do working alone. Team-play is the keynote of this age - the most vital and progressive age in history.

An organization does not believe and therefore should not dictate the belief of its members. Only individuals believe. Each man has his own creed. The very word is from "credo" which is a singular verb in the first person, meaning "I believe. " True organization has no right to interfere with this most sacred prerogative of the human soul. It is the divine right of each individual to believe what he pleases. As a man's home is his castle, so his conviction is sacred and belongs to a realm that society has no business to invade. With belief, organization has nothing to do, although the beliefs of its members have everything to do with organization, for they constitute its soul. In the true sense, individuals should have more liberty in cooperation and correlation than when working at divergent and cross purposes, without being rightly related each to the other. For what is liberty but the freedom to fill ones' own part in the divine scheme, and how can we best fulfill this part except as we work in harmony with others who are filling their parts?

Organizations are created to do things which can better be done by working together than by working singly. It is on these lines that the International New Thought Alliance is proceeding. It is merely a band of individual centers and individual teachers and followers working together in freedom for one common purpose, and this purpose is to carry the Truth message and the healing message to all who are ready to receive.

According to the Constitution of the International New Thought Alliance its purpose is:

"To spread the knowledge of the infinitude of the Supreme One, the divinity of man and his infinite possibilities, through the creative power of constructive thinking and in obedience to the edicts of the Indwelling Presence which is our source of inspirational power, health, and prosperity, as taught and demonstrated by Jesus Christ."

Friday, March 30, 2007

Fwd: What Happy People Know That You Don't

What Happy People Know That You Don't
I once worked with a woman who vacuumed her house every single morning -- before she left for work. Now I knew this about my colleague only because her young daughter dropped it one day in casual conversation... her attitude being one of "Doesn't everybody?" Well, no, everybody doesn't... but neither does it matter. Still, my colleague considered her cleaning addiction crazy enough that she kept it her little secret. The truth is, every one of us has crazy behaviors and beliefs.

These are what one character in the movie "The Family Stone" referred to as a freak flag. And how much easier it would be, the movie implies, if we all carried around "freak flags" that announced our personal craziness for the world to see.

Life coach Lauren Zander of the Handel Group (www.handelgrouppc.com) agrees completely with the concept of flying personal freak flags. Being upfront about our crazy quirks is not only truthful, she says, it also acknowledges that everyone has a variety of them. They belong to and brand us and are the interesting things we do that make us human. She notes that a giant realm of personal craziness includes the category of food and eating -- from chowing down behind closed doors to never co-mingling foods on a plate.

Sexuality is another big area of personal quirks and preferences. Although universal, most people feel too weird about their sexual attitudes and ideas to speak honestly about them. Professional athletes have their crazy secret beliefs about what will help them win a tournament. Children have rituals, objects or imaginary friends they use to help them feel safe. Grown-ups have a wide variety of behaviors or harmless biases they cling to for a bevy of reasons. Example: Ask pack rats why they insist on keeping all that "stuff" with no obvious worth or value.


As human beings, we are all in the same interesting and weird boat, Lauren observes, trying to grow up and deal with our small vices -- but at the same time wanting to be "normal" and look good to others. Let it go, she says. Claim the joy to be found in admitting to your quirks. Fessing up to the crazy quirks is funny and freeing and endows people with a new sense of control about their behavior.
Accepting your own quirks also provides an opportunity for a whole new understanding of the quirks and freakiness of your spouse, kids, parents and friends. A huge percentage of marital squabbles involve one spouse's intolerance of the other spouse's quirks -- remember the classic toothpaste tube argument? Everyone around you has his/her own set of quirks that you can either learn to love as part of who that person is... or you can let them drive you crazy. I have a friend who never sends thank you notes -- not even for her wedding or baby gifts. I know that she is a loving and generous and devoted friend. So, I accept that she is not wired to send thank you notes. Some people might sever a relationship over not being thanked and sacrifice all the great things that are part of that lifelong relationship.


It is possible that crazy quirks are so well hidden they are hard even for the individual to find. To find yours, Lauren advises looking first for any behavior or attitude you don't want other people to know about. That is certain to be a freak flag candidate. Another place to look: At your grievances and annoyances about other people. If certain things about others really bug you, chances are strong that there is a little personal freak flag in there. As an example, Lauren notes that arrogance in others makes some people furious, but probably they carry around arrogance themselves, just better disguised. Because people are not generally bothered by behaviors that don't exist somewhere in themselves, being upset is a big signal to go looking at that.

