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Wednesday, May 17, 2023

collude with industry for financial gain

the drug industry all about satisfying shareholders and increasing profits by any means, with no real regard for public health? Rogan wonders. Basically yes. As noted by Malhotra, drug companies have a legal responsibility to provide profits for their shareholders. They do not have a legal responsibility to give patients the best and safest treatment.

But the biggest scandal here, Malhotra says, is that “those with the responsibility to uphold scientific integrity — academic institutions, doctors, medical journals — collude with industry for financial gain.” I would add that our regulatory agencies are also “on the take.” They’ve all been captured by industry, which leaves patients with no one to protect them from Big Pharma’s malfeasance.

Malhotra goes on to discuss Dr. Robert Hare, a forensic psychologist who developed the original DSM criteria for psychopathy, and how Hare noted that the way drug companies conduct business, as legal entities, fulfill the definition of psychopath: “callous unconcern for the feelings of others, incapacity to experience guilt, deceitfulness and conning others for profit.”

Between 2003 and 2016, drug companies paid fines totaling $33 billion. Many of these cases involved the illegal marketing of drugs, scientific fraud, hiding data on harms and the suppression of negative results. These fines never curtailed the behavior, however, because the fines were a drop in the bucket compared to the profits they made on these drugs. The fines were just considered the cost of doing business.


Internet Resources Where You Can Learn More

I encourage you to visit the four websites of the National Vaccine Information Center, at www.NVIC.org, a nonprofit charity that has been educating the public about the need to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths since 1982. The information you get on their websites is fully referenced and will help you become an effective vaccine choice advocate in your community:

  • NVIC.org — This website was established in 1995 and is the oldest and largest consumer operated website publishing information on diseases and vaccines on the internet. Learn about vaccine reactions, injuries and deaths and the history and current status of vaccine science, policy, law and ethics in the U.S. on more than 2,000 web pages.
  • NVICAdvocacy.org — This communications and advocacy network, established in 2010, is your gateway to taking action to protect your right to make vaccine choices where you live.
  • TheVaccineReaction.org — This weekly journal newspaper published by NVIC since 2015 is dedicated to encouraging an “enlightened conversation about vaccination, health and autonomy.”
  • MedAlerts.org — This is a user-friendly search engine for the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) established under the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and sponsored by NVIC since 2006. Search for descriptions of vaccine injuries and deaths reported to VAERS on this popular website.

connect communities with farmers who grow real food

Moving forward, it’s going to be extremely important to stay on top of what’s happening to our food supply. Many of us were surprised to realize mRNA shots have been used in swine for several years already. Soon, cattle may get these customizable mRNA shots as well, which could affect both beef and dairy products.

For now, I strongly recommend avoiding pork products. In addition to the uncertainty surrounding these untested mRNA “vaccines,” pork is also very high in linoleic acid, a harmful omega-6 fat that drives chronic disease. Hopefully, cattle ranchers will realize the danger this mRNA platform poses to their bottom-line and reject it. If they don’t, finding beef and dairy that has not been “gene therapied” could become quite the challenge.

Ultimately, if we want to be free, and if we want food safety and food security, we must focus our efforts on building a decentralized system that connects communities with farmers who grow real food in sustainable ways and distribute that food locally.

Legislative efforts are also needed. Bills that would be helpful in steering us in the right direction include the following:

The Processing Revival and Intrastate Meat Exemption (PRIME) Act28  This bill was introduced in 2017 and hasn’t moved since its introduction in the House. The PRIME Act would allow farmers to sell meat processed at smaller slaughtering facilities and allow states to set their own meat processing standards.

Because small slaughterhouses do not have an inspector on staff — a requirement that only large facilities can easily fulfill — they're banned from selling their meat. The PRIME Act would lift this regulation without sacrificing safety, as random USDA inspections could still occur.

The Interstate Milk Freedom Act of 202129  This bill was introduced at the end of July 2021 as an amendment to the 2018 Farm bill.

Missouri House Bill 1169,30 which would require labeling of products, including food, that might “impact, alter or introduce genetic material or a genetic change” into the consumer.

