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Monday, July 26, 2021

Public Health Plague is the “Plague of Corruption” scandalous

 In this interview, Judy Mikovits, Ph.D., Frank Ruscetti, Ph.D., and Kent Heckenlively, a lawyer and science teacher, discuss “Ending Plague: A Scholar’s Obligation in an Age of Corruption,” which they co-wrote.

This is the third book in a trilogy that began with “Plague: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth About Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases” and “Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science.”

The first two were co-written by Mikovits and Heckenlively. The inspiration for the third book came from Ruscetti, who has been Mikovits’ mentor and professional collaborator for 38 years. As indicated in the subtitle, we won’t be able to end these plagues of scientific and academic corruption unless or until scholars and scientists honor their professional obligations and responsibilities.

“That's the point of the book, and we wouldn't have this mess if people like Tony [Anthony] Fauci and Bob [Robert] Gallo didn't get away with this thin playbook for things like Ebola, Zika and the autism epidemic, all the way back to HIV/AIDS,” Mikovits says.

Selling Out Public Health for Profit

“Plague” and “Plague of Corruption” detail the scientific discoveries made by Mikovits and Ruscetti, which include the scandalous findings that the blood supply and vaccines are tainted with disease-causing retroviruses, and the U.S. government has been hiding it for decades. The books read like fast-paced thrillers and offer a view into the halls of scientific inquiry, to which few people ever are privy.

Book No. 3, “Ending Plague,” is primarily Ruscetti’s story. By 1983, when Ruscetti hired Mikovits as a lab tech at Fort Detrick, he’d recently discovered T cell growth factor, later renamed interleukin 2. He’d also discovered the first disease-causing human retrovirus, called human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV-11) or human T cell leukemia virus, back in 1980. The book starts with Ruscetti’s story and perspective.

“The motivation for writing the book is not something new,” Ruscetti says, “and unless we change the fortunes of every man, it's just going to get worse. [During] the AIDS epidemic, we were at an impasse. What most people don't realize is that it shouldn't have been at an impasse then, because if you look at the rest of the world, the No. 1 cause of death among women of child bearing age is HIV.2

That’s a rather extraordinary statement. The leading cause of death among child-bearing women in the world is HIV/AIDS, but do you ever hear anything about that?3 If not, why do you think that is? In short, health agencies have done a terrible job over the last several decades, selling out public health for profit. As noted by Heckenlively:

“Public health has not been serving us well for the past 40 or 50 years. What I think is really extraordinary about Frank's story is he really details how science has gone wrong. We like to think of science as this democracy of experts: top people in their field discussing how the science should move forward. But public health is not like that.

Starting in the 1970s with Nixon's war on cancer, which accelerated under Reagan, these ‘czars’ of science were created. Tony Fauci is one of them. And then they demoted the other scientists to be like serfs. We don't really have that many ‘government scientists.’ We have a lot of scientists under contract with the federal government, and this has really set up a system where people like Tony Fauci essentially control public health.

I think if people understood that the system itself is set up so that relatively few people are in charge, then all of this makes more sense. So, when they talk about in the media ‘science is deciding this,’ ‘science is deciding that,’ it's really not.

It's just a relatively small handful of people, almost like a holy bureau of science, and that's what we're attacking. What we're trying to do is, we're trying to move science back to its original roots in which everybody who is qualified has a voice and can contribute to the discussion.”

Too Much Power in Too Few Hands

Fauci has been the head of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984. In the 37 years since, he’s been responsible for doling out research funding that amounts to nearly $1 trillion. Who has received those taxpayer dollars? Primarily those who are aligned with the drug industry. It’s become an incestuous relationship that revolves around the creation of profit, while the public receives virtually no benefit.

In fact, in many cases, public health has suffered tremendously, and people have no concept of what has happened, or how their ill health is the outgrowth of corrupted policies and conflicts of interest. Heckenlively says:

“The comparison I make is that Fauci has been head of National Institute for Allergy and infectious Diseases longer than J. Edgar Hoover was head of the FBI. [Editor’s note: Actually, Hoover was head of the FBI for 48 years, from 1924 to 19724Whether you're right, left or middle, nobody believes that anybody should hold that kind of power for that long.

In fact, having that kind of power in and of itself is a really bad idea. I think [Fauci] really is a terrible person because not only has he been in charge of this system, he helped design this system. We need to get rid of Fauci and keep the next Fauci from taking power.”

Importantly, Fauci and Big Pharma not only control the funding of research, they also control what gets published and what’s buried. Fauci is the reason you’ve not heard about HIV/AIDS being a leading cause of death among women of childbearing age, worldwide. This statistic is censored, just like facts about COVID-19 treatment and COVID shots are censored.

As explained by Mikovits, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), which primarily affects women, is basically AIDS without the HIV. It’s an immune dysfunction, and it can be traced back to contaminated vaccines, biologics and blood supply that have been used for decades.