Identifying it and accepting that bit of freakiness will loosen the steam you have built about your grievance and annoyance about others, Lauren says.

It may feel scary to fly a freak flag at first, but be brave. It won't take long to start experiencing the rewards. By admitting to your own craziness you bring a fresh openness in your dialog with others. By acknowledging, for example, that my husband is right in telling me that I sometimes forget things if I don't write them down allows us to have fun with my "forgetful-ism" and also creates a structure in our relationship that supports my need to write things down. It's now a big family loving joke about the notes I leave for myself for fear of forgetting.

Being honest about yourself, stripped of spinning and lying, gives people around you permission to put up their flags as well. Flying the flags breaks down the boundaries between you and the barriers to real human nature -- at last, everyone starts to be who they really are.

What Happy People Know That You Don't
* Meredith Haberfeld, co-founder and CEO, and Lauren Zander, principal, Handel Group Private Coaching (www.handelgrouppc.com).

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

LiveScience.com - Controversial New Idea: Nerves Transmit Sound, Not Electricity

Controversial New Idea: Nerves Transmit Sound, Not Electricity
By Robert Roy Britt
LiveScience Managing Editor
posted: 14 March, 2007
1:00 pm ET

Nerves transmit sound waves through your body, not electrical pulses, according to a controversial new study that tries to explain the longstanding mystery of how anesthetics work.

Textbooks say nerves use electrical impulses to transmit signals from the brain to the point of action, be it to wag a finger or blink an eye.

'But for us as physicists, this cannot be the explanation,' says Thomas Heimburg, a Copenhagen University researcher whose expertise is in the intersection of biology and physics. 'The physical laws of thermodynamics tell us that electrical impulses must produce heat as they travel along the nerve, but experiments find that no such heat is produced.'

The textbooks are not likely to be rewritten anytime soon, however.

Roderic Eckenhoff, a researcher in the Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, called the sound pulse idea interesting. 'But an enormous burden of proof exists and they have a very long way to go to beat electricity,' he said.

Nerves transmit sound waves through your body, not electrical pulses, according to a controversial new study that tries to explain the longstanding mystery of how anesthetics work.

Textbooks say nerves use electrical impulses to transmit signals from the brain to the point of action, be it to wag a finger or blink an eye.

"But for us as physicists, this cannot be the explanation," says Thomas Heimburg, a Copenhagen University researcher whose expertise is in the intersection of biology and physics. "The physical laws of thermodynamics tell us that electrical impulses must produce heat as they travel along the nerve, but experiments find that no such heat is produced."

The textbooks are not likely to be rewritten anytime soon, however.

Roderic Eckenhoff, a researcher in the Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, called the sound pulse idea interesting. "But an enormous burden of proof exists and they have a very long way to go to beat electricity," he said.

The olive oil clue

Nerves are wrapped in a membrane of lipids and proteins. Biology textbooks say a pulse is sent from one end of the nerve to the other with the help of electrically charged salts that pass through ion channels in the membrane. But the lack of heat generation contradicts the molecular biological theory of an electrical impulse produced by chemical processes, says Heimburg, who co-authored the new study with Copenhagen University theoretical physicist Andrew Jackson.

Instead, nerve pulses can be explained much more simply as a mechanical pulse of sound, Heimburg and Jackson argue. Their idea will be published in the Biophysical Journal.

Normally, sound propagates as a wave that spreads out and becomes weaker and weaker. But in certain conditions, sound can be made to travel without spreading and therefore it retains its intensity.

The lipids in a nerve membrane are similar to olive oil, the scientists explain. And the membrane has a freezing point that is precisely suited to the propagation of these concentrated sound pulses"

Sunday, March 04, 2007

The New Age

Have you ever wondered when the "New Age" started? Believe it or not, it dates back to the late 1800s, a period of intense spiritual activity in Western
Neptune, ruler of spirituality and psychic phenomena, had just been discovered. Coincidence? Of the many innovations that came out of this extraordinary period was the combination of astrology with Tarot. Today, the connection between the two is a given, and there's no doubt that their divination power is vastly increased when they are used together.

