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Monday, November 01, 2021

Fwd: Belonging beyond borders

From: Building Belonging <citizenstout@substack.com>
Subject: Belonging beyond borders
Date: October 31, 2021 at 9:00:07 PM EDT

Belonging beyond borders
Citizenship in a world beyond the nation-state

Autumn sunlight during a mountain bike ride in Cascadia
I want to write today about borders, and citizenship. 
There is perhaps no more central question we must address in the context of building a world where everyone belongs. After all, as Gloria AnzaldĂșa explained:
The question of borders for me is first and foremost an ethical question. But today it is also an existential question. The nation-state regime — and the international governance apparatus that has emerged around it — has proven incapable of addressing the major global challenges our time… the climate crisis chief among them. Whatever your perspective on the desirability of the current nation-state system, it's difficult to deny this basic fact: our current systems of global governance are inadequate to the moment. Claire Vergerio frames the need:
It is that invitation to imagination I want to take up today.
TL;DR: Our system of global system — and the nation-state model it is based on — is no longer fit for purpose. Any effort to imagine and create a new system of global governance must be based on the inalienable right to belong… which of necessity includes the freedom to move. I believe bioregionalism offers the most promising vision for a system of global governance; a promise that returns us into right relationship with land, and a pathway to heal from the trauma and violence of a bordered world.

Our global system is no longer fit for purpose
As I write, world "leaders" are gathering in Glasgow for COP26 to discuss the fate of the world in the context of the climate crisis. I say "leaders" in quotes, because in fact those who hold structural power in our current system are the primary barriers to the progress people are demanding. As is so often the case, our purported "leaders" are in fact reluctant followers at best. Then-16-year-old Greta Thunberg already said everything that needs to be said back at COP25 in 2019 (echoing then-14-year-old Severn Cullis-Suzuki at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro — which launched the COP process — way back in 1992). 
I see our failure to meaningfully address the climate crisis as, among other things, a testament to the obsolescence of the nation-state regime. Recognizing how hard it may be to imagine an alternative in a system designed deliberately to atrophy our imaginations, Rana Dasgupta flips the script in this phenomenal essay:
He goes on to contend — persuasively, in my view:
So what might a viable future look like? I recently wrote elsewhere about the "3 Horizons" framework for thinking about systems transformation:

