Leading a common sense, healthy lifestyle is your best bet to produce a healthy body and mind, and increase your longevity. Unfortunately, the pharmaceutical industry, the food industry, and even government itself sure won't make it easy for you to avoid the garbage that ruins your health.
The drug industry spends about $15 billion a year manipulating and distorting your perceptions about the proper solutions for your health challenges. And, the food industry spends TWICE that much to brainwash you and your children to choose highly processed convenience foods that will accelerate your path toward death and disease -- and your need to use drugs to control your symptoms.
It’s a vicious cycle of deceit and misinformation!
Fortunately, you can still take self-responsibility, educate yourself, make better, healthier choices, and be a living testament to what the truth of the matter really is.
By adhering to the basic tenets of optimal health – the basics of a healthy lifestyle, not just a temporary fix for a particular ailment -- you are building a healthy mind and body, and thereby safeguarding yourself against a multitude of health problems and serious diseases.
With Recalls at an All-Time High, Meet Big Pharma's Newest Scam
Posted By Dr. Mercola | September 08 2010 | 11,362 views
Recalls of prescription and over the counter drugs are surging in the U.S. The FDA reported more than 1,700 recalls last year, compared to less than 430 in 2008.
One single company, drug repackager Advantage Dose, accounted for more than 1,000 of those recalls. But even excluding Advantage Dose, recalls jumped 50 percent last year.
CNN reports:
“The fast pace of drug recalls seems to be continuing in 2010 ... High-profile recalls of Tylenol and other products ... have drawn attention to quality concerns in manufacturing ...
The spike in recalls, especially of generic and over-the-counter drugs, is being driven by manufacturing lapses, experts say. Some of the biggest culprits: the quality of raw materials, faulty labeling and packaging and contamination.”
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Artificial Sweeteners Actually INCREASE Weight Gain
Aspartame and Premature Birth
Does Aspartame Cause Cancer?
Have You Experienced a Bad Aspartame Reaction? Report it!