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Saturday, February 23, 2002

C0ld and Flu Seas0n

Cold and Flu Season
(A Fairy Story)

C’mon Guys. Let’s get real! Let’s face it! There is NO such thing as "The Cold and Flu Season"!!! No way Jose! It just doesn’t exist!!! It is NOT natural. It is a created phenomenon!

What really happens at this time of year? Why does everyone and their grandmother "all of a sudden" come down with the cold or flu? Well - can we look at "Cause" and "Effect" and own up to a few things maybe? All we have to do is take a little responsibility here, OK?

Now - let’s get somewhat smart here and ask ourselves a couple of very pertinent questions. "When does "Cold and Flu Season" start? Answer: Right after the Christmas / New Year’s holiday season! And what’s so significant about that? Answer: It’s that one time of year when we pig-out more than any other. We eat more greasy foods and junk, drink more booze, and take in more chocolate, sweets, and other "White Sugar" products than at any other time of the year. Statistically, it is also the highest emotionally stressed period of the entire year when we have to "tolerate" some family members who are not normally around.

Helloooo! This does not take a college course in Logic to figure this out. Most of us know that white sugar and alcohol suppress the immune system quite dramatically. And with the increased familial stress level, isn’t it then logical, that following such a physical and emotional debauchery, we will then be at our most receptive susceptibility to these "diseases"? Do you think that the Psychs, Medicos and Pharmaceuticals don’t know this? Is it possible that the Medicos might even promote this (covertly) for their own financial gain?

OK, OK, OK. Now that we’ve admitted ourselves as being "Cause" over this phenomenon, and we’ve now realized that this cold or flu that we’re now experiencing is a self inflicted wound. What are we going to do about it? And what can we do to "causatively" get rid of it? Welllllll, you’re in luck, because there’s an answer to that one too ;o)

You can manufacture an Echinacea Tincture which is second to none. Period. I have our Echinacea Angustifolia roots wildcrafted early in the morning and shipped to us the same day, overnight UPS, packed in wet burlap and ice. We then fill our gallon jars ¾ full with this freshly diced root and then add a distilled water/alcohol combination 50 - 50, to start drawing the essential oils and vital biochemicals out of the root. The brew is ready to press two weeks later, however most of our jars brew for six months or more as it does get better with age. We then press it on the Full Moon just as the Farmers and Master Herbalists of olden days used to do, thus drawing out the maximum amount of goodness. After this pressing, a small amount of Organic Garlic and Organic Habanero juices are added to increase absorption into the body for faster and more potent results. You can do this too. It is very easy and I'd love to see everyone of you making this and the following remedies.

The second great formula in this Cold & Flu Remedy is my Total Tonic Formula, a concoction which is also an integral part of my Anti-Plague handling. This tincture taken with Echinacea and DMSO can successfully wipe out any cold, flu or plague bug going around. And it does it FAST. By themselves they are awesome enough, but taken together they are unbeatable in handling viruses, bacteria, and fungi with no negative effects or damage to intestinal flora in your system whatsoever.

A Research Story

by Ian "Doc" Shillington N.D.

I’ve been researching and working for over 12 years to find an herbal formula that could do it all, and I finally found it in Total Tonic. In an emergency situation, if I could have only one herb, it would be CAYENNE. In a non- emergency or every day circumstance, that one essential herb would be GARLIC. One of the most controversial items on the market for the last forty years has been DMSO (Dimethylsulfoxide: a chemical Sulfur compound) derived from Pine trees. I have met dozens people over the years who have sworn their cancer, their heart disease, etc. had been cured by the use of DMSO. The latest kid on the block (the Holistic market) is MSM (a purified chemical Sulfur compound) that is also manufactured from Pine trees. Similar healing claims have been made about MSM. Even a century ago, many cures were effected by using Sulfa drugs and the use of Sulfur was recognized world-wide as an accepted medical tool. Well guess what? Garlic has more sulfur per cubic inch than any other herb (food), and is naturally composed of over 77 different sulfur compounds. Garlic is one of the few places to find DMSO and MSM in higher quantities, and in a natural state, with all essential nutrients and enzymes necessary to process the sulfur into your system. Many of you are aware of the fact that, Organic Raw Unfiltered Apple cider Vinegar is one of the most effective catalysts used to help the body absorb herbs, vitamins and minerals. Total Tonic has it all and gives you all the above compounds naturally. There is no better formula available. Add to it the Echinacea which jump-starts and fires up your immune system faster and better than any other ingredient, the pure DMSO which is a free radical fighter without peer, and any Cold, Flu or Plague is history. Period.

As an added note: The correct gradient approach for using the above would be. At the first sign of a sniffle or sore throat, use the Total Tonic by itself. If that didn’t handle it immediately (which it usually does), then add the Echinacea to the regimen. For a very heavy attack on your immune system or an outbreak of plague, add the DMSO.

Yours in health and love,


Copyright © 2001 by Ian “Doc” Shillington N.D. All rights reserved.

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