Sunday, February 04, 2007


Lynne McTaggart

For the last forty years renegade scientists, experimenting with the limits of quantum physics, have made seemingly impossible discoveries. In 1966, for instance, a lie-detector expert accidentally discovered that plants can read thoughts; in 1982 Buddhist monks in the Himalayas were found to be able to turn their bodies into furnaces; and a psychologist’s experiments in 1992 revealed a stream of light flowing from healers during healing. All pointed towards one thing - evidence that a thought is a tangible thing, with the power to affect the physical world. In The Intention Experiment, Lynne McTaggart explores scientific evidence supporting the idea that the power of human intentions can actually change the world around us. She also shows you exactly how to ‘power up’ your own thoughts and intentions to change your life. And, joining forces with an international team of scientists, she also invites her readers to participate in the biggest intention experiment in history. Exciting eh?

Visit the website: www.theintentionexperiment.com"

Monday, January 29, 2007

How to Always Win

How to Always Win

A stellar characteristic of Americans has always been their ability to compete, indeed to win. This zeal to achieve has accomplished many wonderful things for our country and its citizens, including major medical discoveries, unparalleled economic success, even liberty itself. But after the extremely negative campaigning of the recent elections, and the endless nightly debate about whether or not we are winning the war on terror and who's to blame for what's right or wrong in our country, I can't help but ask if our need to compete has gone awry. It doesn't seem to be enough any more to succeed. What worries me is people's need to take it a step further to prove they are right, and sometimes, to prove they're right no matter what. You can be sure that a win-at-all-costs attitude does not contribute to good relationships on a global scale or, as concerns me here, to personal relationships, which are, after all, the bedrock of a person's emotional and physical well being.

For insight on this painful problem, I talked with Lauren Zander and Meredith Haberfeld of Handel Group Private Coaching (www.handelgrouppc.com). Lauren points out that in every conversation, people have an agenda. It might be to inform, to amuse, to get to know each other better or just to pass the time -- there are lots of reasons for verbal exchanges. But when the agenda includes ensuring that you are right, by definition it means establishing that the other person is wrong. There isn't a conversation in the world that doesn't ultimately come to a screeching halt if one or both parties have the attitude that "I am right, you are wrong, now get used to it." This is incredibly destructive to any relationship -- in the Middle East, in the workplace, with your in-laws, or in the bedroom -- because it slams the door on any real possibility for a dialog. In fact, Lauren says the battle to be "right" is at the base of all dysfunction, be it wars between countries, conflicts at work or closer to home -- marital or parent-child conflicts.


There is a simple truth at play here. It is possible to be right -- look out the window and if you see water falling from the clouds you can rightly announce it is raining... or that the sun is shining... or that it is night or day. While some philosophy students may debate this, obvious facts of this nature fall neatly into a right/wrong category. But just about everything else in the world is far more complex and dwells in the world not of black and white, but of gray. This is the realm of relativism, says Lauren, which means that what is right to me is shaped by my point of view and isn't necessarily right to the other person. Meredith explains that often our own point of view is shaped by misunderstandings or misinterpretations that we assume to be hard fact. If you want a relationship to work, she continues, the most important thing you can do is understand that virtually every thought and opinion you have is based on personal perception, not on fact.

Couples may argue that one spouse was being rude or unfair but the so-called offending spouse doesn't see it that way. In fact, that person no doubt thinks the other one was being unfair. Perspective is behind the difference and determines why you both think you are right.

It is crucial to understand and accept that your perspective is not fact and that both parties have a valid point of view. This is how contradictory opinions can exist in a relationship without causing disharmony. The problem is that most people are invested in their own interpretation and perspective and are disinterested in the other person's. Deep inside, people believe that by making themselves right and their "opponent" wrong they'll "win," but this form of winning is not necessarily the key to happiness or success. Once people are willing to accept the existence of contradictory "truths," it changes the dynamics of the discussion because no one is any longer trying to win. Lauren calls this insistence on being right a manipulation, which is a common human trick. People dress their opinion up in self-righteousness -- you have to accept what I am saying because I am right! I am reminded of a couple I know who have different religious beliefs. When he tries to open her thinking to even entertain the idea that others see things differently, she responds "but I know I am right." That ends the conversation -- and much to her frustration, ends her attempts to convert him and win.


