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Monday, July 04, 2005

Exercise Grows New Brain Cells | LiveScience

Exercise Grows New Brain Cells | LiveScience:

Exercise Grows New Brain Cells

By Jeanna Bryner, LiveScience Staff Writer

posted: 28 June 2007 12:25 pm ET

Exercise stimulates the growth of new brain cells, a new study on rats finds. The new cells could be the key to why working out relieves depression.

Previous research showed physical exercise can have antidepressant effects, but until now scientists didn’t fully understand how it worked.

Astrid Bjornebekk of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden and her colleagues studied rats that had been genetically tweaked to show depressive behaviors, plus a second group of control rats. For 30 days, some of the rats had free access to running wheels and others did not.

Then, to figure out if running turned the down-and-out rats into happy campers, the scientists used a standard “swim test.” They measured the amount of time the rats spent immobile in the water and the time they spent swimming around in active mode. When depressed, rats spend most of the time not moving.

“In the depressed rats, running had an antidepressant-like effect after running for 30 days,” Bjornebekk told LiveScience. The once-slothful rodents spent much more time in active swimming compared with the non-running depressed rats.

The researchers also examined the hippocampus region of the brain, involved in learning and memory. Neurons there increased dramatically in the depressed rats after wheel-running.

Past studies have found that the human brain’s hippocampus shrinks in depressed individuals, a phenomenon thought to cause some of the mental problems often linked with depression.

“The hippocampus formation is one of the regions they have actually seen structural changes in depressed patients,” Bjornebekk said.

Running had a similar effect as common antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) on lifting depression.

The research is published in the International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology.

Friday, July 01, 2005

U.S. Corporations Keeping Biowarfare Work Secret

U.S. Corporations Keeping Biowarfare Work Secret:
In case you didn't know it, the White House since 9/11 has called for spending $44-billion on biological warfare research, a sum unprecedented in world history, and an obliging Congress has authorized it. Thus, some of the deadliest pathogens known to humankind are being rekindled in hundreds of labs in pharmaceutical houses, university biology departments, and on military bases. An international convention the U.S. signed forbids it to stockpile, manufacture or use biological weapons. But if the U.S. won't say what's going down in those laboratories other countries are going to assume the worst and a biowarfare arms race will be on, if it isn't already. Sunshine says failure to disclose operations also puts corporate employees involved in this work at risk. Only 8,500, or 16%, of the 52,000 workers employed at the top 20 U.S. biotech firms work at an NIH guidelines-compliant company, Sunshine says.

Francis Boyle, an international law authority at the University of Illinois, Champaign, says pursuant to national strategy directives adopted by Bush in 2002, the Pentagon "is now gearing up to fight and 'win' biological warfare without prior public knowledge and review." Boyle said the Pentagon's Chemical and Biological Defense Program was revised in 2003 to endorse "first-use" strike in war. Boyle said the program includes Red Teaming, which he described as "plotting, planning, and scheming how to use biowarfare."

Besides the big pharmaceutical houses, the biowarfare buildup is getting an enthusiastic response from academia, which sees new funds flowing from Washington's horn of plenty. "American universities have a long history of willingly permitting their research agenda, researchers, institutes and laboratories to be co-opted, corrupted, and perverted by the Pentagon and the CIA," Boyle says. What's more, the Bush administration is pouring billions in biowarfare research while some very real killers, such as influenza, are not being cured.In 2006, the NIH got $120 million to combat influenza, which kills about 36,000 Americans annually but it got $1.76 billion for biodefense, much of it spent to research anthrax. How many people has anthrax killed lately? Well, let's see, there were those five people killed in the mysterious attacks on Congress of October, 2001 --- attacks that suspiciously emanated from a government laboratory at Fort Detrick, Md.

Pollution May Cause Premature Death

Pollution May Cause Premature Death

Michelle L. Bell, PhD
Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies

I n a recent finding elevated ozone levels were associated with spikes in the number of deaths in 95 areas around the country. People ages 65 to 74 had a slightly higher risk of death from pollution than younger people. Self-defense: Check pollution forecasts at www.epa.gov/airnow. On days with high ozone concentrations, avoid congested streets, where car emissions cause ozone buildup, and don't exercise outside.

Friday, June 17, 2005

How to Beat Proscrastination... in a Minute or Less

How to Beat Proscrastination... in a Minute or Less

Jeff Davidson
Breathing Space Institute

Everyone procrastinates about some things, and most of us have areas in our lives where we don't procrastinate at all. But for millions of us, procrastination is a serious obstacle to performance.

Studies of employees at corporations suggest that employees may engage in actual work for less than five hours a day. The rest of the time is spent preparing to work, but not actually doing it. One study found that about 90% of participants procrastinate on occasion, and about 25% chronically put things off.

