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Friday, January 17, 2025

Globally, biodiversity is in decline 1/4 gone already

Globally, biodiversity is in decline6 with freshwater ecosystems being particularly affected20. On the basis of monitored natural inland wetlands (including peatlands, marshes, swamps, lakes, rivers and pools, among others), 35% of wetland area was lost between 1970 and 2015, at a rate three times faster than that of forests21. Of the remaining wetland habitats, 65% are under moderate-to-high levels of threat22 and 37% of rivers over 1,000 km are no longer free-flowing over their full length23. Declines are continuing, generally out of sight and out of mind, despite the importance of the freshwater realm. Freshwaters support over 10% of all known species, including approximately one-third of vertebrates and one-half of fishes, while only covering less than 1% of the surface of the Earth1. This diversity of freshwater species provides essential ecosystem services (such as nutrient cycling, flood control and climate change mitigation2), can be used as bioindicators of wetland quality24, and supports the culture, economy and livelihoods of billions of people worldwide2.

One-quarter of freshwater fauna threatened with extinction

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Surrogacy estimation analyses within two conservation strategies

To evaluate the degree to which conservation of threatened amphibians, birds, mammals and reptiles (individually or combined) serve as surrogates for conservation of threatened freshwater decapods, fishes and odonates (individually or combined), we calculated the SAI of surrogate effectiveness33. A surrogate is selected as a representative of conservation planning, simplifying the process of monitoring and conserving biodiversity. Its effectiveness hinges on how well the surrogate can reflect the presence, abundance and diversity of species in a given area. Here we used species accumulation curves to measure this effectiveness, by comparing the species accumulation curves of surrogates with those of the target group.

We performed the analyses on two main global conservation strategies: (a) maximizing rarity-weighted richness (that is, the aggregate importance of each grid cell to the species occurring there) of threatened species, and (b) maximizing inclusion of the most range-restricted threatened species. The first strategy prioritizes areas containing many threatened species with highly restricted ranges globally, whereas the second prioritizes essential areas for the most globally range-restricted threatened species.

We implemented both conservation strategies within the spatial conservation planning software Zonation80 and the R81 package ‘zonator’82, using the additive benefit function (ABF) and the core-area zonation (CAZ) algorithms for strategy a and strategy b, respectively. The algorithm for the ABF (strategy a) focuses on ranking areas by the sum of the proportion of the overall range size of all species found within a specific grid cell (that is, a quantity similar to weighted species endemism and endemism richness). The grid cells that contain many species occurring exclusively in that cell or in only a few other cells are given the highest priority. In the CAZ algorithm (strategy b), areas are prioritized based on the maximum proportion of the global range size of all species within a specific grid cell. The algorithm assigns the highest priority to cells that contain the greatest proportions of the ranges of the most range-restricted species.

We estimated optimal, surrogate and random curves based on multiple target species-surrogate species combinations. We used 100 sets of random terrestrial grid-cell sequences to generate 95% confidence intervals around a median random curve. We ran five iterations of each spatial prioritization algorithm for each taxonomic group, and optimal and surrogate curves were summarized using the median and 95% confidence intervals across the five iterations.

We derived the SAI of surrogate effectiveness83, which quantifies the rate of inclusion of target biodiversity units across areas selected optimally based on the targets themselves, based on surrogate diversity, or at random, as

where s is the area under the surrogate curve, r is the area under the random curve, and o is the area under the optimal curve. If SAI = 1, the optimal and the surrogate curves coincide (perfect surrogacy); if SAI is between 1 and 0, the surrogate curve is above the random curve (positive surrogacy); if SAI = 0, the surrogate and random curves are the same (no surrogacy); and if SAI < 0, the surrogate curve is below the random curve (negative surrogacy). We used the following descriptors to define SAI performance: 0.01–0.19 as very poor, 0.20–0.39 as poor, 0.40–0.59 as reasonable, 0.60–0.79 as good, and 0.80–0.99 as very good. It should be noted that if SAI = 0.5, for example, this does not mean that 50% of targets are represented and 50% of targets are not represented. For each SAI, we reported the median and 95% confidence intervals based on the five target and surrogate curve iterations and 100 random curve iterations.

