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Friday, February 22, 2002

18 Ways To a Health!er L!fe

18 Ways To Lead a Healthier Life
(Try it. You'll like it.)

1. Have your Total Nutrition, Udo’s Oil, and one or two raw organic eggs every day (the Dragon Snot Recipe). This gives your body the necessary building blocks so that it will start correcting itself. It will help you in creating and maintaining excellent health.

2. Keep your intestines cleansed and purified. Intestinal Cleansing will not only detoxify your body, but will ensure there are no stoppages in the surrounding organs as well. It is important to keep your body’s flows going, and the place to start is the bowel. This is vital.

3. Eat only “CERTIFIED ORGANIC FOODS”, especially when it comes to meats. Nowadays, the only guarantee of quality in the entire food industry are those two words, “Certified Organic”. Commercial meats are loaded full of hormones, antibiotics, and steroids. Commercial vegetables are saturated with pesticides and due to modern day fertilizing / growing practices have very little nutrition in them. Use only “Organic” Body Care products.

4. When it comes to grains, seeds, nuts, and beans, eat only those products that have been sprouted!!! All other methods of preparation leave you with enzyme inhibitors that will make you fat and unhealthy. Stay away from all Soy. Until this industry cleans up its act, it is best to drop it from your diet altogether.

5. If you don’t own a JUICER, buy one and use it daily. Juicing is an excellent tool to aid in detoxing and for putting concentrated nutrition into your body.

6. While keeping all the above in, and until you reach a state of excellent health, you should do my entire Total Body Cleanse Program at least twice a year. Three times is best.

7. EXERCISE every day!!! The best exercise I know of is “RUNNING”. The next best is “rebounding” on a mini trampoline. Both of these workouts will exercise every cell in your body. This is absolutely essential to keeping the flows going. Start off with what you can handle, but eventually work up to a minimum of forty-five minutes a day hard exercise. Work up a sweat.

8. Stop watching Television and reading Newspapers. You don’t eat garbage. Why allow it into your mind??? TV is one of the main causes of juvenile delinquency and low production.

9. Wear cotton, silk, hemp and other all natural fibers. Synthetic clothes can prevent your skin from breathing properly, and can toxify your body.

10. Cook your food only in Stainless Steel or Glass. Never cook in Aluminum!!!

11. Drink only Distilled Water or Purified Water made from reverse osmosis.

12. Start each day by acknowledging to yourself what a great person you are.

13. Make a point to help someone else everyday. Help a child.

14. Do your part in taking responsibility for the Earth by helping to keep it clean and toxin free. Recycle! Create a garden and grow some flowers, fruits and vegetables. Plant a tree.

15. Put all your possessions in order and permanently get rid of those things you don’t need or want. Do a complete cleaning and reorganization of your living space so that it is neat and orderly.

16. Connect up with your favorite groups and get involved. Continue learning new things and expanding your horizons. Make some new friends.

17. Laugh and have fun. ;o)

18. And last, but not least, LOVE!!!


Ian "Doc" Shillington N.D.

Copyright © 2004 by Ian “Doc” Shillington N.D.  All rights reserved.

Natur0pathy Def!ned

Start watching: https://go.shr.lc/3jWnCsx

N a t u r o p a t h y

Naturopathy Defined

What is Naturopathy? What is it really?

There wasn't one decent description of it in the dozen dictionaries I checked, so I had to refine the definition myself going back to basics. According to Webster's, the word Naturopathy comes from the three root words, "NATURE", "O" and "PATHY". "NATURE" traces back to the Latin word "natus" which means "birth or, Cause". "O", is Old English for the word "Of", while "PATHY" comes from the Greek word "pathos" meaning "Disease". Well - this is absolutely wonderful, for now at least a "working" definition can be created as follows:

Naturopathy: A practice that deals with the Cause of a Disease.

In using the words "Nature" and "Natural", it can be easily seen that man made drugs and surgery as used by the psychiatrist and the medical doctor have absolutely no place in Naturopathy or in its description. Therefore an exact definition is now created as follows:

Naturopathy n. The science or art of treating a disease by addressing the CAUSE, using Nutrition, Exercise, Sunlight, Clean Air, Pure Water, Massage, Hydrotherapy (both Hot & Cold), Confront, Prayer, Meditation, Lifestyle, Biochemistry (which includes vitamins, minerals, enzymes, etc.), and correcting any imbalances found.

Teachers and healers beyond count have witnessed, that the correction of these imbalances permits the body to mend itself automatically, resulting in excellent health. Another thing is certain. By addressing the "Cause of a Disease", Naturopathy as a subject, science and practice, is senior to, and more effective in treatment than Conventional Medicine that handles only the symptoms.

Yours in health and love,

Dr. Ian Shillington - Doctor of Naturopathy

Copyright © 2002 by Ian “Doc” Shillington N.D. All rights reserved. No reproduction of any kind may occur without written permission of the copyright owner.

Thursday, February 21, 2002

Var!c0se Ve!ns

Varicose Veins

You know - every once in a while, fortune smiles on you and a piece of a puzzle drops in your lap when you least expect it.

Well - about a year ago, I experienced this wonder, and I can honestly say I have been absolutely delighted with the results ever since.