It's getting worse. People today are flooded with information -- news, E-mails, instant messaging, Internet databases, etc. The constant flow of information means that more matters compete for attention at any given time. It's easier than ever to put things off until a later date or, in some cases, not do them at all.

What You Are
vs. What You Do

Even though procrastinators tend to have deep-seated traits in common, such as fear of failure or the urge for perfection, the tendency to put things off is mainly due to habits -- and habits can be changed.

As a management consultant, I have spent decades helping individuals, small businesses and corporations manage their time more efficiently. My experience shows that among the hundreds of popular tricks for beating procrastination, there are only a few that really work. Most of these techniques can be put into practice in one minute or less. Among the best...

Set Specific Goals

Many people don't really make a distinction between their priorities and their goals. That's a mistake -- you need both to work efficiently.

Priorities are big-picture intentions. They are things you want to achieve at some point, such as becoming healthier or getting a promotion. Priorities tell you where you want to go, but don't provide a roadmap for getting there.

People who focus only on priorities don't get a lot done because they don't have specific action plans to follow. For that, you need goals.

Goals support priorities. They're specific ways to accomplish what's important to you.

Example: Suppose that your priority is to "be healthy." There's not much you can do to achieve that on any given day. What you can achieve are specific goals that make the priority possible. "I'll get to the gym on Wednesday for a 40-minute workout." This is a good goal because it's both specific and includes a time line for completion.

Another example: Maybe you're stuck in middle management and want to take the next step up the corporate ladder. This is the type of priority that will probably require dozens of individual goals to achieve. You might decide, for example, to take one university management class each semester... make an appointment to tell your boss that you're willing to take extra assignments... or introduce yourself to key players in other departments in the next two days.

AVOID Information Overload

Do you try to collect every available piece of information before making a decision? Since there's always more to know, you may find yourself procrastinating -- and missing opportunities.

Solution: Trust your instincts. This isn't the same as acting on a whim. It means collecting enough information to make an informed decision, while at the same time trusting the knowledge and information that you've accumulated over the years. One study looked at the use of information in making decisions. Two groups at a company were asked to buy a large piece of equipment. Participants in one group were given large amounts of data -- analysis, articles, spec sheets. Those in a second group had to decide with very little data. After the equipment had been bought and installed, both groups reviewed their decisions. Surprisingly, the group that had based its decision more on general knowledge and instinct than on data was as satisfied, if not more so, with its decision.

Don't Wait to be in the Mood

Can you imagine a pilot saying, "I'm not in the mood to land the plane," or a heavyweight contender saying, "I'm not in the mood to fight tonight"? You hear this kind of thing all the time from procrastinators.

The brutal truth: Most successful people produce on schedule, regardless of how they happen to be feeling. The reality of today's competitive world is that there isn't time (or money) to postpone projects until someone happens to feel like doing them.

Helpful: Start projects even when you aren't feeling particularly energized or creative. Force yourself to do something -- anything. Most people find that they get "in the mood" once the work is under way, even when they didn't feel that way initially.

Preview Information

Suppose it's late Friday, and you know you have to tackle a project the following Monday -- and you're dreading it.

Try this: Preview the information beforehand. Flip through files or brochures. Start a rough outline of what you're going to do and some of the issues you need to think about. Glance at a few articles. Then put it all away, and don't look at it again during the weekend.

Previewing material allows the subconscious mind to start preparing... generating ideas... and letting plans take root. When it's time to actually start the project on Monday, you'll already be familiar with the material, which results in less anxiety -- and less need to procrastinate.

TRY the Three-to-Five Method

This approach was pioneered by time management guru Alan Lakein. When you're launching a new project, identify three to five elements that you can complete quickly and easily -- and get an immediate "win."

Suppose you've been putting off a task at home -- say, raking the leaves. Identify three to five "mini-jobs" that have to be done -- getting plastic bags ready... finding the rake... getting your work gloves out of the garage, etc.

Every task has multiple entry points. Don't start with the hardest parts first. Start with something easy. Once you get going, the rest of the project will fall into place more easily.

Helpful: Set short time limits initially. Pick an entry point that will only take, say, four minutes. Short projects are mentally easier to start -- and most people just keep going without watching the clock.

Procrastinate CREATIVely

If you're not ready to launch into a big project, don't just dawdle. Fill the time by completing easier tasks not directly related to the project that will eventually need attention.

Example: Rather than immediately trying to decipher complicated forms at tax time, take care of unpaid bills, file medical insurance forms, answer correspondence, etc. These "warm-up" tasks have to be done -- and doing them initially is like a mental stretching exercise that creates a state of preparedness for the larger, more complicated job to come.

Plot a Course

It's easy to procrastinate when you lack either a clear starting point or a logical set of steps to take. A lack of direction produces much of the anxiety that precedes starting any project.