My own learning journey has led me to the unavoidable conclusion that our current system no longer serves; I won't invest much energy in critiquing the status quo here. If you are still skeptical, I strongly recommend Dasgupta's essay and the work of Harsha Walia as good entry points. Instead — as with all my writing — I want to turn my attention to the third horizon, to the future I long for. For two reasons: to invite others to do the same (co-creation is the only sustainable form of creation), and to invite all of us into the work of building bridges (horizon 2) to get from here to there.
Finding a place to land: the battle of belonging
Regardless of your perspective on the viability of the nation-state regime writ large, everyone seems to agree that the current system of migration and border controls is not working. French philosopher Bruno Latour explains that it is precisely this intersection between migration and its exacerbation by the climate crisis that is increasingly driving our politics:
The ascendant response thus far is a profoundly hostile and dangerous one: a call for closing borders, for doubling down on criminalizing the "other"… it is this instinct that is driving the global rise of authoritarianism in its most common incarnation as ethno-nationalism, from Orban to Modi to Erdogan to Trump and Johnson. "Success" is provisional, and purchased for some through extensive violence done to "others." 
As Zellie Imani reminds us, channeling the work of Harsha Walia and others:
The major responses from global center-left establishment parties, as Cas Mudde explains, 
In a book aptly titled "the battle of belonging," Sashi Tharoor contrasts these two competing visions as "ethno-nationalism" vs "civic nationalism." The problem, of course, is that both approaches draw the boundaries of our imaginations within the colonial contours of the nation-state… and in my view are thus destined to fail.
The "civic nationalism" approach is not only failing electorally, it's failing materially and morally: there is no country in the world today that has an ethical, coherent and sustainable immigration policy. The Journal of Critical Inquiry frames the stakes:
To be a citizen is to belong
At this year's Othering & Belonging conference, Bayo Akomolafe noted:
Borders are a referendum on that most fundamental of questions: who belongs? Their very existence defines and drives a narrow exclusionary politics; this is at the heart of the resurgence of populism. Here's Achille Mbembe:
One consequence of our current regime is the unconscionable situation facing the world's "stateless" people, over 10 million humans who — as this Economist article put it — have "nowhere to call home." In other words, their very existence is illegal: they do not belong on the planet. It is the ultimate form of exclusion and a moral tragedy: to belong nowhere. John Washington calls this:
I want to ask a different question from the populists, one that imagines an expansive "We" containing the whole world, and all beings in it. In this I'm with Lant Pritchett, who calls our current regime a system of "global apartheid":
Instead of "how do we divide us from them," I'm more interested in: how do we belong together in a way that aspires to meet the needs of everyone? How do we organize ourselves as societies? 
I approach this question anchored in a full understanding of what it means to belong. To me belonging requires agency; it requires having a voice that matters. At its most basic, this means having a say in the things that affect your life. Belonging is citizenship: the expression of agency in relationship to others and the world. I love this line from Achille Mbembe:
For as long as I can remember I've described myself as a "global citizen" (my social media handle "citizenstout" is an aspirational nod in that direction). I love Gloria AnzaldĂșa's line here:
This is the question that animates my life and my work: how can I become a citizen of a world that does not yet exist?
There are no borders in nature
David Mitchell reminds us:
We all belong to the earth by birthright. I love this line from Eduardo Galeano:
Instead of borders, nature has ecotones: transition zones where different ecosystems mingle, connect, and create new forms of life. A marsh where water meets land; an estuary where saltwater meets fresh; a woodland edge where prairie meets forest. These "boundaries" are not lines of demarcation; rather, they are places of connection. "Us" and "them" meet, and new worlds are born. The isthmus of Costa Rica is an ecotone connecting North and South America… and contains 6% of the world's biodiversity on just 0.03% of global landmass.
Animals travel freely within and across nature's ecosystems. While all living beings are territorial of necessity — they live off the abundance of the land or sea — they also traverse it. The Arctic tern migrates up to 20,000 miles every year; the gray whale travels 10,000 miles. They have multiple homes, and belong in each.
Latour has my favorite approach imagining a post-nation-state world. He observes that much of our current dilemma emerges because we are the only species that is disconnected from land. He distinguishes between the land we live "in" (a physical territory, a political jurisdiction) and the land we live "from": that which provides our material sustenance and survival. 
The colonial era ushered in, for the first time in human history, that schism: at a fundamental level, there is a disconnect in our relationship to land. For all indigenous cultures (and all other species) to belong is to be in right relationship with land. For we modern products of colonialism and global capitalism… the land we live "from" could be thousands of miles away from the land we live "in." Latour calls this the defining feature of the "new climactic regime":
I think he's right.
Belonging is bioregional
Like everything about life, belonging is fundamentally a relational proposition: we belong to, or with, something. To exercise citizenship is to enact belonging in relationship with others in a place; it is to practice politics. As Latour explains:
What does it mean to have "a people" and "a territory" in a world where everyone belongs? The possibility I've encountered that holds the most promise is bioregionalism: nature's way of organizing ecosystems. Nature doesn't have nation-states; it has bioregions. They are distinct, and shape all those who live in and from them (BBC's gorgeous Planet Earth series does a nice job covering the major types of bioregion, from the deep sea to jungles to deserts and beyond. The Cascadia Department of Bioregion (more of this, please!) explains:
