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Tuesday, September 14, 2021

getting the BIG Picture, Like the Big Lie

Crazy emails about getting US all to the BIG Picture, about the Big Lies  . . . while now KNOWING we are ONE LIFE here, opens so much power and clarity.  I awoke to the morning radio before 6am too!  Same story again!


Like HERE IS my Own Tasks, here's this free night offered to investors ready to discuss:   https://youtu.be/-xBv0AosTzY?t=52 

What is YOUR BEST and HIGHEST good, that your own personal power and focus can create now, what does it feel like now, what can you see now, as each day changes more and more?

Have you ever, seen something go VIRAL? Go and REPOST these linkedin comments  on your home page. . . CLAIM YOUR TRUTH! What do you KNOW as truth in this. I KNOW YOU KNOW PART OF THIS!  Likely even a direct personal experience, maybe a "glucose intolerance."  Like this Big Lie pictures shows the two "chemicals" and three "drugs" listed which are all by-products of Hitler's Wii research, Oil refinery waste that is sold back to us instead of properly processed!

Here's everything! Yes covid is completely made up so they can patent the vaccine that everyone must take yearly, big surprise! Lies on top of lies, on top of lies. . .  https://www.linkedin.com/posts/martin-charter-frsa-6289097_opinion-why-we-need-to-fund-the-circular-activity-6843524169401937920-pprD

The best way to do it, is AS CIRCULAR ECONOMY with ATTITUDE, and KNOWLEDGE. IT all starts with a family, and then a neighborhood, and the city, and larger until everyone can get everything from "each other," instead of from some global capitalist. Beginning with the family, everyone only buys things with NO WASTE. Waste is the "first lie of capitalism." No waste means everything is used and reused. 

As the simplest example: the family cooks, eats, and gardens. All the food "waste" become compost to grow more food. Then ideally, the chef makes the meals based on the needs of the soil bacteria and compost to grow healthy nutritious plants that he harvests and cooks.

Intentionally planning where everything has an ideal use, begins the Circular Economy, instead of the programs for impulse buying of affluenza where everything is expendable.

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