Helpful: Jot down the main steps that the project requires. (You'll probably add or subtract steps along the way.) Scratch out each step as you're done, so you can track your progress.

Even if you're one of those people who can map things out mentally, writing down individual steps "decongests the brain" and allows you to focus your mental energy on the individual steps, rather than worrying about the entire process. Suddenly, a daunting task looks smaller and easier.

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Bottom Line/Retirement interviewed Jeff Davidson, founder and president, Breathing Space Institute, a time- and efficiency-management consulting firm in Chapel Hill, North Carolina (www.breathingspace.com). He is author of The 60 Second Procrastinator (Adams Media) and The Complete Idiot's Guide to Managing Your Time (Alpha).

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Practice of Medicine'

"Why It's Called the 'Practice of Medicine'

When I was growing up, people drank milk to heal their ulcers, my mother fed me a healthy breakfast of scrambled eggs, and teachers asked me to memorize the nine planets, starting with Mercury and ending with Pluto. All this was based on what we knew as science -- and the facts were the facts. Or were they? As time went on, scientists learned that ulcers were often caused by helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacteria and that dairy could aggravate digestive disorders. Eggs lost favor because they were a source of cholesterol, and now Pluto is not considered an official planet after all. Today, coming full circle, eggs are back on the menu, considered healthy once again.

So-called "facts" change quickly, as science is replaced by newer science. Though we are encouraged to believe that medicine is an exact science, truth be told all medical knowledge -- for that matter, all scientific knowledge -- is only the experts' best "educated guess" based on what they know today and the scientific data they currently have. As we learn more, new questions arise -- and we discover unanticipated new answers, too. Given how much information is directed at us in the area of medical knowledge and practice, how can a health-conscious consumer make the smartest choices?"

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Clinical Trial: Yoga: Effect on Attention in Aging & Multiple Sclerosis

Interesting, Clinical Trials with Yoga to help with MS..... and where would you think they are doing this, lol... where else:
Dr. Barry S. Oken, Principal Investigator, Oregon Health and Science University Oregon Health Sciences University/Neurology, Portland, Oregon, 97201, United States

Clinical Trial: Yoga: Effect on Attention in Aging & Multiple Sclerosis: " Purpose
Changes in visual attention are common among elders and people with multiple sclerosis. The visual attention changes contribute to difficulty with day to day functioning including falls, driving and even finding one's keys on the kitchen counter as well as contributing to deficits in other cognitive domains. Yoga emphasizes the ability to focus attention and there is some evidence that the practice of yoga may improve one's cognitive abilities. Additionally, yoga practice may improve cognitive function through other non-specific means such as improved mood, decreased stress or declines in oxidative injury. We propose a randomized, controlled 6 month phase II trial of yoga in two separate cohorts: healthy elders and subjects with mild multiple sclerosis. We will determine if yoga intervention produces improvements on a broad attentional battery that especially emphasizes attentional control. To further understand the reported beneficial effect of yoga on its practitioners, we will also determine if there is a positive impact on measures directly related to yoga practice (flexibility and balance) as well as mood, quality of life and oxidative injury markers. The yoga intervention consists of a Hatha yoga class meeting twice per week. The class is taught by experienced yoga teachers who are supervised by a nationally known yoga instructor. There are two control groups. An exercise group will have a structured walking program prescribed by a certified Health and Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer. The program will attempt to match the Hatha yoga class for metabolic demand. The second control group will be assigned to a 6 month waiting list. The outcome measures are assessed at baseline and after the 6 month period. The primary outcome measures are alertness (quantitative EEG and self-rated scale), ability to focus attention (Stroop) and ability to shift attention (extradimensional set shifting task). Secondary attention outcome measures include the ability to sustain attention (decrement in reaction time) and ability to divide attention (Useful Field of View). Other secondary outcome measures include flexibility, balance, mood, quality of life, fatigue (in MS cohort) and decreased markers of lipid, protein, and DNA oxidative injury. "

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Common chemical may cause defects in baby boys - Yahoo! News

Common chemical may cause defects in baby boys - Yahoo! News: "Common chemical may cause defects in baby boys By Elizabeth Weise, USA TODAY
Fri May 27, 9:22 AM ET

For the first time, scientists have shown that pregnant mothers exposed to high but common levels of a widely used ingredient in cosmetics, fragrances, plastics and paints can have baby boys with smaller genitals and incomplete testicular descent.

The paper, published Friday in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, found that the more a mother was exposed to the chemicals, called phthalates (THAL-ates), the greater the chance her boy's reproductive development would be harmed. Similar changes have led to decreased semen quality and fertility in rodents.

"We'll follow our children to see what the consequences are," says lead researcher Shanna Swan, a professor of epidemiology at the University of Rochester (N.Y.) School of Medicine.