It's also how most of us already experience belonging: I belong to the Pacific Northwest (the broader bioregion called Cascadia), and experience the strongest sense of kinship here in my homeland. I feel a deep visceral need to be in relationship to redwoods, Ponderosa pines, cedars, and Douglas firs. And mountains. I experience a sensation I can only describe as heartache whenever I reunite or commune deeply with these places… an almost unspeakable beauty traversing the broad slopes of Washington's Mt. Rainier, or circumnavigating Oregon's Three Sisters. 
The good news is, we humans already have thousands of years of experience with bioregional governance: it is the defining feature of virtually all indigenous societies from time immemorial. Re-grounding in that wisdom — and leveraging the technologies and capacities now available to us — seems to me the best path to a viable planet where everyone and everything belongs. After the necessary un-learning of decolonization, comes the remembering of re-indigenization, returning to right relationship with land. Samantha Suppiah explains:
Bioregionalism… at global scale
We still face global problems that require global solutions; the same forces undermining the fragile legitimacy of the nation-state regime would also buffet — in different ways — a system of bioregional governance. Rana Dasgupta explains:
This to me is one of the most exciting questions to turn our attention to today, and one we urgently need to crowdsource more wisdom into taking seriously. Thus far the discourse around bioregionalism (thriving in various eco-communities; I love this exploration from Movement Generation, e.g.) largely stops short of taking up the question of global scale, or the path to connect the bioregions into a coherent system of global governance. The bioregions I have in mind are connected to each other at progressively larger scales; the goal always to maintain a sense of belonging and agency as we move from 1,000 people to 1 million people to 1 billion people. 
This is where I think technology — technology as a digital commons, managed like all commons by the people affected by it — has an important role to play. There are three billion people on Facebook: how could we use artificial intelligence (tools like pol.is) to give those people a voice in governance and decision-making, honoring their agency rather than commodifying them for their data? That was the framing inquiry behind this Conversation on Transformation, and one that remains in my view under-explored in the discourse around global governance.
One of my favorite explorations of what a global governance framework might look like — one that explicitly aspires to a world where everyone belongs — is this beautifully imaginative and grounded vision from Miki Kashtan. As I wrote in my post re-thinking scale, she too sees transformation as fractal: her starting point echoes the conclusions reached by micro-solidarity and other communities orienting toward the power of the small group. 
This is also a rich site of exploration for communities exploring the potential of "citizen assemblies," some of which hold global aspirations (one is being heldin the run-up to COP26). The difference is that in the world I long for these assemblies do not present recommendations to those who hold structural power (the current vision alongside COP26); rather, they hold the power and responsibility for decisions: that is what it means to be a global citizen.
The freedom to move is the right to belong
Humans have always been a migratory species, born both of desire and of necessity. Parag Khanna explains:
There are now more refugees and internally displaced people in the worldthan at any time in recorded history; more even than during the darkest moments of the second World War. As always, people are moving in pursuit of a better life, often fleeing the prospect of death. It is this fundamental and universal need that prompted Harsha Walia to declare:
As the climate crisis intensifies, the number of people seeking safe refuge will only increase. Even within the United States, projections suggest that vast swaths of the southeast will soon be uninhabitable due to "wet bulb" temperatures exceeding the capacity of humans to survive. Khanna continues:
I love the clarity of Achille Mbembe's vision here, defining the freedom to move as a necessary condition of belonging:
Of course it's not only the freedom to move; following Latour, it is also the freedom to land. Mbembe talks about Ghana's "right of abode," a right in principle extended to anyone of African descent to return and make a home in. Speaking of Africa, in a sentiment I would apply to the whole world, Mbembe explains:
Belonging not just in the abstract, but to a particular land, a particular culture in relationship to that land. This is what it means to bridge Latour's land we live "in" and "from." He explains:
Healing the "open wound"
In her trademark unflinching blend of prose and poetry, Gloria AnzaldĂșa opens her classic Borderlands/La Frontera describing the border (in her case, the U.S.-Mexican border) as "una herida abierta"… an open wound.
There are at least two dimensions to this wound: the externally visible (though often ignored) physical violence of border enforcement, and the internal psychic wounds of navigating a bordered world. She explains:
Speaking to our physical/geographical borders, Ayesha Siddiqui offers a linethat for me feels equally applicable to ourselves and our psyches:
Todd Miller's new book on a world without borders speaks of "wall sickness," a concept drawn from the experience of Berliners who lived near the Wall. He explains:
He goes on:
Can any of us truly be happy knowing the violence done in our name (the haunting specter of children in cages, ripped from their families)? It's been three generations since Partition cleaved south Asia, with deaths measured in the millions, and displacement in the tens of millions. That trauma remains unhealed today, most visibly in periodic outbreaks of violence in contested Kashmir, but equally alive in anti-Muslim sentiment within India's borders, or anti-Hindu sentiment in Pakistan. What if instead of borders we had boundaries between bioregions, places of intermingling, places of connection? What if a world beyond borders is essential to belonging? 
This is the promise of bioregionalism, and of a politics grounded in territoriality. Like Latour notes, it offers us a way to "land without crashing." It offers everyone a path to belonging… and the opportunity to practice belonging through citizenship. 

