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Thursday, October 20, 2022

prevent diseases like dementia

Time-restricted eating (TRE) involves limiting your eating window to a set number of hours during the day. I recommend getting down to at least a six- to eight-hour eating window — and ensuring that you stop eating at least three hours before bed.

With respect to food, the most important change to make is cutting out industrially processed seed oils, which are misleadingly labeled as vegetable oils.

Examples of seed oils high in omega-6 PUFAs include soybean, cottonseed, sunflower, rapeseed (canola), corn and safflower.¹⁰Omega-6 is considered to be proinflammatory because of the most common variety, linoleic acid (LA), which will radically increase oxidative stress and cause mitochondrial dysfunction.¹¹

In order to avoid LA, you’ll need to avoid eating processed foods and focus on real food instead. If you eat real food and use TRE, your body will become healthier because it’s designed to do this if you provide it with what it needs. If you don’t follow these ancestral guidelines to good health, it predisposes you to disease.

Now, if you eat real food, use TRE and get about one hour of daily sun exposure, that’s going to reduce your risk of 90% to 95% of chronic diseases.¹² If you want to get more advanced, you can add in sauna usage, which helps you eliminate toxins and activates beneficial heat shock proteins that refold your proteins to prevent diseases like dementia.

time to close them down

How many times do we have to read about scams where big international companies are lying to consumers to sell junk that only makes their lives worse. The scams are so common that most all illness and disparity is completely fabricated for profit! Start trying

This paper,8 published in The BMJ, included all antidepressant clinical trial data submitted to the FDA between 1979 and 2016, including unpublished trials. In all, 232 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials involving 73,388 patients diagnosed with depression were analyzed.

Here, the evidence showed antidepressants outperformed placebo in only 15% of patients, and almost exclusively in those with the most severe depression. In short, the reason many believe they’re getting a benefit from these drugs is because of the placebo effect and nothing else.

This supports previous research, which found the placebo effect accounts for anywhere between 30%9 and 67%10 of the antidepressant treatment effect, and that placebo is just as effective as antidepressants in those with mild to moderate depression. 11

Dr. Peter Breggin’s book, “Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: A Guide for Prescribers, Therapists, Patients and Their Families,”54 and/or “The Antidepressant Solution: A Step-by-Step Guide to Overcoming Antidepressant Withdrawal, Dependence, and Addiction”55 by Dr. Joseph Glenmullen can be helpful.

You can also turn to an organization with a referral list of doctors who practice more biologically or naturally, such as the American College for Advancement in Medicine at www.ACAM.org. A holistic psychiatrist will have a number of treatment options in their tool box that conventional doctors do not, and will typically be familiar with nutritional supplementation.

Once you have the cooperation of your prescribing physician, start lowering the dosage of the medication you’re taking. There are protocols for gradually reducing the dose that your doctor should be well aware of. At the same time, it may be wise to add in a multivitamin and/or other nutritional supplements or herbs. Again, your best bet would be to work with a holistic psychiatrist who is well-versed in the use of nutritional support.

If you have a friend or family member who struggles with depression, perhaps one of the most helpful things you can do is to help guide them toward healthier eating and lifestyle habits, as making changes can be particularly difficult when you're feeling blue — or worse, suicidal.

Encourage them to unplug and meet you outside for walks. We should not underestimate the power of human connection, and the power of connection with nature. Both, I believe, are essential for mental health and emotional stability.

It’s really time to close them down!

Friday, September 30, 2022

More industrial lies

Pollute, pollute, pollute, trying to convince us it’s good science, is obviously BS when the write new laws for their bribed puppets in congress to pass!

Plastic pollution has gotten so bad that scientists have 
suggested that we have crossed a planetary boundary for plastics and other chemicals entering the environment — meaning that we have transgressed a limit beyond which our Earth may not be able to cope with the environmental stress that humans inflict. This boundary crossing could destabilize Earth’s natural operating systems, especially when the unrestrained release of chemicals interacts with other Earth systems and processes. Ultimately, human survival could be at risk.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

empathetic social spaces

Cutting and pasting pieces from articles is getting more and more complicated every day. Why do we need all these format options? Can’t we just get what we want, instead of all the META data, formats, tags, links, and crap added in.
Like this is a great piece, from: https://medium.com/presencing-institute-blog/coaching-circles-third-space-revisited-1a5a4543f45a  Of course I’m in a public social space here now after Hurricane Ian and I posted how it was the only place open with power and hot coffee ready for anyone to visit, and the place got packed.

But it’s pulling teeth to share a clip here:

In a recent talk I gave about the transformative potential of social spaces, I invited my audience to share “their go-to empathetic social spaces”.
Answers included being in nature, time with pets, and spiritual practices. These are all good options. But by definition they are not “social”, because they do not involve other people. Only one person answered “taking a walk with my best friend, who listens to anything I have to say”.

My answer was coaching circles.