While the need to win creates continuous and deep-seated relationship dilemmas, it is possible for anyone to pull out of this emotional quagmire and, in so doing, immediately improve interactions with others -- including with those who are closest to you. It is no longer about having one person right and one wrong. Rather, Meredith explains, it is listening to each other's "truths" completely so you have all version(s) of the situation and accept that another person can have a different opinion. Here is what Lauren advises to make this important change...

  • Accept that most discussions, including yours, are not based on fact but rather on a relative point of view.
  • Always evaluate if you are discussing fact (weather, the time, the color of your new car, etc.).
  • Ask yourself if you are treating your platform as fact when it is actually your opinion (and if your discussion has become a battle, you can be sure opinions are the subject).
  • Frame your conversation in words that convey not "this is how it is," but rather, "when you said this, what I meant was... " or "this is how it seemed to me" -- in other words, that you accept that your "truth" may be based on important misunderstandings that you believed to be true, and that each view of the situation as it was or is, not as an absolute truth.
  • After someone speaks and shares their point of view, before you give yours, first say theirs back to them so they feel heard and understood. And be open to correction, because if you say something that didn't accurately capture their perspective, they should make sure you get it correctly.


You may now be thinking that this is great for you, but what about the other guy? If he won't change his position, what good will this do? Take heart -- Lauren observes that when one person assumes responsibility for accepting that his/her perspective is relative and understands that aiming to "win" leaves everyone as losers, it is sufficient to turn a discussion around. You have put one fact on the table and that is there are two different points of view going on. Who can argue with that? You allow the other his/her right to his view of the truth -- but you also claim the right to yours. This acceptance surpasses the need to win, allowing a peaceful negotiation of the situation -- if not immediately than in the near future... and that is truly winning in a far more constructive way.


How to Always Win

  • Meredith Haberfeld, co-founder and CEO, Handel Group Private Coaching (www.handelgrouppc.com) and Lauren Zander, principle, Handel

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Eckhart Teachings Newsletter - Issue 10 - December 2006

“What does it profit you if you gain the whole world and lose yourself?”

It has been said: There are two ways of being unhappy: not getting what you want, and getting what you want.

When people attain what the world tells us is desirable — wealth, recognition, property, achievement — they’re still not happy, at least not for long. They’re not at peace with themselves. They don’t have a true sense of security, a sense of finally having arrived.

Their achievements have not provided them with what they were really looking for — themselves. They have not given them the sense of being rooted in life, or as Jesus calls it, the fullness of life.

The form of this moment is the portal into the formless dimension. It is the narrow gate that Jesus talks about that leads to life. Yes, it’s very narrow: it’s only this moment.

To find it, you need to roll up the scroll of your life on which your story is written, past and future. Before there were books, there were scrolls, and you rolled them up when you were done with them.

So put your story away. It is not who you are. People usually live carrying a burden of past and future, a burden of their personal history, which they hope will fulfill itself in the future. It won’t, so roll up that old scroll. Be done with it.

You don’t solve problems by thinking; you create problems by thinking. The solution always appears when you step out of thinking and become still and absolutely present, even if only for a moment. Then, a little later when thought comes back, you suddenly have a creative insight that wasn’t there before.

Let go of excessive thinking and see how everything changes. Your relationships change because you don’t demand that the other person should do something for you to enhance your sense of self. You don’t compare yourself to others or try to be more than someone else to strengthen your sense of identity.

You allow everyone to be as they are. You don’t need to change them; you don’t need them to behave differently so that you can be happy.

There’s nothing wrong with doing new things, pursuing activities, exploring new countries, meeting new people, acquiring knowledge and expertise, developing your physical or mental abilities, and creating whatever you’re called upon to create in this world.

It is beautiful to create in this world, and there is always more that you can do.

Now the question is, Are you looking for yourself in what you do? Are you attempting to add more to who you think you are? Are you compulsively striving toward the next moment and the next and the next, hoping to find some sense of completion and fulfillment?

The preciousness of Being is your true specialness. What the egoic self had been looking for on the level of the story —I want to be special —

obscured the fact that you could not be more special than you already are now. Not special because you are better or more wretched than someone else, but because you can sense a beauty, a preciousness, an aliveness deep within.

When you are present in this moment,
you break the continuity of your story, of past and future.
Then true intelligence arises,
and also love.