I want to close with this lovely reminder from Gina ValdĂ©s:
This post deliberately gestures at but leaves unanswered the question of how we move from here to there… the bridges ValdĂ©s alludes to. If you made it this far, I'd love to know who else you're looking to for visions of a post-nationalist world, and what that world might look like in practice.
A reminder for gift subscribers: tomorrow (Nov 1st @8am PT) marks our first gathering committed to practicing interdependence. If you're not a gift subscriber but want to attend, please let me know and I can gift a subscription.

Monday, October 04, 2021

Why Is Info on COVD and Vitiman D Difeciency Sepprussed?

Why Is Info on COVID and Vitamin D Deficiency Suppressed?

Many years of research have demonstrated the multiple benefits of vitamin D to your health. These benefits include helping to build healthy bones and teeth,1,2 supporting lung3,4 and cardiovascular function,5,6 influencing genetic expression,7,8 supporting brain and nervous system health9,10 and regulating insulin levels.11

During 2020, scientists also discovered that the benefits of vitamin D for upper respiratory infections also includes protection against COVID-19.12,13 In 2021, two new studies14,15 confirmed what many researchers had already determined: There is an association between vitamin D deficiency and "the risk of being infected with COVID-19, severity of the disease and risk of dying from it."16

However, despite a known and safe side effect profile, benefits to patients with COVID-19 and the relative ease of acquiring the low-cost supplement, health "experts" have continued to suppress information that could very well save many lives. To achieve vitamin D toxicity, a person must take more than 40,000 international units (IU) each day and have a serum level above 500 to 600 nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml).17


Monday, September 20, 2021

Fwd: Healing the World of Its Brokenness

Begin forwarded message:

From: Lorian Association <info@lorian.org>
Subject: Healing the World of Its Brokenness
Date: September 20, 2021 at 10:59:36 AM EDT
Reply-To: Lorian Association <info@lorian.org>

In This Newsletter: Healing the world of its brokenness: The Alliance Paradigm • Summit Weekend October 22-24: Co-Creating a Gaian Commons • October Free Webinar: Partnering Toward Our Gaian Future • Commons, Class List, Calendar

The Alliance Paradigm: Exploring Your Connections with Planetary Life
October 14-November 24

with David Spangler

After an individual has learned the art of working with subtle energies, drawing on their own Sovereignty, Self-Light, and generative nature, this class introduces Alliance Space–a technique for partnering with subtle beings, the living intelligences within the non-physical ecosystems of the Earth.

The focus of this class however moves beyond technique. We will explore a way of looking upon the subtle world and its denizens and upon our own role in relationship to them. This perspective is described as the "Alliance Paradigm." 

Basically, the Alliance Paradigm puts forward that many in the subtle worlds—nature spirits, Devas, Angels, human spirits—are not looking simply for contact and communication, but are seeking partnership and alliance in serving the well-being and wholeness of Gaia. Their desire is to heal the world of its brokenness and to foster the emergence of the wholeness that is possible. They need our help and partnership in doing so. Alliance Space can enable this to happen. 

When we understand and accept it, our role as incarnate humans is not simply to exchange information with subtle beings—much less merely to satisfy our curiosity or desire for phenomena—but is to engage in meaningful ways with them as co-creative partners. It is this engagement that will be the organizing principle for what we will study and learn in this class. Bringing the energy and insights arising from our partnership with Earth's subtle ecology can be an important contribution to meeting the planetary and local challenges that humanity is facing.

This class builds on the material learned in previous Core classes and offers a tool—Alliance Space—for conscious partnering with subtle allies. Prerequisites include the two-part series of both Journey Into Fire and Working with Subtle Energies, and Practical Magic.

Click here for more info and to register

Summit Weekend October 22-24

Co-Creating a Gaian Commons:
Deepening Our Relationship with the Sacredness of Life

We live in an intimately interconnected world. Like a pebble dropped into a pond, the ripples of our actions and our connections impact and resonate through the entire system of life on earth. The energy we set in motion within our own particular lives and neighborhoods, reverberates and helps to sound the note of love in its many different forms. By attending to our loving connections in daily life we become a source of unfolding sacredness enhancing our Gaian Commons, growing its shared resources into a dynamic wholeness. We have the capacity to energize the vitality, coherence and flow available in the physical and subtle realms even in these turbulent times.

This Summit Weekend will allow you to deepen your participation in the web of Gaian life and heighten your capacity to contribute to and receive love to empower our shared Gaian Commons.

Live interactive sessions will alternate with time for personal integration over the weekend to help you weave ideas and practices into the frame of your own individual life. You will deepen your understanding of the living web of sacredness that supports each of us every day and you will grow your skills for connection and caring which unfold and renew the shared resource of sacredness in our Gaian Commons.

The Summit sessions will open possibilities, capacity and flow as you participate more consciously in giving and receiving resources of sacredness and love in your life.

