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Saturday, February 08, 2025

Take This as a Warning

Most of us noticed early on that participation in digital space tends toward hostility. The discussion (unless curated and/or shut down in time) almost always becomes hostile. But that hostility grooms the psyche and spills over into physical life. The less humans know about themselves, the more violent they become.

Take This as a Warning

We who happen to live in neighborhoods and cities that are not blown apart — and where there is tap water and heat and trash collection — need to take heed. 

Look what was done to the Palestinians, who were already living only marginally, in an enormous open-air prison. Their society was bombed and bulldozed as the world watched and the people doing it called the rest of us racist. What is going to happen to Los Angeles, and to Asheville? What about Lahaina? What happened to New Orleans after Rita and Katrina?

The people who demolished Palestinian society are in charge of American and European society. They control the money. They control the intel apparatus and the health security apparatus. They are turning their colonial instincts onto American communities that are devastated allegedly by the phantom of climate change. It shows up and takes one metropolitan area after the next, which was scheduled for conversion to a “smart city.”

It’s hard to see this for what it is, and nobody really wants to. And nearly everyone is going along with the march of “artificial intelligence” just like they went along with the iPhone nearly 20 years ago, not seeing it for the Trojan horse that it is. All that makes a human, human is their intelligence and their sensitivity. And we are rapidly delegating this to computer systems that can neither think nor feel, and which will relieve us of the seeming burden of both.

Ah yes, and then we will finally be free.

Don’t count on it.

With love,

Your faithful astrologer,

Monday, February 03, 2025

Fwd: Repeated False Accusations of Fascism