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Saturday, February 23, 2002



The existence of Enzymes in the body are crucial, paramount and of vital importance, and everyone needs them to have a healthy body and survive well.

Butttttttt, you don't have to pay an arm and a leg for top quality enzymes. As a matter of fact you can get your enzymes extremely cheaply and they will be a hundred times better than anything you can buy in a health food store or from any MLM, guaranteed.

Are you ready for this humongous secret???

Organic Papaya seeds and Organic Pinapple.

That's it. That's all of it.

1 seed with each meal (or ground up and substituted for black pepper) 1/2 pinapple 2-3 times a week, more if you want to loose weight.

There are more enzymes in one Papaya seed than there is in a whole bottle of store bought (or MLM bought) capsules, plus it has all the nutrients necessary for almost instant assimilation.

This is how you prepare them.

Go Buy an Organic (must be organic) Papaya from your health food store, eat the Papaya, and then spread the seeds (there'll be at least 50 or more) on a cookie tin covered with wax paper and let 'em dry out on your kitchen table for a few days. Put them in a ceramic salt shaker and grind them up over your food. They are very spicy and taste almost like black pepper. You can even use them on your food instead of pepper if you wish.

The second part of the secret and a great source of heavy duty enzymes is fresh organic Pineapple. Pineapple is loaded full of hard core enzymes. Buy one and eat it, and your body will thank you for days.

Did you know that your body is converting one enzyme into other enzymes all the time?

By using the above two, you'll get all the enzymes you need, and your body will convert these into the ones it needs most.

The only reason I carry the enzymes from "NOW FOODS" is that they are the next best that I could find after a lot of research, and many people are too busy to do the above preparation. Even I use them when I'm travelling and away from home. But when I can lay my hands on 'em, I use the Papaya Seeds.


Copyright © 2001 by Ian “Doc” Shillington N.D. All rights reserved.

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