Click here for more info and to register

Free Webinar October 7, 5pm PT
Partnering Toward Our Gaian Future

One of the key ideas of Incarnational Spirituality is that we incarnate into a set of relationships. 

We are supported and upheld in a Commons of Life with its interwoven web of life-affirming resources. The primal resource in that Commons is a dynamic wholeness, a vital field of Sacredness that is energized and renewed as we both participate in and contribute to it through our daily relationships.  

We are not usually aware of these underlying connections, the unfolding relationships of being that affirm and shape our Gaian world, but we are the beneficiaries. However, we can be more conscious about choosing to contribute to the giving and receiving, and partner in the loving relationships that unfold the sacredness of all life. We can help to generate this primal resource, amplifying its flow, vitality and coherence and making it more accessible to all life on this planet.

Join James Tousignant and Freya Secrest in this evening webinar to explore steps to heighten awareness of your relationship to our living universe and open possibilities to explore and participate more consciously in generating its resources on behalf of all life.

Click here to sign up

What's In The Commons?

Library of Incarnational Spirituality resources • Building Your Incarnational Practice discussion forum • Live monthly Energy Tending Zoom webinars • Bi-monthly live Zoom Gaian Kinship Circles • Bi-monthly Uncommon Conversations podcast • Monthly "Live in the Commons" special events

Find out more and sign up here


Self-Directed Studies

Core Class Series

The Lorian Association offers a Core Class series that builds skills of working with subtle energies and allies to empower you not only to co-create a life of balance and wholeness, but to serve the greater wholeness of the Earth. These classes, offered once each year, include:
1. Journey into Fire I – Self Study (Live class Early Winter 2022)
2. Subtle Energies I (Early Spring 2022)
3. Journey into Fire II (Late Winter 2022)
4. Subtle Energies II (Late Spring 2022)
5. Practical Magic: How to Shape a Life You Love – September 2021
6. The Alliance Paradigm–October 2021

Please email  susans@lorian.org  for more information.
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Saturday, September 18, 2021

Fwd: 6 important ways to avoid PFCs

Wow, great common sense here

Begin forwarded message:

From: Ann Shippy MD <drshippy@annshippymd.com>
Subject: 6 important ways to avoid PFCs
Date: September 18, 2021 at 3:00:13 AM EDT

Get Better With Age

Dear Sheeple,


Today, I'll share 6 important ways to avoid the toxic buildup of PFCs (perfluorochemicals) in your body. 

As you may recall from the Report, PFCs are perfluorochemicals used to keep food from sticking to cookware, to make sofas and carpets resistant to stains, to make clothes and mattresses more waterproof, and may also be used in some food packaging, as well as in some firefighting materials.

Here are 6 important ways to protect yourself:

  • Avoid non-stick cookware. (NO ALUMINUM) If you can't afford to replace all of your non-stick cookware, then buy one pan that you can use for everything… and only use it! I prefer pans that are stainless steel or ceramic.
  • Avoid furniture and carpets with stain protectors and flame retardants.
  • Use safe alternatives for removing stains, like baking soda and vinegar solutions.
  • Avoid water-repellant clothing.
  • Avoid fast food packages or anything made to hold greasy foods.
  • Avoid using paper plates.

In my next email I'll share 5 easy ways to avoid aluminum. It's not too late to protect your brain.

Yours in health,

Ann Shippy Md
P.S. Have you tried a juice cleanse or one of the fad detox cleanses and been disappointed because you still feel exhausted, have muscle and joint aches, brain fog, or difficulty sleeping? You may be interested in participating in my Every Life Well® Cleanse Intensive. I developed the Intensive based on what works best for my patients and turned it into a 6-week online Masterclass in detoxing to help you. Click here for more information.
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Content in this email is not considered medical advice. The views and nutritional advice expressed by Ann Shippy, MD is not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. Purchasing a product or program does not establish a doctor patient relationship with Ann Shippy, MD. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider. We suggest that you continue to work with qualified medical professionals as you engage in our material, products and services. No information offered here should be interpreted as a diagnosis of any disease, nor an attempt to treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition. Information and statements regarding products and/or services made available by Ann Shippy, MD have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Ann Shippy MD products and services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Links in this email may contain affiliate links that could provide me with a commission if you choose to purchase. My readers and patients know that I recommend things very carefully and with great consideration, and affiliate relationships are never my primary motivation. Thank you for subscribing!

Ann Shippy, MD 3267 Bee Cave Road #1107 Austin , Texas 78746 United States +15126584013