Modern industrial farming has created a food production model that is not only unhealthy, but unsustainable as well. The reliance on GMO-derived products and the toxic chemicals used alongside them are destroying the environment and the public’s health.

To combat the encroaching influence of big GMO companies, I encourage you to support farmers and businesses that practice organic, biodynamic and regenerative farming. This food production model benefits both humans and the environment because it:

Rebuilds topsoil by sequestering atmospheric carbon above ground and below ground

Protects water sources, runoff, and reduces water demand by increasing moisture in the soil

Promotes nutrition and health through nutrient-dense, organic food

Minimizes the risk of foodborne illnesses and drug-resistant disease by avoiding the use of industrial chemicals

Restores damaged ecosystems through regenerative methods

Helps local farmers by giving them larger profits compared to industrial counterparts

How can you play your part? The solution is actually quite simple — buy healthy, organic food. One of the best things you can do is to purchase your food from small-business farmers

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

What is the net effect

 “those with the responsibility to uphold scientific integrity — academic institutions, doctors, medical journals — collude with industry for financial gain.” I would add that our regulatory agencies are also “on the take.” They’ve all been captured by industry, which leaves patients with no one to protect them from Big Pharma’s malfeasance.

Malhotra goes on to discuss Dr. Robert Hare, a forensic psychologist who developed the original DSM criteria for psychopathy, and how Hare noted that the way drug companies conduct business, as legal entities, fulfill the definition of psychopath: “callous unconcern for the feelings of others, incapacity to experience guilt, deceitfulness and conning others for profit.”

Between 2003 and 2016, drug companies paid fines totaling $33 billion. Many of these cases involved the illegal marketing of drugs, scientific fraud, hiding data on harms and the suppression of negative results. These fines never curtailed the behavior, however, because the fines were a drop in the bucket compared to the profits they made on these drugs. The fines were just considered the cost of doing business.

While the drug industry has created crucial life-saving drugs, the big question we need to ask is “What is the net effect of them?” Malhotra says. He points out that, in the U.S., of the 667 drugs approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration between 2000 and 2008, 75% were copies of old ones.

Off-patent drugs were repatented after minor tweaks to the formulations, thereby boosting profits from already existing drugs. Of those, only 11% were found to have a clinical benefit over the previous drug.

Similarly, in France, of the nearly 1,000 drugs approved between 2000 and 2011, most were copies and, importantly, 15% of the reformulations were found to be MORE harmful than the predecessor, whereas only 8% had clinical benefit over the previous drugs. So, what does this tell us?

It tells us that “the overall net effect of the drug industry on society in the last few decades [has been] a negative one,” Malhotra says. Of course, when it comes to dangerous drugs, nothing can match the C0V!D jabs, rolled out in December 2020. Add them into the equation, and the drug industry becomes the No. 1 cause of death and disability worldwide, hands down.

For the past three years, I and many others have been shouting warnings from the rooftops to little avail — our voices drowned out in a sea of corrupt “fact” checkers. Now, however, the ramifications of this mass experiment are becoming so glaringly obvious, legal experts are starting to take note, and to file lawsuits.

As reported by Spectator Australia at the end of April 2023, 500 Australians have joined a class action lawsuit filed by Brisbane lawyer Natalie Strijland:1

“All have suffered serious or life-threatening events or are the relatives of those who have died following C0V!D vaccination. Many have have been left with significant disabilities. As the news filters out about the class action, the first of its kind in Australia, more people are joining each day.

Dr. Melissa McCann, who instigated the action, is crowdfunding to assist with legal and travel costs. Any compensation awarded will be shared entirely by the injured and the bereaved.

The applicants will argue that the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) did not fulfil its duty to properly regulate the vaccines which resulted in considerable harm to Australians.

The respondents are the Australian government, the Department of Health and Aged Care Secretary Dr Brendan Murphy, who announced in early April that he will retire in July, and the former head of the TGA Adjunct Professor John Skerritt who just retired from the public service in mid-April.”

Strijland told news.com.au:2

“[The class] action arises upon the basis that the government did not truly establish that the vaccines were indeed safe or effective for use by the Australian public, and the claim now proceeds upon the basis that the government in fact acted negligently in approving the vaccines and also by failing to withdraw them after approval based upon the known evidence.