I am often dismayed at the lack of vulnerability and empathy in most social spaces. In the United States, people often casually greet each other by asking “how are you doing?” How many times are we really there to hear how the other person is doing? How many times are we open to share how we are really doing? The answer we hear most often is “I am doing great. Things are going well.” What does that response really mean? Life is difficult. How and where do we process difficulties and challenges? What happens when we do not process them properly? No wonder mental health professionals are overloaded, and we are having a nation wide, if not world wide, mental health crisis. In my article about nonviolent communication, I hypothesized how processing pain in social spaces could help ease mental health problems. In my experience coaching circles are one of the most effective social spaces for this purpose.

The concept of coaching circles as a “third space”, the space outside family and work, was outlined in my earlier article Coaching circles: A prototype for the third space. The tagline “where vulnerability is safe and empathy is abundant” describes the essence of such spaces. Vulnerability and empathy are pre-conditions of each other: if you are not vulnerable, I am not going to be empathetic; if you are not empathetic, I am not going to be vulnerable.

That’s a trip as I sit in the Coffee Shop. And I’ve listened in on hundreds of random conversations all around me. Mostly neighbors who see each other and start talking about whatever. These small coffee shops get a lot of regulars. I’ve loved visiting these places, I’ve met so many cool people, and have new friends I’ve met at the local coffee shops.

Of course this is a great industry too. Several coffee shops in this area are great for meeting other entrepreneurs and professionals to develop new projects and businesses, as if I hadn’t done this too much already!

Monday, August 29, 2022

Superspreader of Truth

Superspreader of Truth

Government and private corporations collude to suppress information about your health. The reason it's so difficult to find truthful health information is because regulatory agencies have been captured by the very industries they're supposed to regulate, and media is controlled by those same interests as well.

That includes Google, which controls over 95% of the internet searches in the world, colluding with the government and Big Pharma, and removing the vast majority of natural medicine truth tellers from their search results. This has radically limited your access to helpful health information.

If you believe those who collude to keep the truth from you, you'll believe vaccinations are safe and effective for everyone, synthetic food additives are harmless, electromagnetic field radiation (EMF) has no biological impact whatsoever, drugs are the sole treatment option if you're sick, nutrition has no impact on health and disease, unnatural environments are A-OK, pesticides in food are safe and all calories are created equal.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Cholesterol Does Not Cause Heart Disease

Cholesterol Does Not Cause Heart Disease

Cholesterol Myth Kept Alive by Statin Advocates?

The 2018 review5 identified significant flaws in three studies "published by statin advocates" attempting "to validate the current dogma." The paper presents substantial evidence that total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels are not an indication of heart disease risk, and that statin treatment is of "doubtful benefit" as a form of primary prevention for this reason. According to the authors:6

"According to the British-Austrian philosopher Karl Popper, a theory in the empirical sciences can never be proven, but it can be shown to be false. If it cannot be falsified, it is not a scientific hypothesis. In the following, we have followed Popper's principle to see whether it is possible to falsify the cholesterol hypothesis.

We have also assessed whether the conclusions from three recent reviews by its supporters are based on an accurate and comprehensive review of the research on lipids and cardiovascular disease (CVD) …

Our search for falsifications of the cholesterol hypothesis confirms that it is unable to satisfy any of the Bradford Hill criteria for causality and that the conclusions of the authors of the three reviews are based on misleading statistics, exclusion of unsuccessful trials and by ignoring numerous contradictory observations."

As reported by Reason.com:7

"A comprehensive new study on cholesterol, based on results from more than a million patients, could help upend decades of government advice about diet, nutrition, health, prevention, and medication …

The study … centers on statins, a class of drugs used to lower levels of LDL-C, the so-called 'bad' cholesterol, in the human body. According to the study, statins are pointless for most people …

The study also reports that 'heart attack patients were shown to have lower than normal cholesterol levels of LDL-C' and that older people with higher levels of bad cholesterol tend to live longer than those with lower levels."

No Evidence Cholesterol Influences Heart Disease Risk

Wednesday, August 03, 2022

Globalist Cabal Promotes Diet of Bugs

Globalist Cabal Promotes Diet of Bugs - and Cannibalism

Time and again, the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its global collaborators have "predicted" the future with stunning accuracy, sometimes years in advance, and then when the predictions come true they pretend as though they had nothing to do with it.

It's worth remembering, then, that WEF founder Klaus Schwab, during the May 2022 meeting in Davos, clearly stated that the future doesn't just happen, it is "BUILT — by us," referring to himself and the other attendees in the room. So, make no mistake, they truly believe they have the right to decide the fate of the world, and that you and I have no say in the matter.

That fate was in June 2020 formally announced under the banner of "The Great Reset," by Schwab himself (https://www.weforum.org/great-reset).1 This "build back better" scheme involves the complete reorganization and restructuring of all parts of society, including finance, industry, education, "social contracts," the energy sector and the food system.

As far as the food system is concerned, the WEF envisions a food system that doesn't include animal foods or require a large land footprint. In fact, for several years now, the WEF has promoted the idea that we should get used to eating bugs2,3,4 and drinking reclaimed sewage. As just one example, in mid-October 2018, the WEF posted on Twitter:5