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Monday, October 31, 2022

countless fools copied

For centuries we have allowed greed and arrogance to dominate our industries, not science or truth. So many products we have in our culture were a small business that was successful, and then forced on the population as a monopoly. They hired advertisers to convince the population that cigarettes were healthy, or paid politicians to create subsidies and mandates to keep their business profitable.

All these details can easily be found in our history. The Internet was created to record everything. And many try to circumvent this by creating lies and deceptions that hide the deeper truths so people get lost into this "status-quo" deception. However, the deeper truths can be found with diligence and active exploration. 

For Example, HEMP was outlawed as a dangerous drug. Not by the police, or the medical industry, but by the paper industry. The original legislation to outlaw HEMP was funded and created by the paper industry because they had invested millions into paper mills and tree farms to get the population addicted to the papers made from wood. Paper made from HEMP is better, cheaper, faster. BUT THE PAPER Mills and millions invested into this industry model would be worthless if HEMP was used for paper. . . . this happened over and over again in USA, and countless foolish nations copied to USA:

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