Australians who have experienced a serious adverse event following C0V!D-19 vaccination are invited to step forward and register for this class action.”

Important: Follow Proper Procedure!

How you deliver this document to the hospital is of crucial importance. Here’s a summary of all the necessary steps:

1.Complete your customized and personalized Caregivers and Consent document BEFORE you ever need to go to the hospital.

2.Get the form notarized. Make sure you sign the document in front of the notary.

3.Send the completed, signed, notarized document to the CEO of the hospital in two ways: (1) via a professional courier (one that specializes in delivering legal documents); and (2) via the Postal system with certified mail, return receipt requested.

The CEO is responsible for all legal business relating to the hospital, including the medical records, so the CEO, not your attending physician, is the one whose responsibility it is to get your consent forms entered into your electronic medical record.

4.Make at least 10 copies of the signed, notarized form and keep one copy on your person or in your wallet or purse, and another in the glove compartment of your car, in case you ever have an accident. Also provide copies to family or friends. If you happen to be hospitalized before you’ve had the chance to send the documents, have one of them follow the delivery procedure outlined.

5.Once you’re hospitalized, you or one of your contacts will give one copy to your attending physician and another to your nurse and inform them that this document is already in your electronic medical record, or that the hospital will be served the documents shortly. Distribute additional copies to other care providers as needed.

6.Also, upon hospitalization, request to see your electronic medical record to make sure your Caregivers and Consent form has been entered. It is your right to see your electronic medical record, and it’s available through an online portal, so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Also routinely check your medical record (or have your patient advocate do it for you) to make sure your wishes are being followed and that you’re not being given something you’ve denied consent for.

7.Add the additional statement that I included in my interview on the diet changes in the hospital.

Final Thoughts

Having this document in your medical record virtually guarantees that they cannot harm you by doing something you don’t agree with — such as giving you a C0V!D shot or any other vaccine without your knowledge or consent. Of course, some psychopath might ignore your directives, but they’ll have to pay a hefty price, as they’re guaranteed to lose a malpractice suit and be stripped of their medical license.

Keep in mind that while you can request and consent to certain treatments, such as ivermectin, for example, this document CANNOT force your doctor or hospital to use that treatment. They can still refuse to administer something you’ve consented to.

They cannot, however, administer something that you’ve declined consent for. The ace up your sleeve at that point is that you can still sign out AMA (against medical advice), get out alive, and seek desired treatment elsewhere. Getting out alive is the key goal.

Please share this information with everyone you know. Bring it to your church, synagogue and local community groups. Everyone needs to know they can secure their patient right to informed consent and how to do it so that their wishes cannot be ignored. This is the most effective way to empower yourself when it comes to your medical care. So please, help spread the word.

To circle back to where we started, class action lawsuits over the C0V!D shots are now getting started, so, hopefully, it’s only a matter of time before that house of cards comes crashing down. That doesn’t mean we’re out of harms way though.

The medical system has clearly become so corrupted that no one is safe. We can only speculate as to what they might come up with for the next pandemic. So, get prepared, and get your current consent wishes into your electronic medical record. If millions of us do it, it might even change the entire system for the better.

Internet Resources Where You Can Learn More

I encourage you to visit the four websites of the National Vaccine Information Center, at www.NVIC.org, a nonprofit charity that has been educating the public about the need to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths since 1982. The information you get on their websites is fully referenced and will help you become an effective vaccine choice advocate in your community:

  • NVIC.org — This website was established in 1995 and is the oldest and largest consumer operated website publishing information on diseases and vaccines on the internet. Learn about vaccine reactions, injuries and deaths and the history and current status of vaccine science, policy, law and ethics in the U.S. on more than 2,000 web pages.
  • NVICAdvocacy.org — This communications and advocacy network, established in 2010, is your gateway to taking action to protect your right to make vaccine choices where you live.
  • TheVaccineReaction.org — This weekly journal newspaper published by NVIC since 2015 is dedicated to encouraging an “enlightened conversation about vaccination, health and autonomy.”
  • MedAlerts.org — This is a user-friendly search engine for the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) established under the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and sponsored by NVIC since 2006. Search for descriptions of vaccine injuries and deaths reported to VAERS on this popular website.


