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Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Fwd: let the sunshine into the NIH

Monday, April 22, 2024


The opening ceremony of the 2012 0lymp!c Games in London featured giant creature of death holding a NEEDLE, with Doctors and Nurses dancing like zombies around children in hospital beds. ⏩️⏩️⏩️
📺 🔰 The idea of Pred!ct!ve Pr0gramm!ng is simple, the populace is prepared or programmed in advance for the coming changes with the help of fiction. It is an act of psychologically engineering the masses. Radical changes would be rejected by the people and a conditioning process is required to make them acceptable, this conditioning is done indirectly using fictional sources like movies and tv programs. In this way people are exposed to the ideas and concepts of the desired changes as they are interwoven in the storylines of movies, tv shows, music videos, novels etc. After this has been done for a long period of time, slowly the changes are implemented and become the new norm. This process of psychologically engineering people for the future with the help of movies and other forms of entertainment is called predictive programming. People are trained unknowingly for the coming changes subtly with the help of fiction. Its a form of mind control. Why predictive programming is necessary is because It’s difficult to break people’s habits and customs, they like familiarity and routine. You can’t just order people to march towards a change. You first need them to prepare them.
The desired future concepts and ideas like for example transhumanism are present everywhere in popular culture. All these ideas and concepts are embedded in the collective psyche through fiction. They were already present there in the public subconscious mind before becoming reality.
This is the how the process of pred!ct!ve pr0gramm!ng works:
1. Desensitize (exposure)
2. Repetition (conditioning)
3. Multiple platforms to convey the messages (music, fashion, novels etc)
4. Slowly and systematically the concepts are normalized (successful conditioning)
5. People accept the changes as normal and natural (desired outcome)
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