The only way love can come into your life
is not through form, but through that inner spaciousness that is Presence.
Love has no form.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Physics, Mysticism, and the New Holographic Paradigm

The ripple did forget the Self, to be sure--but it was a ripple of the Self, and remained so throughout the play. Thus, this movement from the higher into the lower--which is involution--is at once an act of pure creation and effulgent radiance (on the part of Atman), and a tragic tale of suffering and epic unhappiness (on the part of the self-ripple attempting the Atman project). The ultimate aim of evolution--the movement from the lower to the higher--is to awaken as Atman, and thus retain the glory of the creation without being forced to act in the drama of self suffering.

During the course of our universe's history (and science helps us here), we have evolved from level-1 (which began approximately fifteen billion years ago with the Big Bang) to level-2 (which occurred several billions of years later when matter awakened into some realization of life) to level-3 (which so far has been reached fully by humans only). Evolution is, as it were, half completed. "Mankind," said Plotinus, "is poised midway between the gods and the beasts."
But in the past course of human history, some men and women, through the evolutionary discipline of higher religion, succeeded in pushing their own development and evolution into level-4: that of saintly religion and the first intuition of a transcendental reality, one in essence lying above and beyond the ordinary mind, self, body, and world. This "beyond" was poetically called heaven; this oneness was called the one God.

This intuition did not fully occur until around 3000 B.C., with the rise of the first great monotheistic religions. (Prior to that time, there were only polytheistic realizations--a god of fire, a god of water, etc. This was really sympathetic magic, stemming from a simple manipulation of level-2, emotionalsexual energies and rites.) By the time Of 500 B.C., however, certain evolutionary souls pushed their development into the causal--Christ, Buddha, Krishna, the great axial sages. Their insights were drawn out and extended to produce what the Tibetans called the Svabhavikakaya path--the path of level-6, or already realized Truth, the path of Zen, Vajrayana, Vedanta. What remains is for the world to follow suit, via evolutionary or process meditation, into the higher realms themselves.

According to the perennial philosophy, not only does this whole process of involution and evolution play itself out over centuries, it repeats itself moment to moment, ceaselessly and instantaneously. In this moment and this moment and this, an individual starts out at infinity. But in this moment and this moment and this, he contracts away from infinity and ends up reduced to the level of his present adaptation. He involves to the highest point he has yet evolved--and all the higher realms are simply forgotten, rendered unconscious. This is why all meditation is called remembrance or recollection (Sanskrit smriti, Pali sati, as in satipatthana, Plato's anamnesis, Sufi zikr--all are precisely translated as "memory" or "remembrance").

This whole panoply of higher levels generating the lower moment to moment, and of the dazzling interpenetrating of each level with the others, and of the extraordinary dynamics between the levels, all occurring in a field of effulgent radiance--all this is meant when the mystic-sage speaks of multidimensional interpenetration with nonequivalence

"whole in every part" nature of memory storage

In a series of landmark experiments in the 1920s, brain scientistKarl Lashley found that no matter what portion of a rat's brain heremoved he was unable to eradicate its memory of how to performcomplex tasks it had learned prior to surgery. The only problem wasthat no one was able to come up with a mechanism that might explainthis curious "whole in every part" nature of memory storage.

Then in the 1960s, Pribram encountered the concept of holography andrealized he had found the explanation brain scientists had beenlooking for. Pribram believes memories are encoded not in neurons,or small groupings of neurons, but in patterns of nerve impulsesthat crisscross the entire brain in the same way that patterns oflaser light interference crisscross the entire area of a piece offilm containing a holographic image. In other words, Pribrambelieves the brain is itself a hologram.Pribram's theory also explains how the human brain can store so manymemories in so little space. It has been estimated that the humanbrain has the capacity to memorize something on the order of 10billion bits of information during the average human lifetime (orroughly the same amount of information contained in five sets of theEncyclopedia Britannica).

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

USF COM Department of Psychiatry

USF COM Department of Psychiatry: "'Discovering how brain development affects the behavior of children Scientists and clinicians collaborating to understand the biological and Environmental factors responsible for disorders of thought, learning, communication and behavior, and translating this knowledge Into newer, more effective treatments. "

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Unity Method Patent

This invention defines a Method for managing the psychological and physiological state of an individual person’s life. The Method is a conscious perception of the Unity of the universe that we live in; whereby all natural and physical laws are included to understand and solve problems. Utilizing this Method creates conscious control of all natural and physical laws ..... ooops, let the cat out lol er;-D))