As detailed in “Plague,” Fauci was a key figure in covering up the true cause of AIDS, which was incorrectly blamed on homosexuals and drug addicts. By fraudulently changing the definition of the disease and denying the presence of exogenous viruses, so-called xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related viruses or XMRVs, they prevented women from getting correct care. Mikovits explains:

“The definition was ‘Only HIV can cause AIDS,’ and we're looking at the same thing right now. There never was a SARS-CoV-2 monkey virus in hundreds of millions of people. They're being transmitted through the [COVID] vaccine, and through recombinants it can happen in only two weeks.”


Monday, July 19, 2021

ADHD and Alzheimer's from Aloa,

Wow, a vaccine conference with so many people coming out of the closet, they decided to make it all publicly available. . . 

The very fist one about Aluminum in Vaccines brings back the Alcoa article I found at FDA while at USF showing how toxicity occurred at age 45 for the typical American with the AL absorbed from beer-cans, deodorant and the like. . . yes eyesight gone within days, followed by more health issues.

Wow, so much more to it; yes specific details about ADHD and Alzheimer's from Alcoa, and notice how he says the word.  Different accent, or avoiding the AI-bots that repress the truth by tracking spoken words online. . . like with Climate Change, Fluoride, Cigarettes. . . 

Friday, July 16, 2021

Sugary Drinks Linked to Cancer

Sugary Drinks Linked to Tumor Growths in the Colon

Sugary Drinks Increase Risk of Colon Cancer in Young Adults

In this study, a team of researchers from Washington University School of Medicine,8 used data from the national Nurses’ Health Study II to evaluate the relationship between sugar-sweetened beverages and the increasing number of individuals younger than 55 diagnosed with colorectal cancer.9

There were 95,464 women aged 25 to 42 who reported their beverage intake from 1991 to 2015.10 They also examined data from a subset of 41,272 nurses who used a validated high school food frequency questionnaire to report their beverage intake when they were aged 13 to 18.

Monday, July 05, 2021

White supremacy don’t belong!

 Police say some of the angry onlookers scared off the white supremacists.

“They started engaging with citizens of Philadelphia, who were none too happy about what they were saying. These males felt threatened, and at one point somebody threw a smoke bomb to cover their retreat, and they literally ran away from the people of Philadelphia,” said Philadelphia Police Officer Michael Crum


You know these groups are well paid, funded and supported to create discord.  Divide and conquer only works if you have an “us and them”… no one watches FoX lies anymore, so old money moves to new methods!

Saturday, July 03, 2021

Scholars recognize the value of returning to indigenous Truths

Publications in organizational theory are fundamental to shifting our planet.  Professionals read this and understand deeper levels of their own professional growth. Having a scholar publish fundamental facts about indigenous truths is priceless right now.

We need to stop trying to re-educate and reform the indigenous. We need to honor the elders and learn and grow from their experience before they're all gone!

Sent from my iPhone 11+max :-D))

Begin forwarded message:

[PDF] Celebrating the end of enlightenment: Organization theory in the age of the Anthropocene and Gaia (and why neither is the solution to our ecological crisis)

B Banerjee, DL Arjaliès - Organization Theory, forthcoming, 2021
This article aims to change the terms of the conversation about the ecological crisis.
We argue that the human-nature dualism, a product of Enlightenment thought and
primarily responsible for the ecological crisis, cannot be the basis for any meaningful
solutions. We show how more recent Western imaginaries like the Anthropocene and
Gaia proposed to overcome the separation of nature from culture are also based on
exclusions that reflect Enlightenment rationality and legacies of colonialism. In sharp …
Cites: ‪Theoretical perspectives on organizations and organizing in a post …‬  

Friday, July 02, 2021

God You have DONE GREAT THINGS, Jesus our savior . . . Ha'le'lu'ya. . . . Ha'le'lu'ya. . . . Ha'le'lu'ya. . .

Let's go on a bike ride: 

Reclaiming the Narrative of Black Fatherhood - RWJF

Reclaiming the Narrative of Black Fatherhood

I recognize that I am blessed to be able to find balance. Many obstacles prevent fathers from being fully present in their family's day. Because of the environment I grew up in, I intimately understand the forces holding people back. I’m referring not just to a culture that only encourages men to pursue a very narrow set of traditionally masculine career paths, but also systems that make it difficult for men to take time off when they have a new baby or a sick parent. There is no question that policymakers can do more to break down those barriers with reforms like paid family leave.

    My dad was great showing me so much about this!
    I am so grateful . . . my big take away:
  1. always pray for guidance!
  2. bring kids t o church!
  3. save all the time you can to be with your kids
    1. yes, I would eat, read, work and play with them as much as possible
    2. make everything into a learning game, 
      1. let's do dishes, laundry, clean TOGETHER!
    3. navigate these evolving dynamics to grow with them!
  4. always listen TO THEM first!
  5. paraphrase and "what do you think?" before offering answers!
  6. never spank!  Discipline can be more chores, or less fun