A little bit of family history here: Varicose veins run in my family, and as the years go by, I felt that I was doomed like my brother and two sisters to a life with big ugly blue and purple bulges (road maps) running up and down my legs. My mother had them quite severely and it was just one of those things I expected to have in my life without really being analytical about it. It just never occurred to me that there was anything natural I could do about them.

Well - last New Years, I determined to lose some weight and during the holidays, I bought a pair of jeans that were a size (or two) too small for me, and I intended to lose enough weight to be able to get into them easily enough as time went by. (does this part of the story sound familiar?)

A few days after I had started my weight loss program, I started my usual morning by running 4 miles and then made the mistake of putting these "form" fitting jeans on for the day. The tightness cut off my circulation and as the day wore on I started experiencing pain running up and down my leg. I awoke the next morning to discover a very large blood clot had formed half way up my left shin where two of these large varicose veins intersected.

Being a bit stupid that morning, I decided to run another 4 miles to see if perhaps exercise might dissolve and break it up. Instead, by the time I returned home, the clot had moved from my shin to behind my left knee. I decided it was time to get smart, so I went to visit my favorite Chiropractors at Family Life Chiropractic in Clearwater FL. After slapping me aside the head with a 2X4 for running the 4 miles on that second day, Doc Lee recommended Enzymes to dissolve the clot and made me promise to keep the leg elevated and my movements to a minimum. I knew he was serious, because he made me sign my patient form that he also recommended me seeing an MD (those of you who know me, realize that there is no other way to strike fear into my heart). He was afraid that the clot might break loose and end up in my heart as a heart attack, or my lungs as a pulmonary embolism, or my brain as a stroke.

It was time for me to start using my noggin here, and get busy.

I looked up all the data I could find on veins and blood clots (both in medical and herbal texts), and then I put myself on an emergency regimen to handle the condition. This is the program I created and immediately followed:

Vitamin E - 1200 IU

Niacin (B3) - 100 Mg

Plant Enzymes - (3) One with each meal

COQ10 - 100 Mg

My own Heart Formula (2 dropperfuls 6 times a day)

My Total Nutrition Formula

Lecithin - 1 Tablespoon

Leg elevation - Most of the day

Hot and Cold therapy - One hour each night

My Intestinal Cleanse #1 & #2 formula

An all raw Vegan diet

& My Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula

Of Special Note

I make the Heart Formula above and it is composed primarily of Hawthorn. The secondary ingredients are: Cayenne, Red Clover Blossoms, Garlic, Ginger, Cactus Grandiflorous, & Motherwort.

Of primary importance is the Hot and Cold therapy which is done for an hour each day. I used a special flexible Ice pack and a regular Heating pad for this part of the program. In the evening before bed, I started off with ten minutes of the freezing cold pack and then ten minutes of the hot (as hot as I could stand it). I alternated this back and forth for the hour and ended with the heating pad. During this entire process, my leg was elevated on a big pillow.

Now, please realize. I had created this entire program to handle the blood clot and was expecting no more than a reduction and eradication of it. However, at the end of two weeks, not only had the blood clot disappeared, but wonder of wonders, my varicose veins were gone too. GONE!!!

At first, I couldn’t believe it. These things are hereditary aren’t they? Nope!

There is not one chronic physical condition that can not be handled using natural methods. Not one.

Yours in health and love,


Copyright © 2001 by Ian “Doc” Shillington N.D. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, January 22, 2002

First Unity can happen

Start trying

First Steps

Getting involved at First Unity can happen in many ways, but your first steps into understanding Unity as a way of life is to explore and apply Unity teachings based on your own spiritual understanding. We believe this spiritual understanding is enhanced through reflective prayer and meditation.

The five basic ideas that make up the Unity belief system are:

  1. God is the source and creator of all. There is no other enduring power. God is good and present everywhere.
  2. We are spiritual beings, created in God's image. The spirit of God lives within each person; therefore, all people are inherently good.
  3. We create our life experiences through our way of thinking.
  4. There is power in affirmative prayer, which we believe increases our connection to God.
  5. Knowledge of these spiritual principles is not enough. We must live them.

To learn more about Unity principles, the following books, available at Wings Bookstore, are recommended:

Lessons in Truth, H. Emily Cady
The Unity Movement, Neal Vahle
Myrtle Fillmore, Torch Bearer to Light the Way, Neal Vahle
Discover the Power Within You, Eric Butterworth

Sunday celebrations are awesome within a spiritual community, yet it is in the classroom environment that we have hands-on experience with truth teachings; we meet new people who view us in unique and different ways; and we make friends that can last for a lifetime.

Spiritual leaders all agree that the most involved people on the planet are the most evolved.  As spiritual students of truth, it is crucial that we give our minds and our emotions opportunities to heal and reveal.  One of these ways is through education.  An educated spiritual mind opens up to the ability to heal old wounds, to expand beyond current circumstances and embrace the spiritual abundance which lies within.

Our ongoing classes and workshops will help you deepen and enrich your spiritual experience, as part of a congregation of sincere, dedicated and open-minded individuals who share the truth of your innermost divine nature.  Many classes are offered for you to expand the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical aspects of your being.

Another great way to get more involved is to volunteer. Your level of involvement is up to you - we appreciate each and every one of our volunteers! Without you we would not be able to do all that we can for our congregation, our church and our community. Check out our teams here.