In addition, we evaluated whether prioritizing for two widely used hydrological variables (water stress as a measure of water quantity, and eutrophication (nitrate–nitrite) as a measure of water quality) are effective surrogacy strategies for conservation of threatened freshwater species. We used the SAI to evaluate the ability of both variables to identify areas that most efficiently represent threatened freshwater species, again harnessing strategies for both maximizing rarity-weighted richness (ABF) and maximizing inclusion range-restricted species (CAZ). Once again, we used Zonation80 to generate the complementarity-based ranking of conservation values of the target, with the respective algorithms, over the landscape of interest. To generate the rank order, we used (1) the baseline water stress layer from the Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas, which measures the ratio of total water demand (for example, domestic, industrial, irrigation, and livestock consumptive and non-consumptive uses) to available renewable surface and groundwater supplies84,85, and (2) the baseline nitrogen layer from the World Bank catalogue, which provides global predictions of nitrate–nitrite levels86. The water stress layer was considered a proxy of a baseline level of water demand compared with available renewable water and groundwater, as used in setting science-based targets for freshwater8. Nitrogen levels in water around the world are highly correlated with population density, sanitation practices and agricultural activities. Here the nitrogen layer was predicted globally and provides valuable information about nitrogen concentrations in areas where no previous observations have been made.

We rasterized the baseline water stress and the nitrogen layers to a 0.5 × 0.5 latitude–longitude grids (approximately 50-km resolution; WGS84) to match the species rasters. For the water stress analysis, we excluded cells with missing water stress data across the world’s land (12% of cells excluded). We found that 44% of the world’s cells with water stress data had no threatened freshwater species, but these cells were still included in the analysis. For the nitrogen levels analysis, we excluded cells missing nitrogen data across the world’s land, which accounted for 16% of the cells. Among the remaining cells with nitrogen data, 52% had no threatened freshwater species, but again these were retained in the analysis. Before constructing the curves, we organized sites (grid cells) in the species matrix from those with high abiotic values to low abiotic values for ranking cells. We used 100 sets of random terrestrial grid-cell sequences to generate 95% confidence intervals around a median random curve. We generated five random terrestrial grid cell sequences for constructing the surrogate curves, so we randomly changed the rank order only between those cells that have the same values.

Reporting summary

Further information on research design is available in the Nature Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article.

Data availability

Taxonomic data for freshwater fishes are available from Eschmeyer’s Catalog of Fishes (http://researcharchive.calacademy.org/research/ichthyology/catalog/fishcatmain.asp) and for odonates from the World Odonata List (https://www.pugetsound.edu/slater-museum-natural-history-0/biodiversity-resources/insects/dragonflies/world-odonata-list). All IUCN Red List assessment data are publicly available on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species website (www.iucnredlist.org). Occasionally, where a species may be under threat from over-collection, sensitive spatial data are not publicly available. All tabular and spatial data used in the analyses (‘One-quarter of freshwater fauna threatened with extinction’) are available (https://www.iucnredlist.org/resources/data-repository). Baseline water stress data (‘Aqueduct water stress projections data’) are available from the Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas (https://www.wri.org/data/aqueduct-water-stress-projections-data). Baseline nitrogen data (‘Global — nitrate–nitrite in surface water’) are available from the World Bank catalogue (https://datacatalog.worldbank.org/search/dataset/0038385/Global–Nitrate-nitrite-in-Surface-Water). Source data are provided with this paper.

Code availability

The code used for the surrogacy analyses is available at Zenodo87(https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10286099). No code was used for the chi-squared tests, which were performed in Microsoft Excel.


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