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Saturday, May 23, 2015


Coconut | GreenMedInfo | Substance | Natural Medicine | Alternative:
Additional Topics Details for this Page

This links to a directory of research articles about Coconut health benefits
Article Count - 36
Cumulative Knowledge - 135

Thyroid Diseases

Thyroid Diseases | GreenMedInfo | Disease | Natural Medicine: Additional Topics Details for this Page

Article Count - 27
Cumulative Knowledge - 223

Monday, May 18, 2015

Fiscal 2015 Defense Authorization $604.2 billion in discretionary funding

we need to stop this crap!

May 18, 2015
In this MegaVote for Florida's 11th Congressional District:
Recent Congressional Votes
  • Senate: Trade Promotion Authority - Cloture
  • House: Waters of the United States – Passage
  • House: Twenty-Week Abortion Ban – Passage
  • House: Iran Nuclear Agreement Congressional Review – Passage
  • House: Fiscal 2015 Defense Authorization – Passage
Upcoming Congressional Bills
  • Senate: Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act
  • House: Highway and Transportation Funding Act of 2015
  • House: Fiscal 2016 Legislative Branch Appropriations
  • House: American Research and Competitiveness Act
Fiscal 2015 Defense Authorization – Passage - Vote Passed (269-151, 12 Not Voting)

The House passed a bill that would authorize $604.2 billion in discretionary funding for defense programs in fiscal 2016, including $89.2 billion for overseas contingency operations, of which $38.3 billion would be authorized for non-war base budget operations and maintenance. Excluding the war funding, the bill would authorize roughly: $136.6 billion for operations and maintenance, $109.7 billion for procurement, $136.4 billion for military personnel, $7.3 billion for military construction and family housing, $68.4 billion for research, development, testing and evaluation, and $31.7 billion for the Defense Health Program.

Rep. Rich Nugent voted YES

Sunday, May 03, 2015

"Culture in Decline" - some common sense

"Culture in Decline" - by PJ - Zeitgeist:

“Culture in Decline” is a 30 min., Bi-Monthly Web-Series created and hosted by Peter Joseph.
As with all of Peter's video work, it is part of a Free Distribution
Media Project that allows open, non-profit distribution of his film
media across the world. The Series' central viewing medium is YouTube,
via the “Culture in Decline” Official Channel.

“Culture in Decline” is a satirical yet serious expression that
challenges various cultural phenomena existing today which most of
society seem to take for granted. Nothing is considered sacred in this
Series except for a detached benchmark of fundamental logic and reason -
forcing the viewer to step out of the box of “Normality” and to
consider our societal practices without traditional baggage and biases.
Common themes include Politics, Economics, Education, Security,
Religion, Vanity, Governance, Media, Labor, Technology and other issues
centric to our daily lives.

The Pilot Episode of Culture in Decline, "What Democracy?" was met with great praise from various Counter-Culture Icons, such as Comedian Joe Rogan, who stated:

"Peter Joseph is asking the questions and
proposing the possible solutions that we should be demanding from the
elected leaders of this crazy world. His brilliant analysis of this
ridiculous system we're operating under is one of the most important
voices for change in this generation."

-Joe Rogan

Support for "Culture in Decline" is achieved through voluntary
Donation. If you wish to support this ongoing work and hence the free
Torrents and Downloads, please go here.