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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Years Before Vietnam, TRUTH About Dioxins

Years Before Vietnam, the Chemical Industry Knew About Dioxins:

Dr Latham told us: “The papers clearly show that the authorities very often did not regulate the industry, but protected it instead.” Van Strum’s papers document, often for the first time, according to Latham, “that the dangers of highly toxic substances have been hushed up and played down for decades.”


Chemical Industry Knew About Dioxins

WOW, something got published in English!  
It will be hours or days before the American Machine chops it down so no one gets it!

Subject: Years Before Vietnam, the Chemical Industry Knew About Dioxins

Dear Friends and Colleagues

Published today, Tuesday, Nov 14th, in Independent Science News:

Years Before Vietnam, the Chemical Industry Knew About Dioxins
by Petra Sorge


Synopsis: Decades before the herbicide 2,4,5-T was pulled from the US market for containing dioxins, the global chemical giants Dow, BASF, Monsanto, and others, had extensive discussions amongst themselves of whether to sell dioxin-contaminated chemicals. These discussions ranged from chemical analysis of each other's products to comments on their safety and whether to inform governments that their products contained contaminants of "extraordinary danger".
This article is a translation from the German. The internal discussions reported in it are now available to the public for the first time thanks to The Poison Papers Project (www.poisonpapers.org). Released in July 2017, by The Bioscience Resource Project and the Center for Media and Democracy, the Poison Papers represent 3.5 tons, over 20,000 documents, showing unprecedented concealment by industry and regulators of chemical hazards stretching back to the 1920s. Most of these documents were obtained and preserved by Carol Van Strum, an Oregon mother and activist.

Please share this information if you find it of value.

Yours sincerely

Jonathan Latham, PhD
Executive Director
The Bioscience Resource Project
Ithaca, NY 14850 USA


Skype: jonathanlatham2
Tel: 1-607-319-0279
Twitter and Facebook: @Biosrp