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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Andrew Cohen & Ken Wilber in dialogue: Women, Enlightenment, and the Evolution of Culture

Andrew Cohen & Ken Wilber in dialogue: Women, Enlightenment, and the Evolution of Culture: "ANDREW COHEN: In this issue we’re trying to bite into the tough nut of women’s liberation.

KEN WILBER: Oh dear!

Cohen: And I’m sure it’s very politically incorrect for two intellectual tough guys like you and me to get together and talk about women’s liberation! But who cares . . .

Wilber: I hear you. It used to be that only gays could discuss gays and only blacks could discuss blacks and only women could discuss women."

Cancer Cured For Good

Cancer Cured For Good
October 2008

It works 100% of the time to eradicate cancer completely, and cancer does not recur even years later.

That is how researchers describe the most convincing cancer cure ever announced.

The weekly injection of just 100 billionths of a gram of a harmless glyco-protein (a naturally-produced molecule with a sugar component and a protein component) activates the human immune system and cures cancer for good, according to human studies among breast cancer and colon cancer patients, producing complete remissions lasting 4 and 7 years respectively. This glyco-protein cure is totally without side effect but currently goes unused by cancer doctors.

Normal Gc protein (also called Vitamin-D binding protein) , an abundant glyco-protein found in human blood serum, becomes the molecular switch to activate macrophages when it is converted to its active form, called Gc macrophage activating factor (Gc-MAF). Gc protein is normally activated by conversion to Gc-MAF with the help of the B and T cells (bone marrow-made and thymus gland-made white blood cells). But, as researchers explain it themselves, cancer cells secrete an enzyme known as alpha-N-acetylgalac tosaminidase (also called Nagalase) that completely blocks conversion of Gc protein to Gc-MAF, preventing tumor-cell killing by the macrophages. This is the way cancer cells escape detection and destruction, by disengaging the human immune system. This also leaves cancer patients prone to infections and many then succumb to pneumonia or other infections.

Although GcMAF is also called Vitamin-D binding protein, the activation of macrophages does not require Vitamin D.

GcMAF is a naturally made molecule and is not patentable, though its manufacturing process is patent protected. There is no evidence of any current effort to commercialize this therapy or put it into practice. Should such an effective treatment for cancer come into common practice, the income stream from health-insurance plans for every oncology office and cancer center in the world Would likely be reduced to the point of financial insolvency and hundreds of thousands of jobs would be eliminated.

Clipped from Artilce By Bill Sardi and Timothy Hubbell
[International Journal Cancer.2008 January15; 122(2):461-7]

Related articles:

[Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy Volume 57, Number 7 / July 2008]
[Targeted Oncology 2007 April, 2 (2); 113-19]
[The Journal of Immunology, 1993 151 (5); 2794-2802]
[Neoplasia 2003 January; 5(1): 32–40]
[Cancer Research 1997 Jun 1; 57(11):2187- 92]
[Cancer Research 1996 Jun 15; 56(12):2827- 31]
[US Patent 5326749, July 1994; Cancer Research 1996 June 15; 56: 2827-31]

Sunday, November 16, 2008

NESARA -> History of NESARA

NESARA -> History of NESARA: "In early 1993, the nine US Supreme Court judges ruled seven to two in favor of the farmers on all major issues including that the Federal Reserve Banking system was unconstitutional, that the US has been operating outside the Constitution since March 1933, that major reformations of government and our banking system are required, and that financial redress and remedies must be provided for financial losses due to bank fraud suffered by generations of Americans."

Monday, November 10, 2008

World's Greatest Medical Advancements: Baseline's Alternative Health Newsletter

There is great failure in health care today

-- and, as a result of that failure, great pain and unnecessary suffering. And it is important that, as you discover how badly the modern medical paradigm is failing, you take great care not to assign blame wrongly. Yes, there are incompetent doctors whose practices we all abhor, and we wish they could never practice medicine again, but this newsletter is not about them. Neither is it directed at the thousands of faithful health care workers who go about their daily jobs. Specifically, my purpose in this newsletter is to confront the very foundational philosophy and system of the modern medical paradigm -- a philosophy that costs trillions and a system that promises hope, but delivers misery. No one, including many inside the medical community, can help but acknowledge these great failings. Sadly, for all our education and massive expenditures, modern medicine has failed miserably. You may wonder why.medicine, man, machine Modern medicine likes to trace its roots to Hippocrates, the patron saint of today's doctors. In truth, its roots rest more comfortably in the Newtonian views of the 17th century when philosophers and scientists defined the universe as a great machine. Physicians of that era were not immune to this influence and likewise began to define the human body as a machine. According to this "new" paradigm, the body could be analyzed, catalogued, adjusted, and repaired as required -- just like any other machine. This viewpoint became firmly established during the 19th century when the "body as machine" concept was taken to its ultimate, absurd extreme. The human body was no longer viewed as a holistic entity, but rather as a grouping of separate parts and pieces. Disease was no longer viewed as a body state, but as a set of symptoms. Ultimately, and so it is today, the province of medicine has become the observation, classification, and management of symptoms. According to this paradigm, disease or illness or injury manifests itself as symptoms entirely separate from the body as a whole (a decidedly non-holistic paradigm). The body is irrelevant. If the symptom can be eliminated (e.g., cholesterol numbers lowered through daily use of statin drugs), you are, by definition, now healthy.