Monday, May 15, 2023

truths are trickling out.

"Our work is not just for today. It is for every generation yet to come."—The FLCCC News Capsule for May 14, 2023

A Compendium of the Latest COVID-19 News, Facts & Features

This week's FLCCC Weekly Webinar— with Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Pierre Kory and host Betsy Ashton—focused on the International COVID Summit III, held last week in Brussels, Belgium.

Dr. Kory—along with surprise (❣️) webinar guest Dr. Ryan Cole—both attended the landmark event which was hosted by the European Parliament. A transcript of the proceedings will now be entered into the official record of the European Parliament.

So WHY was this gathering so important? And WHY should it matter to you?

First, the summit provided us with robust testimonial evidence of fraud, lies, and sustained efforts to control populations across the world using fear, coercion, marginalization/persecution of non-conformists, and other strong-arm tactics. This comes at a time when the world is just starting to awaken from their almost hypnotic state—which was induced by the relentless drone of the tactics noted above. 

New peer-reviewedscientific studies are now emerging…seeing the light of day at last…and providing new, incontrovertible evidence of the sheer folly of mask mandates, lockdowns, and most of all, the vaccines—which we now know caused the deaths of more vaccinated peoplethan those who remained unvaccinated.

Taken as a whole, the excerpted testimonies presented during the webinar illuminate the documented truth of what occurred—and who must be held accountable. These include public health organizations and elected officials—many of whom defied their sworn imperatives to safeguard human life and health. Their sacred oaths are now nothing more than wind-whipped rubbish, tumbling away into oblivion.

Let us not forget the pharmaceutical companies and corporate interests that waged deceitful campaigns against efficacious repurposed drugs which, if used widely, would have obviated the need for nearly all mechanical ventilation and saved countless lives.

Then there was the media—which hungrily agreed to become ubiquitous partners in the murder of millions through false reporting, fear mongering and defamation/persecution of those who refused to parrot the official narrative. (We like to call those who bravely defied the narrative as "The Honored Courageous.")

And what about the high-impact medical journals? Their perversion of science in the COVID-era through mass retraction of peer-reviewed papers and their refusal to publish robust science doomed millions.

An irrevocable tenet that informs the FLCCC's organizational mission to develop safe, accessible and effective therapeutic protocols for the health benefit of every human being on earth is this:

We know that our work is not just for today. It is for a thousand tomorrows as well—for innumerable generations yet to come. We are certain that by rising to heal the broken places in the world where it is encouraged to place profits over people; where damnable lies are expected and normalized; where censorship is the birth mother of myriad death sentences; and where incontrovertible medical evidence is publicly flogged and mocked, we can help to create a new global health paradigm for the future, built upon the unshakable shoulders of human compassion.

The event in Brussels revealed powerful evidence of deadly wrongdoings for which the evil purveyors must be called to account. Our work—and that of myriad other like-minded organizations throughout the globe—must never again be hindered by scorched-earth edicts meant to preserve profits; while caring not at all for those who suffer or perish in their wake.

Those days are over. The body of testimonial evidence amassed in Brussels is mission-fuel.

"Putting Humanity First" is our uncompromising mission goal — in perpetuity.

Well, our Jenna McCarthy has done it again. She just makes SO. MUCH. GOOD. SENSE.

In the month's "Here's a Thought", Jenna writes that "the infant formula industry's massive PR campaign against breastfeeding has striking parallels to the assault on natural immunity from COVID."

Oh yes it does.

Jenna writes:

"The infant formula industry once launched a massive PR campaign to portray breastfeeding as a poor mom's sport. 

"The parallels to natural immunity from infection are so clear. Oh, you had COVID? That's nice. We still want you to take this experimental gene therapy that lists death (among hundreds of other debilitating ills) as a side effect."

Fortunately, says Jenna, the "truths are trickling out." Read her brilliant essay and learn how whistleblowers and physicians are coming out and finding their outside voices.

Sent from my iPhone 11+max :-D))