In fact, there are some who would argue that today's medicine has even gone beyond treating the body as a machine -- that today's doctors have taken things to a whole new level of absurdity. They treat the body as a mere set of "numbers." When you go to your doctor now, he or she orders up a series of very expensive tests (blood work, PSA, EEG, etc.), each of which produces a set of numbers. Then, based on where your numbers fall relative to a chart of "normal" numbers, your doctor prescribes a series of drugs to move your numbers up or down so that they fall within the "norm." In this model, even symptoms don't matter -- only the numbers.

As it turns out, the body as machine paradigm works very well in surgical repair. If you break an arm, the doctor works with that part of the machine and repairs your arm. If you are wounded by a bullet, the doctor removes the bullet and repairs all of the separate parts of your body damaged by the bullet -- again, problem solved!

Unfortunately, the paradigm's failures become most evident when we look at the major diseases of our time -- cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's, etc.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

OCW Course Finder - OpenCourseWare Consortium

OCW Course Finder - OpenCourseWare Consortium: "1.964 Design for Sustainability, Fall 2006 (MIT) Details
Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
22.52J Statistical Thermodynamics of Complex Liquids, Spring 2004 (MIT) Details
Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
PE.210 SCUBA, Spring 2007 (MIT) Details
Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
17.32 Environmental Politics and Policy, Spring 2003 (MIT) Details
Massachusetts Institute of Technology English


Research demonstrates that an active brain is associated with better cognitive health and a reduced risk of dementia, including Alzheimer's disease. Researchers found that participants who spent time on activities such as reading newspapers, playing puzzle games, or listening to the radio frequently were 47% less likely to develop AD than those who did them less often. It's possible that these activities protect the brain by establishing a "cognitive reserve," helping it become more adaptable and flexible in some areas to compensate for declines in others.


Evidence shows that mental stimulation also enhances the brain's networks of connections and encourages "brain plasticity" (the brain's ability to physically and functionally change). Cross-train your brain by doing things you haven't done before, perhaps learning a new language or to play a new musical instrument. To stay sharp, Dr. Green advises that you continually find new projects and hobbies to challenge your intellectual skills. Take a class at the local community college or take a free course online -- universities that offer online courses at no charge include Berkeley University of California (http://webcast.berkeley.edu/courses.php)... Carnegie Mellon University (http://www.cmu.edu/oli/)... Massachusetts Institute of Technology (http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/web/home/home/index.htm)... and Tufts University (http://ocw.tufts.edu/).


There are many ways, both offline and online, to engage in fun, daily mental workouts that are efficient and effective:

Saturday, November 08, 2008

November Forecast

November Forecast: "This Full Moon’s close alignment with Sedna at 20°40’ Taurus symbolizes a mass initiation into cosmic consciousness. Orbiting far beyond Pluto, Sedna functions as a spiritual gateway to higher dimensional realities. Sedna is a plutoid, first sighted in 2003 by the same team of astronomers that discovered Eris. Astronomical discoveries coincide with evolutionary leaps, reflecting the Hermetic truth “as above, so below.” Sedna takes 10,500 years to orbit the Sun and has a highly elliptical orbit, which varies from 76 to 975 AU (1 AU, or astronomical unit, equals the distance of the Earth to the Sun: 93 million miles). Sedna — discovered in the constellation of Cetus the Whale during a time of tremendous changes in the arctic and ocean regions — was named for an Inuit sea goddess who propagates and protects the creatures of the sea. Her command of a great sea dragon symbolizes the identification and transmutation of subconscious material. As a goddess, Sedna supports the development of the divine feminine and provides a link with the womb of our generative energies.

Neptune at 21° Aquarius very closely squares the Sun and Moon. Neptune represents spirituality and illusion, intuition and imagination. The mythic God of the Sea dissolves our existing concepts in order for us to experience a far greater reality that transcends death and the physical world. Neptune’s square to this Full Moon forces us to square our ideals with our current creations. What would we do differently if we realized that nothing is separate, that we are all part of the web of life? How would we live if we knew we were immortal and infinite spirits?"

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Linguistics prof. George Lakoff dissects the "war on terror" and other conservative catchphrases

Linguistics prof. George Lakoff dissects the "war on terror" and other conservative catchphrases: "A policy direction is something like 'Let's have a sustainable environment' and 'Working people shouldn't be living in poverty' and 'Everybody should have health care.' The problem is that the Democrats have wanted to talk about programs rather than policy directions, and programs call up distinctions, which tend to separate people. For example, Kerry should be talking about health care for everyone, and just put a white paper with the details of the program on his website. The values, principles, and general directions are what people care about and what brings them together. It's pointless to argue about the policy-wonk details, because they're going to change anyway."